Reglas durin's folk y first born

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Os escribo para pedir una ayudita con respecto a las reglas especificas para durin's folk y first born... Hay algun manual para poder consultar? Lo estoy buscando en la web y no saco nada en claro... A ver si alguien tiene algun pdf o algo para poder consultar....
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General Rulings for Dream-card Events and Games


• All ICE optional rules are in effect. These are indicated below by the keyword ICE. Some have been altered slightly to accommodate for dream-card games.
• All accepted Unofficial Errata Proposals (UEP's) are in effect. These are listed in appendix 3 (page 194), or see: , section optional rules.

• There are a number of new icons on dream-cards. Some replace actions or keywords written normally on regular cards. They are the following:
=> tap this card (to...)
=> corruption check
=> marshalling point(s), or marshalling point pile
=> company versus company combat
=> Desert region
=> Jungle region. Counts also as Wilderness for the purpose of playing and interpreting non-environment hazards.

• Black players (see appendix 2, p.125) may play manifestations of The Lidless Eye against grey players.

Card playability and sideboard:
• Whenever the play of a card is not allowed for a certain player, it may not be included in the play deck (i.e. it may not be in his play deck at the start of the game). Whenever a card may not be included in the play deck by a certain player, he may not play it.

• However, there are no restrictions for sideboard construction, except for restrictions concerning the total number of copies you are allowed to include in deck and sideboard(s) combined.
• Cards in your sideboard that you are normally not allowed to play do not change card type when card effect allows their play. An avatar may tap to get any type of resource from the sideboard to the play deck or discard pile.
Example: as Wizard or Lord you may normally not play (minion) magic resources. Sulhelka allows a player to play Bitter Cold. A Wizard-player may include 3 copies in his sideboard, but a Lord-player may include only 2, as he may specifically include only 2 of each (non-unique) minion resource. Bitter Cold remains a minion resource, as Sulhelka does not state it may be used as a hero resource. Bitter Cold can therefore not be targeted by e.g. Smoke Rings.

Manifestation rules:
 If a card mentions a specific character or resource as requirement to be played or to take an effect, you may normally substitute that with any other character c.q. resource manifestation of the mentioned card.
Examples: - Vilya may be played on Elrond Half-elven as if on Elrond.
- Strider may use Athelas as if Aragorn II.
- Great Friendship can be played on and affects Gimli Son of Glóin in a company with Legolas of Greenwood.
- Arwen has +7 DI against Strider and Thorongil.
- The Precious can be played on a character in the company with Bilbo’s Magic Ring.
Exception: Return of the King and Army of the Dead may only be played on/by Aragorn II.

 If a card or rule requires a specific character or resource to be present (e.g. at a site, or in the company) or to be revealed, the presence c.q. revealing of any manifestation of that character or resource is sufficient.
Examples: - Knowledge of Narya may be played if Mithrandir is in a company at the same site.
- You may make an influence attempt against Aragorn revealing (and playing) a copy of Strider.
Exception: when making an influence attempt, you may only reveal a manifestation of the same type (character for character, ally for ally etc.).

Deck construction

• For a deck to be legal in a dream-card tournament, it must contain an overall minimum of 25% dream-cards (round up) and the resource portion and hazard portion of your play deck must each contain at least 25% dream-cards (round up).
Example: this is at least 8 dream-card resources and 8 dream-card hazards in a 30/30 deck.
• You may include 1 avatar copy in play deck and pool combined for every 20 cards in your play deck. Characters and avatars straight in deck (i.e. not coming from your pool) count towards play deck size.
Example: if your play deck consists of 35 resources, 35 hazards, 6 characters and 3 avatars (total of 79), you may include a 4th avatar (for a total of 80 cards).
Clarification: players whose avatar is not fixed/announced before the start of the game may still only include a maximum of 2 different avatars in their play deck.
Clarification: resource manifestations of The Lidless Eye are considered avatar for non-hazard purposes.

• Pool. You may include in your pool any card that one might start the game with, regardless of its alignment. After starting companies are determined, any cards left in your pool that you are normally not allowed to include in your play deck must go to the sideboard (or be removed from play).
Nb. Other rules for pool construction still apply (maximum of 10 characters, 3 startable minor items and/or resource events, 3 resource events that give stage points, etc.).
Example: Celedhring is an 8 mind startable minion Elf character and may therefore be in the pool of any player. New Closeness to His Kin is a startable hero event that allows the play of a minion Elf. A Wizard-player can start Celedhring, but a Fallen-wizard cannot. And as he is no agent, a Fallen-wizard (or Balrog) player could never play Celedhring. Thus per the above given DC rule it may not be in his play deck at the start of the game, and must go to the sideboard.

• Sideboard. For every 20 cards in your play deck, your regular sideboard may contain 10 cards. Characters and avatars straight in deck count towards play deck size.
Example: if your play deck contains 80-99 cards, your sideboard may contain 40 cards.
• You may construct a special 10 card sideboard only useable when playing against a grey player (see appendix 2, p.12). Nb. if you use your vs. minion deck to play against a Fallen-wizard, you must also use this special sideboard.
• You may construct a special 10 card DC World sideboard. Whenever your opponent has a company at or moving to a site that is not in Eriador, Wilderland, Greater Gondor, or Mordor, you may add this sideboard to your regular sideboard. If your opponent starts the game at such a site, you may add 2 cards from this sideboard to your play deck.

• Any (grey) agent your avatar is normally not allowed to play as character counts as a hazard (and half creature) for the purpose of deck construction.
Example: Ellindiel counts as character in a Wizard and Elf-lord deck, and as hazard in any other deck, because Wizards/Elf-lords are the only avatars that can play Ellindiel as character without the use of a card (c.q. at her home site).

Starting the game

• Minor items. You may start the game with up to 3 minor items.
• After starting companies have been determined, any card from your pool that was not played may normally go to your play deck or sideboard (or be removed from the game).
• Resource events played in lieu of a minor item must be revealed as if they were characters, with duplicate unique ones going to play deck or sideboard.

• Starting site. If you want to start the game at any other site than normally allowed for your alignment or avatar, at least half of the characters in the company must be unique.
• You may start the game at any site, if all characters in your starting company have that site as a home site.
• You may start the game at your avatar's home site, if that site normally is a Haven for you. Clarification: only Fallen-wizards, Lords and grey players declare their avatar at the start of the game, so this only applies to these players. If you start the game with your avatar in play (see below), it applies to any player whose avatar’s home site is a Haven.

• ICE; starting your Wizard. One of your starting characters may be your avatar. For this purpose, he takes up 12 of your initial 20 general influence. If you start the game with your avatar in play, your opponent may take 1 hazard from his play deck or sideboard to his hand (after a starting hand is drawn; reshuffle play deck if searched).
• You may only include 1 avatar card in your pool.

• All alignments that are allowed to play (grey) agents as characters may play 1 agent in their starting company without the use of a resource event, if and only if the agent is of the same race as your avatar or you start the game at the agent's home site. Any additional agent in your starting company will need the use of a resource event (e.g. Open to the Summons.).

• Starting hand. If you have no resources normally worth any marshalling point(s) in your hand at the start of the game, you may reveal your hand to your opponent, shuffle all cards back into the play deck, and draw a new hand of 8 cards. This may be done once.
Clarification: resources with MP’s in parentheses are not considered worth MP’s.

Untapping, healing and Organization phase

• Healing. Characters and allies at a Haven or their home site heal from wounded to untapped during the untap phase. For this purpose, the site where an ally is playable is considered his home site.
• Home sites of generic type (e.g. any Dark-hold, any Dwarf-hold etc.) are not considered home sites for the purposes of healing or cancelling automatic-attacks.
Clarification: generic here means that only a type is given, e.g. ‘any Dark-hold.’ When a specific name is given, e.g. ‘any site in Imlad Morgul’, that is not considered a generic site type.

• You may reveal and discard a copy of your avatar from hand to untap your avatar. This may be done at any time during the game, if your avatar is allowed to untap.

• Bringing a character into play. Any character may be brought into play at his home site, under general or direct influence and during the organization phase, if you have a company at that site - even if your avatar is in play but not at the site.

• A company may normally contain only one leader. Avatar leaders do not count towards the maximum number of leaders the company may contain.

• ICE; Wizard to Fallen-wizard conversion: when your Wizard fails a corruption check by 0 or -1 (except from transferring an item during the organization phase), you may convert to a Fallen-wizard player. Take the corresponding Fallen-wizard version of your avatar from your sideboard, and place him at a different site in the same or an adjacent region (or an adjacent site) as the Wizard’s current site or the site moved to; any non-ally, non-follower cards he controls may be transferred to the Fallen-wizard version, discard any other cards played on the Wizard and remove the Wizard from play. Take up to 3 stage cards worth a total of 3 stage points from your sideboard and put them into play, if the conditions to play them exist. Your Fallen-wizard is considered “off to the side” until the end of the turn.
Clarification: you still receive a -5 MP penalty for losing your avatar.
Clarification: your opponent may now add his special sideboard useable when playing against a Fallen-wizard player.
Alternatively: if you have not yet revealed an avatar and have a character manifestation in play of a Lord-avatar, you may convert to a Lord-player instead when this character fails a corruption check (as outlined above).

Long-event and Movement/hazard phase

• Long-events. You may play resource long-events at any time during your turn.
Nb. They are still discarded during your long-event phase.

• You may tap and discard a hazard permanent-event that is a manifestation of a Wizard or Elf-lord to access your sideboard (as if a Nazgûl permanent-event).

• Starter movement. Cards are always drawn based on the number given on the site moved to (regardless of starter movement).
• When moving with starter movement, the company is considered to be moving through all regions as indicated in the site path on the site card. If it is unclear which region corresponds with which symbol in the site path, the resource player chooses the region(s).
Clarification: creatures may thus be keyed to any region in the site path (by name or type), and attacks that affect these regions (e.g. ahunt Dragons) also take effect.

• ICE; special movement into Gorgoroth and Udûn. Hero companies may only move to sites in Gorgoroth and Udûn starting from a site in these regions or in Imlad Morgul, or using region movement through Nurn, Under-deeps movement, or special movement.

• A Coastal Sea region cannot be changed into another type by a hazard or resource effect, unless specifically mentioned on the card.
• Whenever movement is increased for a company moving through at least one Coastal Sea region, the increased number of regions may not be greater than the number of non-Coastal Sea regions in the company’s site path. This does not apply to cards that specifically allow you to move extra Coastal Sea regions (e.g. Shipwright).
Example: If you use Waybread for 2 extra region movement, at least 2 of the regions in the site path must be non-Coastal Sea regions.

• A region that normally has two or more region symbols of the same type, also called a ‘Deep’ region (e.g. a Deep Wilderness, or Deep Coastal Sea) is considered a region with a single symbol (of the given type) for the purpose of playing and interpreting any card that is not a hazard creature or hazard that makes creatures playable. Nb. This does not change any site’s site path.
Examples: Lure of Nature forces one corruption check for each Deep Wilderness region (e.g. Thorenaer) in the company’s site path, not two. Radagast draws one extra card for a Deep Wilderness region, not two. Fair Sailing reduces a company’s hazard limit by one for moving through a Deep Coastal Sea, not two or three (e.g. The Sundering Seas).

Specific types of movement:
The types of movement given below are special forms of region movement, and not considered new ways of movement (nor special movement).

• Flying movement. If every character and ally in the company has ‘flying’, the company may normally move up to 6 regions. For the purpose of playing and interpreting hazards and cards that create an attack without the keyword flying (or winged), the types and names of the regions that are not the first or last region in the company’s site path are ignored.

• Moving through a mountain region. A mountain region must always be the first or last region in a moving company’s site path.
Clarification: when using a mountain region for a moving company, it must be for moving to or from a site therein; one cannot move through it, the terrain is difficult.
If a site in a mountain region has any regions listed by name under “special:”, you must move to this site via one of the listed regions (unless moving within the same mountain region).
Nb. On the DC map a mountain region can be recognized by its brown border. See also the corresponding region cards, or appendix 1 (page 10) for a list of mountain regions.

• Moving through a Desert region. When moving through a Desert region, each Desert symbol in the company’s site path decreases the maximum number of regions the company may move by 1 (to a minimum of 2). When moving through a Desert region, each ranger with a home site in The Sun-lands (as well as certain cards, e.g. Zûrafy) increases the number of regions the company may move by 1 (to a maximum of 4).
Nb: starter movement is not affected by the number of Desert symbols in the site path.
Example: if you have 2 rangers with a home site in The Sun-lands (or other modifiers) in the company, you may move 4 regions with 2 Desert symbols, or 3 regions with 3 Desert symbols, or 2 regions with 4 or more Desert symbols in the site path.

• Moving through a Deep Coastal Sea region. Each Coastal Sea symbol of a region counts as one region towards the maximum movement. When revealing a new site in a Coastal Sea region, you may discard (for no effect) a Belegaer, Black Sails, or Great Ship from hand to let each Deep Coastal Sea region in the site path count as one region.

• Port-movement. When moving by way of card effect allowing port-movement, you must move from a site that is a port or is in a Coastal Sea region, to a site that is a port or is in a Coastal Sea region, and you must move through at least two regions and no consecutive non-Coastal Sea regions. The types of all non-Coastal Sea regions in the company’s site path are ignored for all purposes.
Example: if a company moves from Lond Galen to Pelargir with port-movement, e.g. by tapping a Dúnadan Mariner, it is considered moving through Anfalas, Bay of Belfalas, Mouths of the Anduin and Lebennin, but the site path is only C/C.
Nb. Port-on-River sites are not considered port sites.

• ICE; tapping to face multiple strikes. During strike assignment, if an untapped character is assigned a strike from an attack and you assign any other strikes of the attack, you may assign another strike of the attack to this character. The character must tap to face the first strike, and his prowess against both strikes is modified by -3. This may only be done if the character is able to tie both strikes with his modified prowess (i.e. including the -3/-4 modifications). The second strike is faced in a separate strike sequence immediately following the first strike.

• Attacks with multiple attack types: some hazard creatures or automatic-attacks have two types (e.g. Ibûn is both Dwarf and Undead). Hazards and resources affecting either of the types mentioned also affect attacks with multiple types. If either of the types would result in a detainment attack, the attack is detainment.

• Attacks by (non-Vermin) Animals, Dragons, Drakes, and creatures with an asterisk (*) are not considered detainment against minions at Shadow-holds and in Shadow-lands.

• Agents may also tap to make creatures playable at a site on a company that already is at the site (i.e. that had not moved to the site this turn).

• Half-orc characters may take trophies. If a Half-orc controls any trophies, his company is always overt.

Site phase

• ICE; recently visited sites. Any automatic-attack receives an additional +1 to strikes and prowess for each copy of any version of that site in any player's discard pile.
• ICE; Burglaring. An untapped Hobbit may attempt a burglary at an untapped site: at the beginning of the site phase, but before facing automatic-attacks, tap the Hobbit and the site, and make a roll. If the result is greater than 5, the Hobbit may play an item playable at the site and all automatic-attacks are considered faced. Otherwise, the Hobbit faces all automatic-attacks alone. Only the Hobbit may play and use cards during this site phase.

• An ally may tap to cancel one automatic-attack at his (non-generic) home site.

• Playing stored items. A stored item may be played c.q. brought into active play again by its controlling player during the site phase at the site where it was stored; tap the site if untapped.
Any version of an opponent’s stored item may be played in this fashion: reveal it to opponent, and if opponent has a company at the site he may decide that CvCC must be initiated before the item can be played, if CvCC is allowed between the companies. CvCC is in this case not cancelled or disallowed as per site card effect. Afterwards, if the item is played, opponent must take his copy to hand or discard it.

• ICE; Defending with Direct Influence. Whenever a card (e.g. Call of Home) or an influence check requires the defending character (or entity) to add his player’s unused general influence, you may choose to use the unused direct influence of a non-avatar character in the same company instead of your unused general influence. For cards and attempts against factions, this may only be done if the character with the unused direct influence is at the site where the faction was played.

• Race bonus. Any bonus a character has on direct influence against characters of a specific race also applies to factions of that race/type. Nb. this does not apply vice versa.

• Company versus Company Combat (CvCC). Both the attacking and the defending player may play and use resources that affect an attack or strike, or cards that are playable during CvCC.
• Resources that affect prowess and/or body of an attack only affect 1 strike of CvCC (of the resource player’s choice). Example: you may tap Black Arrow to give -1 to the prowess and body of one of opponent’s characters in CvCC, not the whole company.
• ICE; If a Fallen-wizard player has at least 12 stage points, the company containing his avatar may attack and be attacked by any other company in the game. For a grey player (see appendix 2, pg. 13) this amount is at least 6 stage points.

• ICE; attempt to steal an item. Immediately following CvCC, if your opponent's company contains only wounded characters, you may tap a character in your company to steal an item of your choice in opponent’s company. Both the bearer of the item and the character tapping must have been assigned a strike in CvCC. The item is discarded, and if you have a version of it in your hand you may play it with the character tapping.

Taking a character prisoner with the company:
An opponent’s character may be taken prisoner with a company in three ways:
1. under a host resource (e.g. Sack over the Head). This resource will have the keyword Prisoner.
2. instead of rescuing an opponent’s imprisoned character. Tap a character during the site phase in your company at the site where the character is taken prisoner, after facing any rescue-attacks: opponent’s imprisoned character is now taken prisoner with your company.
Nb. Hero characters may not take other hero characters prisoner this way.
3. instead of stealing an opponent’s item after CvCC. Immediately after CvCC, if your opponent's company contains only wounded characters, you may tap one character in your company to take the character he has just received a strike from prisoner.

• When a character is taken prisoner with the company, its controlling player may choose to discard any items he controls (unless outlined otherwise on the host resource). Any allies he controls are discarded. Other cards the prisoner controls remain in play.

• A prisoner is considered “off to the side”: he costs no influence to control, yields negative MPs to his controlling player, and any cards he controls yield no MP’s. Hazards do not affect the prisoner or cards he controls.

• A host may control only one prisoner. The prisoner may be transferred to another character in the company that taps (who then becomes the host). When the host becomes wounded, the prisoner must be transferred (after body checks are made). If no character in the company is available to transfer a prisoner, or if the host is discarded or eliminated, or if the host controlling player so chooses, the prisoner is released at a site in the same region as the host’s current site or site moved to (or an adjacent site), and regains his normal status.

• A prisoner may be stored at a Haven along with all cards he controls (unless outlined otherwise on the host resource). He is still considered prisoner; the site where he is stored is his rescue site. The prisoner may be released according to normal rules, i.e. by tapping a character during the site phase at the site, after facing any rescue-attacks. Any stored items the prisoner controls may be played separately by any player according to normal rules for stored items (see above).

End-of-turn phase and End of the Game

• Minion players no longer need to play Sudden Call to call the Audience with Sauron; normal requirements for calling the Council suffice (i.e. in a two-deck game: exhausting your deck and having 25 MP’s). Nb. Sudden Call may still be played as a hazard.
• For black players to win the game by bringing The One Ring to Barad-dûr, the bearer of The One Ring must successfully make a corruption check during the end-of-turn phase.

• Any item, ally, or faction only playable at a site that is normally considered a Haven to a player is never worth more than 1 MP to that player (overriding any card effects).
Examples: Orcs of Moria is worth 1 MP to a Balrog player and full MP’s to other minion players; Stinker is worth normal MP’s to a Balrog player, as it can also be played at Goblin-gate;
Elves of Lothlórien is worth 1 MP to a Wizard or Galadriel player, but possibly 2 MP’s to other players; Riders of Rohan is worth 3 MP for a Théoden player, because Edoras needs Meduseld to become a Haven.

• Miscellaneous marshalling points are a separate category of marshalling points that can be doubled if no opponent has any MP’s in this category at the end of the game.
Grey agent rules

Grey agents are heroes who prefer to operate alone and in silence. Unlike minion agents, they do not use deception to infiltrate the ranks of the Dark Lord. Rather they use their tracking skills to lay a close watch on the enemy, to sabotage his plans, and lead a force of the Free Peoples against them. Sometimes they are bold enough to attack a minion company alone.
Unless specified below, all rules, rulings and clarifications that apply to regular (hereafter: minion) agents also apply to grey agents.

General rules:
• A grey agent may be played as an agent (hazard) or as a hero character. You normally need a resource (e.g. Thrall of the Voice, Draw Swords Together) to play a grey agent as a character at any other site than his home site, or to start the game with him.
• A grey agent may not be in the company of overt characters (see Appendix 2, p.12).
• A grey agent starting as a character may turn into an agent, if you play Deeds of Lonely Daring. Any resources he controls still affect him as if he were a normal character.
• Any face down agent controlling any resources may not be played or revealed (as agent or character) by other players. Nb. this also applies to minion agents.
• Agents and any resources they control are never worth any marshalling points to you and cost no influence to control (while in play as agent).

As agent:
• While at a Darkhaven, Dark-hold, or Shadow-hold, a grey agent may not target (e.g. attack, make influence attempts, or perform agent actions) a company at his site, or play hazards requiring an agent directly affecting opponent or his company at the site.
Clarification: a grey agent may move to Darkhavens and Dark/Shadow-holds, but may not act against companies there or act during the site phase. This means he rather hangs out around the site, but being alone he would not dare enter such places. He may however act against companies moving to such sites (if card effect allows him to).

• A grey agent attacks normally against overt and Ringwraith companies, and as detainment against any other companies.

• You may include hazards requiring an agent in your deck against minion opponents.
• Hazards which require an agent and which directly affect or target your opponent or any of his cards in play may only be played on/by minion agents against white players (see Appendix 2, p.11).
Similarly, hazards which require an agent and which directly affect or target your opponent or any of his cards in play may only be played on/by grey agents against black and grey players.
Clarification: if your opponent is a white player, you may still play cards like Nobody's Friend or Never Seen Him on a grey agent (these do not target or directly affect opponent or any of his cards), but not Pilfer Anything Unwatched or Your Welcome is Doubtful, etc. The same applies with respect to minion agents and minion opponents.

• A grey agent may only tap to make the following creatures playable at a Free-hold, Border-hold or Ruins & Lairs: any asterisk (*) creature of the same type/race as the agent or as the automatic-attack. If such a creature is normally only playable keyed to regions by name, the site must be located in a region within the same territory as one of the regions listed (see appendix 4 for a list of territories and regions).

• Withdrawn to Mordor may not be played on a grey agent.
• Face out of Sight does not affect a grey agent.


1. List of Miscellaneous Rulings & Dream-card Errata (DCE)

 A special item with the keyword Ring does not tap the character or the site when played to replace a Gold Ring. Clarification: ring special items do tap character and site if played during the site phase without replacing a Gold Ring (like any item normally would).

 The following cards cannot be duplicated:
A Short Rest, Clear Skies, Lapse of Will, Star of High Hope, Heart Grown Cold
 The following cards cannot be duplicated on/for a company:
Crept along Carefully, Fellowship, Going Ever under Dark, The Misty Mountain/Ash Mountain Deeps, The Undeeps of Anduin, The White Mountain Cavern-ways, any command or mode card

 The following cards do not affect a minion player or his companies (or entities therein):
Clear Skies, Cloudless Day, Forewarned Is Forearmed, More Alert Than Most

Some of the standard MECCG cards have received a dream-card erratum (dce). This is done to:
1. make dream-card games faster or more enjoyable. Example: a character need not tap to use Healing Herbs for its healing effect (similar to Foul-smelling Paste);
2. make cards more thematic. Example: My Precious gains a home site The Under-grottos;
3. correct a few shortcomings. Example: The Reach of Ulmo not only prevents Ford, but also Hidden Ways, its minion equivalent;
4. limit or expand the use of certain cards in the much wider dream-card realm.
Examples: Corsairs of Umbar also attack in Hyarmenfalas (Umbar), Winds of Wrath can only detour a company 4 regions (not to the other side of the globe).

Most dce are rather small and/or obvious. For convenience, the list is split into Major and Minor errata. See also the cards on gccg for the literal dce wordings.
Nb. The parts between brackets contain unaffected text already on the cards.

Major dce:
- Balrog of Moria: add body value 9
- “Bert”/”Tom”/”William”: add body value 5
- Cave Worm: add: […Númeriador, Iron Hills], Dragon Gap, or any mountain region.
- Corsairs of Umbar: add: […Old Pûkel-land] Andrast Coast, Bay of Belfalas, Elven Shores, Eriadoran Coast, Coast of Harad, Hyarmenfalas, Mardruak, Mardruak Cape, and Mouths of the Anduin.
add: […played at] Border-holds
- Eagle-mounts: add: […may move] with flying movement
add: […or a Dark-hold] and is in the same or an adjacent territory as the company’s current site.
- Healing Herbs: delete: tap and [discard this item to heal…]
- Guarded Haven: add: […one of your] non-protected
- King under the Mountain: must be played at the Dragon’s Lair corresponding to the unique Dragon target character’s company has defeated any non-ahunt manifestation of.
- Liquid Fire: delete: (resulting body check for the creature are modified by -2)
- Old Forest: this site may not be used. Old Forest is now the name of a region card.
Replace “Old Forest” with “Tom’s House” on the following cards: Goldberry, Mistress Lobelia,
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Tom Bombadil
Add Old Forest to the listed regions on the following cards: Beasts of the Wood, Farmer Maggot, Strider
- Seized by Terror: replace “non-Wizard” with “non-avatar, non-minion”
- Skies of Fire: add: […environment cards] and Gates of Morning. Replace “acts as…hazards.” with
“is not discarded by the play of Doors of Night, but rather when Gates of Morning is played.”
- Star-glass: delete: bearer of [Star-glass…]
- The Arkenstone: add keywords: Hoard item. Jewel. MV: add: […discard of the] non-avatar [Dwarf]
- The One Ring: add: […in the bearer’s company], or at the bearer’s site.
- Thrall of the Voice: add: [..starting company], or brought into play at one of your Lordhavens [H].
- “Any Undead”: sites and hazards that mention “any Undead” should mention instead “any non-unique Undead”. Example: Sleepless Malice now reads: If Doors of Night is in play, any non-unique Undead hazard creature may be played keyed to Ruins & Lairs.
- Winds of Wrath: add keyword: Environment. Replace: “that has a Coastal Sea….path” with “that is in a Coastal Sea region or region adjacent (to a maximum of 4 regions away from the original site of destination).”
- Wizard’s Ring: add keyword: Ring. Add: […Haven]. Cannot be played from Rumours of Rings.

Minor dce:
- Adûnaphel: add Chelkar, Haruzan, Hyarmenfalas, and Nurn to the listed regions.
- Akhorahil: add Bozisha-Miraz, Chennacatt, Curinshiban, and Seznebab to the listed regions.
- Alatar the Hunter: add Dyr, Forrhûn, Harrhûn, and Lotan to the listed regions.
- An Unexpected Party: replace “non-Wizard” with “non-avatar”
- Anarin: add Amon Lind to the home sites.
- Ash Mountains: add […regions listed above], or is in Ered Lithui.
- Cave-drake: replace keyword Dragon with Drake.
- Cave Troll/ Two-headed Troll: add keyword: Troll.
- Dwar of Waw: add Dagorlad, Nuriag, Nurn, and Udûn to the listed regions.
- Dwarven Travellers: add: […Maia hazard creatures] that are manifestations of a Wizard
- Eärcaraxë Ahunt: add: […any Coastal Sea region] adjacent to The Sundering Seas
- Earth-tremors: add Far Below the Deepest Delvings, Iron Road and Forced March to the list.
- Galadhrim: replace “Lindon…Anfalas” with “any region containing a hero Haven [H]”
- Glance of Arien: add: […The Balrog] or a Demon or Spawn character or ally
- Gollum/Stinker: Add: […at Goblin-gate], The Under-grottos.
- Gollum/Mistress Lobelia: add keyword: Hobbit
- Ice-drake: add at the end: and to any Deep Wilderness [WW] region in The Northern Waste.
- Hoarmûrath of Dír: add Azjan, Lhûgdalf, Ukal Sêj, and Talath Uichel to the listed regions.
- Indûr Dawndeath: add Dûshera, Koronandë, Mûmakan, and Tuktan to the listed regions.
- Ireful Flames: replace “remove from play” with “place in your out of play pile”;
add Cirith Helkaloke, Long Peak, Shab Arch and Turukulon’s Lair to the listed sites.
- Isles of the Dead that Live (M): replace “covert” with “overt”.
- Khamûl the Easterling: add Dagorlad, Harrhûn, Horse Plains, and Southern Rhovanion to the listed regions.
- Landroval: add keyword: Eagle.
- Legendary Hoard: add: […until this card is discarded]. Unless eliminated, the inverted Dragon’s associated automatic-attack still affects the site.
- Misty Mountains/The Misty Mountain Deeps: add […regions listed above], or is in Misty Mountains (Northern or Southern Spur).
- My Precious: add The Under-grottos to the listed home sites. (see also the UEP, page 14).
- Mûmak (Oliphant): add Chelkar, Harondor, Haruzan, Hyarmenfalas, and any Jungle region in the Utter-south to the listed regions.
- Noble Steed: replace “Noble Steed (or Bill the Pony or Shadowfax)” with “horse ally”
- Pallando the Soul-keeper: add Chy, Hathor, or any region of Sirayn to the listed regions.
- Paths of the Dead: replace “to the Vale of Erech site” with “with special movement from Dunharrow to any site in Lamedon”.
- Ren the Unclean: add Chey Sart, Nûrad, Orgothraath, and Relmether to the listed regions.
- The Reach of Ulmo: add Hidden Ways to the listed cards.
- Sacrifice of Form: replace […cannot be duplicated] “on a given Wizard” with “by a given player.”
- Sun: add: […automatic-attack] at non-minion sites [and hazard creature] without an asterisk.
- The Way is Shut: add Down Down to Goblin Town and Crack in the Wall to the listed cards.
- The Windlord Found Me: add […Isengard] or non-Under-deeps [Shadow-hold…]
- To Fealty Sworn; replace “against the Hobbits faction…home site” with “against Hobbits”
- Ûvatha the Horseman: add Harrhûn, Lurmsakûn, Nuriag, and Pezarsan to the listed regions.
- Witch-king of Angmar: add Dagorlad, Ithilien, Harondor, and Hyarmenfalas to the listed regions.

2. Terminology, keywords & clarifications

 Active play: a card is considered in active play, if it is in play in its normal state.
 Ancient Dwarf-ruin: the following sites gain the keyword ancient Dwarf-ruin: Carn Dûm, Dol Guldur, Gondmaeglom, Moria, Mount Gram, Mount Gundabad, The Lonely Mountain, Zarak Dûm.
 Animal allies: the following allies gain the keyword animal: Noble Hound, Roäc the Raven, Great Bats, Radagast's Black Bird, Regiment of Black Crows.
 Black, grey, and white players. Black players are aligned with Sauron. White players are defending the Free Peoples. Grey players are infused with Morgoth’s malice, yet serve their own interests; they are still considered minion players. Thus the following applies for the alignments:
- Black players: Sauron (including avatarless minion) and Ringwraith players;
- Grey players: Balrog, Dragon-lord, and avatar-War-lord players;
- White players: Wizard (including avatarless hero), Fallen-wizard, and Lord players.
Nb. A black player may play (a manifestation of) The Lidless Eye against a grey player.
 Battle-gear: cards with the keyword weapon, shield, armor, helmet or bow are considered battle-gear.
 Bow: the following cards gain the keyword bow: Bow of Alatar, Bow of Dragon-horn, Bow of the Galadhrim.
 Disease: the following cards gain the keyword disease: Plague, Black Breath.
 Dual resource: a dual resource is played as hero resource by hero players and as minion resource by minion players. A Fallen-wizard player may play a dual resource as minion resource on a Half-orc or overt character.
Dual resources may always target and/or affect both hero and minion resource and site cards. Dual resources that would normally tap the site can be played at both hero and minion sites. Both hero and minion resources may target and/or affect a dual resource. A dual resource is considered both hero and minion resource for the purpose of interpreting hazards.
Dual character: a dual character is played as hero character by hero players and as minion character by minion players. A dual character is considered both hero and minion character for the purpose of interpreting hazards.
Dual site: a dual site is used as a hero site by hero players and as minion site by minion players. A Fallen-wizard player may play both hero and minion resources that tap the site at a dual site. In the location deck a dual site can only be included as either hero or minion site.
 Dungeon: a dungeon is not considered an Under-deeps site, but movement to/from a dungeon is considered Under-deeps movement.
Clarification: you can only move between a dungeon and its adjacent site(s) and are required to make an Under-deeps movement roll at the start of the company’s movement/hazard phase.
 Ent allies: the following allies gain the keyword Ent: Blackbole, Leaflock, Quickbeam, Skinbark, Treebeard. Awakened Plant allies are considered Ent allies.
 Flying: the following cards gain the keyword flying: Fell Rider, Great Bats, Radagast's Black Bird, Regiment of Black Crows, Röac the Raven, Winged Change-master.
Nb. Fell Rider gives your Ringwraith the flying ability. Winged Change-master gives Radagast the flying ability.
 Food item: the following items gain the keyword food item: Athelas,? Cram, Ent-draughts, Miruvor, Healing Herbs, Potion of Prowess, Twice-baked Cakes, Waybread, Foul-smelling Paste, Orc-draughts, Orc-liquor, Strange Rations.
 Hidden site: you must comply with the requirements as outlined on the special of a hidden site to reveal the site for a moving company (or to move there if thus specified) - or you must plays/use a card to this effect.
Nb. This does not apply to playing/revealing a site for other effects, such as moving or revealing an agent, taking characters prisoner, or bringing a character into play at his home site.
 Hold: a site is considered a hold of a certain race/type (except Animals and Undead), if any version of the site normally has a corresponding automatic-attack of the same type, or if a unique faction of that race/type is normally playable there (regardless of the alignment). Ruins & Lairs are never considered a hold. Clarification: sites can be holds of multiple types, e.g. Minas Tirith is a Man-hold and a Dúnadan-hold.
 Horse allies: the following allies gain the keyword horse: Black Horse, Bill the Pony, Noble Steed, Shadowfax.
 Instrument: the following items gain the keyword instrument: Horn of Anor, Horn of Defiance, Magical Harp.
 Jewel: the following items gain the keyword jewel: The Arkenstone, Emerald of the Mariner, Emerald of Doriath, Jewel of Beleriand, Necklace of Girion, Necklace of Silver and Pearls, Old Treasure, Phial of Galadriel?.
 Lore: the following cards gain the keyword lore: Dragon-lore, Dreams of Lore, Gift of Comprehension, Herb-lore, Hobbit-lore, Lore of the Ages, Map to Mithril, Mathom Lore, Tales of the Hunt.
 Lost Knowledge: the following cards gain the keyword Lost Knowledge: Book of Mazarbul, Red Book of Westmarch, Scroll of Isildur, Thrór’s Map, Maker’s Map, Records Unread, Secret Book.
 Maia allies: the following allies gain the keyword Maia: Goldberry, Lindion the Oronín, Nenseldë the Wingild, Tom Bombadil.
 Mountain region: the following regions are considered a mountain region: Barl Syrnac, Eorstan, Ered Harmal, Ered Lithui, Ered Ormal, Grey Mountains, Misty Mountains (Northern & Southern Spur), Yellow Mountains (+ Eastern & Western spur).
 Non-combat attack: Lava Flow, Rock Fall, Spirit, or Trap attacks. Attacks of these types cannot be affected (e.g. cancelled, modified, redirected, or made ineffectual) by generic rules or card effects (i.e. rules and card effects that do not state specifically they affect an attack of such a type, e.g. Concealment, Not at Home, Incite Denizens, Eye of Sauron, etc.). A character’s prowess against such an attack is not modified by weapons. Tidings of Bold Spies cannot duplicate/create a non-combat attack.
 Ore: the following cards gain the keyword ore: Delver’s Harvest, Gems of Arda, Mithril, Vein of Arda.
 Overt character/ally: any type of character or ally that would normally make a company overt; Orc (including Half-orc), Balrog, Troll, Dragon, Spawn, Undead and Demon characters and allies, a Fell-rider Ringwraith, or Regiment of Black Crows/Great Bats. Unless at a (dark)Haven, Elves, Dwarves, Dúnedain and Hobbit characters/allies may not be in the company with an overt character/ally.
Overt faction: any Dragon, Drake, Demon, Orc, Troll, Undead, Spawn, or Spider faction.
 Port: Ruins & Lairs are never considered a port. The following sites gain the keyword port:
Dol Amroth, Edhellond, Gobel Mirlond, Grey Havens, Lond Galen, Pelargir, Tharbad.
 Port-on-River: The following sites gain the keyword port-on-Anduin: Amon Hen, Framsburg, Lórien, Minas Tirith, Pelargir.
The following sites gain the keyword port-on-Celduin: Dale, Lake-town, Shrel-Kain. Sites with port-on-Celduin connect to sites with port-on-Sea of Rhûn.
 Pûkel-man attack: is considered a Pûkel-creature attack.
 Song: the following cards gain the keyword song: Elf-song, Praise to Elbereth, Song of the Lady.
 Special movement: any form of movement only allowed or specified by card effect.
 Stature card: a stature card can only be played on a Ring for Mortal Men. Stature cards reflect the wielder of the ring discovering more of its power and shaping it to his desires. Any corruption check the bearer of a ring with a stature card makes is modified by adding the bearer’s mind to the roll.
Only one stature card may be played on a given Ring for Mortal Men. During the organization phase you may return any stature cards you have in play to your hand. If the Ring is stored, stolen or transferred, any stature card on it is discarded.
 Stolen Knowledge: the following cards gain the keyword Stolen Knowledge: News of the Shire, That Ain’t No Secret, That’s Been Heard Before Tonight, The Names among Them.
 Swamp: the following sites gain the keyword swamp: Dead Marshes, Gladden Fields, Tharbad.
 Treasure item: items with the keyword jewel are considered a treasure item. The following items gain the keyword treasure: Dwarven Light-stone, Gold Belt of Lórien?, Magical Harp, Noldo Lantern, The Iron Crown, The Mithril Coat, Torque of Hues.
 Two-handed: if a character controls a resource with the keyword two-handed, he may not use any other weapon or shield. The following cards gain the keyword two-handed: Aiglos, Ancient Black Axe, Black Mace, Durin’s Axe, Wormsbane.
 Umit/ Umli: Umit characters and factions are considered both Man and Dwarf characters resp. factions for the purpose of non-item and non-environment cards. Sites with an Umli automatic-attack are considered both Man and Dwarf-hold.
 Vermin: vermin are considered Animals. The following cards gain the keyword vermin:
Morgul-rats, Neeker-breekers.
 Winged: Winged characters and allies have the flying ability and may tap at the end of the organization phase to give one character or ally (or two Hobbits) in their company flying this turn. The following cards (and manifestations thereof) gain the keyword winged: Bairanax, Creature of an Older World, Daelomin, Gwaihir, Scorba, Smaug.
 Wolf allies: the following allies gain the keyword wolf: The Warg-king, War-warg, War-wolf.
 Wose: Ghan-buri-Ghan, Ôm-buri-Ôm, and Pôn-ora-Pôn are considered Wose characters, not Man characters (replace their race with Wose).
Eric: we could also give them keyword Wose. Is there anything against them being Man?

 Dwarven descent clarification: the following Dwarves gain a keyword:
- Longbeard: Balin, Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fíli, Kíli, Gimli, Glóin, Óin, Dáin II, Thorin II, Thráin II?,
Drór, Fori the Beardless
- Ironfist: Gulla, Threlin
- Firebeard: Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Bróin, Náin

 Elven descent clarification: the following Elves gain a keyword:
- Noldo: Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Galadriel, Gildor, Glorfindel, Anarin, Calendal
- Sinda: Celeborn, Cirdan, Galdor, Legolas, Thranduil, Nimloth
- Nando: Arinmîr, Haldir, Orophin, Elwen
- Silvan: Annalena, Carambor, Hendolen

3. List of all accepted Unofficial Errata Proposals (UEP's)
See also section Optional Rules for more information

- Balrog 3 mind rule: a Balrog player may only play characters from sideboard or discard pile with a mind less than 3
- Cards playable on automatic-attacks; any resource that affects an attack, strikes or strike assignment may be played on an automatic-attack.

- Army of the Dead cheeze extraction: Army of the Dead may only be played the same turn special movement from Paths of the Dead is used.
- Barrow-wight; is playable at Barrow-downs
- Beorning Skin-changers; also when played as a short-event Beorning Skin-changers requires two Wilderness in the site path.
- Blackbole playable only at non-Haven sites.
- Elf-lord Revealed in Wrath; may only be keyed to Shadow-lands if Gates of Morning is in play
- Fell Beast; counts as a half-creature in deck construction
- Flies and Spiders playable on character facing a strike rather than an attack.
- Hobbit-lore does not require a Haven.
- German promos are legal.
- Many-coloured Robes tapped for effect rather than Saruman.
- Multiple Rivers only require one ranger; you need only tap 1 ranger when multiple rivers are played on a site.
- Sneakin' like a true stealth; Sneakin' must be played at the end of the organization phase.
- Stinker playable after My Precious attack; when an attack by My Precious fails, a character in the company may tap to play Stinker
- Strider can use Athelas like Aragorn.

Ringwraith section:
- Black Rider and Fell Rider mode cards; are not discarded (along with any Ringwraith followers) during the organization phase at a Darkhaven unless the company has moved to that haven the previous turn.
- Maximum company size for the Nine Riders is 9; if a company does not contain non-Ringwraith characters its maximum size is increased to 9.
- Mode card is not required for a Ringwraith to travel to Barad-dûr.
- Ringwraith with a mode ally does not return to hand on a body check of 7 or 8.
- Dwar Unleashed does not require a mode card.
- Khamûl the Ringwraith: +2 to all body checks resulting from failed strikes against or successful strikes from Khamûl.
- Adûnaphel mode bonuses; Adûnaphel the Ringwraith suffers no prowess malus in Fell Rider mode.

4. List of regions per Territory (and Sub-territories)

• The Northern Waste: Dor Bendor, Dragon Gap, East Bay of Forochel, Ekkaia, Everdalf, Forochel, Forovirkain, Gondalf, Grey Mountains, Hûb Uichel, Illuin (see below), Lindalf, Lhûgdalf, Minheldolath, Narthalf, Rast Losnaeth, Talath Oiohelka, Talath Uichel, Thorenaer, Withered Heath
Illuin: Azjan, Barl Syrnac, Dyr, Helkëar, Mur Fostisyr, Ukal Sêj

• Eriador: Angmar, Arthedain, Cardolan, Dunland, Enedhwaith, High Pass, Hollin, Lindon, Misty Mountains (Northern & Southern Spur), Númeriador, Old Forest, Redhorn Gate, Rhudaur, The Shire

• Wilderland: Anduin Vales, Brown Lands, Dagorlad, Dorwinion, Eorstan, Fangorn, Grey Mountains, Grey Mountain Narrows, Gundabad, Iron Hills, Mirkwood (see below), Northern Rhovanion, Sea of Rhûn, Southern Rhovanion, Wold & Foothills
Mirkwood: Heart of Mirkwood, Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, Woodland Realm

• Greater Gondor: Andrast, Gap of Isen, Gondor (see below), Harondor, Old Pûkel-land, Old Pûkel Gap, Rohan
Gondor: Anfalas, Anórien, Belfalas, Ithilien, Lamedon, Lebennin, Mouths of the Anduin

• Mordor: Chelkar, Ered Lithui, Gorgoroth, Horse Plains, Imlad Morgul, Khand, Nuriag, Nurn, Udûn

• The Sundering Seas: Andrast Coast, Bay of Belfalas, Bay of Drel Drêl, Bay of Felaya, Coast of Harad, Elven Shores, Eriadorian Coast, Hyarnustar Coast, Kurryan Bay, Mardruak Cape, Methran Cape, The Sundering Seas, West Bay of Forochel

• The Great Central Plains: Chey Sart, Ered Harmal, Forrhûn, Harrhûn, Heb Aaraan, Lotan, Kykurian Kyn, Nûrad, Orgothraath, Relmether, Taur Rómen

• The Sun-lands: Arysis, Bay of Tulwang, Bellakar (see below), Bozisha-Miraz, Dune Sea, Erim Póa, Harnendor (see below), Harshandatt, Isfahan, LûrmsakunLurmsakûn, Mirror of Fire, Né Tava, Siakan, Sirayn (see below), Suza Sumar, Seznebab, Tulwang, Zajantak
Harnendor: Chelkar, Harondor, Harzurzan, Hyarmenfalas, Pezarsan
Bellakar: Bellazen, Felaya, Kes Arik, Mardruak
Sirayn: Chennacatt, Isra, Kirmlesra

• Bay of Ormal: Ammu Baj, Bulchyades, Chy, Clyan, East Bay of Ormal, Ered Ormal, Harshandatt, Kirmlesra, Kythor, Lyneria, Olyas Kriis, Ormal Shores of Ormal, Sakal an-Khâr, Sára Bask, West Bay of Ormal, Zhûrgor

• The Uttersouth: Ardor (see below), Bosiri, Dominion of the Seven (see below), Sakal-an-Khâr, Shores of Maquatostoth, Straight of Tumag, Tumag, Yellow Mountains, Zurghôr
Ardor: DrenadDrenâd (Drênad ), Dûshera, Gan, Geshaan, Koronandë, Koros Bay, Hathor, MûlamburMûlambûr, Mûmakan, Mûmakan Coasts, Tâliran, Tantûrak, Tuktan, Ûsakan, Ûsakan Bay
Dominion of the Seven: Cleft of Goats, Curinshiban, Drêl, Elorna, Hyarn, Mag, Mirëdor, Pel, Pel Bight, Yellow Mountains – Western Spur

Nb. some regions are in two territories: Grey Mountains, Harondor, Chelkar, Kirmlesra, Harshandatt, Zurghôr, Sakal an-Khâr
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Registrado: 08 Ene 2010 21:33
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Lord-avatar rules (hero)

“There are many powers in the world, for good or for evil,” said the wizard solemnly. “Some are greater than I am. Against some I have not yet been measured. But my time is coming. War is preparing!” --LotRI

The evil will of Sauron, infused with the malice of Morgoth, has ever sought to dominate the lands of Middle-earth and all living beings in it, man, beast and plant alike. And if these did not yet succumb to his lust for power, it was not because of their unison in fighting the Lord of the Rings. For whether through the cunning and devices of Sauron, or the nature of the Free Peoples themselves, seldom have they been united in their struggle against the Dark Lord.
Dwarves too often closed the doors of their mountain strongholds, denying aid to those in desperate need, caring naught for the world but for the treasures hidden within the deeps. Elves have likewise withheld their wisdom and powers from those of lesser mind, deeming them weak and feeble. They feel the fates of Elves and Men have been sundered by the Powers forever, and have distanced themselves even from the Edain and their descendants. Some have withdrawn to the woods and keep to speaking with the Olvar and Kelvar, or to chanting the stars above. Others have forsaken Middle-earth completely.
And what of Men? Men fight their petty wars and waste the short span of their lives on coveting the lands and possessions of their neighbours. Even the heirs of Númenor, who once brought down the Black Gates and forced Sauron to come forth, are withering away in their tombs of stone. Strength, valour and honour have been forgotten, or live only in the songs sung by children.
Such are the times, when in the 30th century of the Third Age of Middle-earth Sauron returns to Mordor and rebuilds his fortresses. When the Dark Lord prepares to cover the lands in a second darkness, the Free Peoples find themselves on islands in the rising tide. Yet resist they will, for resist they must. And each Lord will look first for strength in his own race.

In Middle-earth: The Firstborn (MEFB), Middle-earth: Durin's Folk (MEDF), Middle-earth: Treason of Isengard (METI) and Middle-earth: War of the Ring (MEWR), you are given the opportunity to play a Lord of Elven, Dwarven or Mannish race. As such, this Lord is your avatar and you will compete with other Lords and Wizards over the valuable resources to defend your kingdom. You may play one of the following Lords:

Elf-lords: Círdan, Elrond, Galadriel or Thranduil
Dwarf-lords: Balin, Dáin, Thorin or Thráin
Atani-lords: Denethor, Elessar, Imrahil or Théoden

The rules for playing Elf-lord, Dwarf-lord or Atani-Lord (i.e. a Dúnadan-lord or a Man-lord) are very similar; where they differ for each set of Lords, it will be indicated with EL, DL or AL.

Being a Lord-player

When playing a Lord avatar, assume you are a Fallen-wizard player, unless specified otherwise below. For the purpose of playing and interpreting hazards, assume your Lord is a Wizard and Fallen-wizard (except for a number of cards, see appendix B). See also for more information the Middle-earth: The White Hand rules, and the Dream-card General Rules.

Nb. When you declare that you are playing a specific Lord, you may not play any other character manifestation of that Lord.
Nb. These rules apply only to hero Lord-players, not to Dragon-lord or War-lord players (see the Dragon-lord & Grey Player Rules for those).
Getting ready to play

Declaring you are a Lord-player
You must tell your opponent(s) which Lord you are playing before the start of the game. They may replace any manifestations of your Lord and cards only playable on your Lord with an equal number of cards from their sideboard (replacing resources/characters/hazards for cards of the same type; reveal the removed cards). Any such manifestations and resources only playable on your Lord may not be played by any opponent, unless they play the same Lord.

Your Location Deck may contain:
• multiple copies of any Haven specific to your Lord and of Deep Mines;
• one copy of every stage site not specific to another avatar, except Isengard and The White Towers. Stage sites are sites with the light-grey template;
• one copy of every hero site, and one copy of every minion Free-hold, Border-hold and Ruins & Lairs.

Nb. you may not use a non-Haven site if you have another version of the site in play or in your discard pile (except Deep Mines).

Your Deck (play deck, sideboards and pool) may contain:
• one of each unique card (including cards with the same title);
• three of each non-unique hero resource or character card;
• three of each non-unique stage resource card;
• two of each non-unique minion resource or character card.

Furthermore, your play deck may normally not contain:
• resources specific to another avatar (unless these are also specific to your Lord);
• a number of specific cards listed in appendix A.
the following minion resources:
• minion magic resources; EL: Elf-lords may include spirit-magic
• minion factions; EL: may include minion Wolf factions
• minion allies; EL: may include non-overt minion allies (see DC General
Rules appendix 1 for a definition of overt allies)

Nb. As per General Dream-card Rule, you may not play cards you are not allowed to put in your play deck, and vice versa. However, such cards may be in your sideboard, as other cards might make them allowed for you to play (e.g. Sulhelka allows the play of Bitter Cold).

Starting Company and Playing Characters
• Your starting company may include up to 5 hero and minion characters.
AL: Atani-lords may start with up to 6 characters.
• You may normally not start with characters that are not of the same race as your Lord.
AL: may start both Man and Dúnadan characters.
• You may normally not play characters with mind 6 or more; this restriction does not apply to characters of the same race as your Lord.
AL: may play Man/ Dúnadan characters not of their avatar’s race with mind up to 8.
• You may not play overt characters (see DC General Rules), not even with the use of any resource (e.g. Thrall of the Voice).
• DL: Dwarf-lords may play Dwarf-lord avatar manifestations (other than their avatar) as normal characters. As avatar, a Dwarf-lord is not worth any marshalling points.

Starting Site
Your starting company normally begins play at your Lord's home site.
DL: Thráin starts at any of your Dwarf-lord only Havens.

The Victory Conditions

As a Lord you may win the game in two ways:
• If you have more marshalling points at the Free Council than any other opponent. The Free Council is handled normally, however, for your Lord it is called your Day of Reckoning, and your marshalling points reflect how far you have progressed towards completing your own agenda and your ability to safeguard your own people.
• If you recover The One Ring, play a Lord-specific card that states the conditions for you to win the game, and fulfill these conditions.
EL: Elrond Half-elven may win the game by successfully playing Gollum’s Fate or Cracks of Doom.

Marshalling Points
• Stage resources, as well as characters, factions and allies of the same race as your Lord are worth normal marshalling points to you. Any other card worth marshalling points is normally worth only 1 marshalling point to you. Marshalling points normally cannot be modified by hero or minion resource cards, unless specifically mentioned and allowed to by card effect (e.g. Hoard Gathering states it is worth full MP’s to a Dwarf-lord).
• You do not receive marshalling points for cards stored at a non-Haven site that is not a hold of your race (see DC General Rules, appendix 2, for a definition of holds).

Playing and using cards

• When rules and non-site cards refer to a Haven, Darkhaven, or Wizardhaven, they apply instead to your Lordhaven.
• However, Lordhavens are not a Haven for the purpose of playing characters. You can only bring characters into play at your Lordhaven if it is their home site, or if card effect allows it (e.g. Open to the Summons).
Nb. Thrall of the Voice also allows a character to be played at one of your Lordhavens (see DC General Rules, appendix 1).
• All Lord- and Fallen-wizard players must use stage versions of sites for their non-overt companies, if such a version exist and if they are allowed to use it.
Nb. In addition to those from ME:TW, any hero Haven (e.g. Rhûbar) is not considered a Haven to Lord and Fallen-wizard players.
• Agents that have the same race as an opposing Lord-avatar may move to any version of that Lord-avatar’s Lordhavens.
• EL: Elf-lord companies may not move to Deep Mines from their Lord-specific Lordhaven.

• Unlike Fallen-wizard players, Lord-players may normally not use minion items. The following applies to the various Lord-players:
EL: may use any minion ring items, and may play these at hero sites.
DL: may use any minion non-ring items, and may play these at hero sites.
AL: may use any minion battle-gear items, and may play these at hero sites.

Nb. Like normal hero players, Lords can still play any other minion item, but not use it (i.e. its card text does not apply), and for half its MP value (as maximum; round up).

A. You may not play the following cards as a Lord-player:

Hero resources:
Cracks of Doom, Gollum’s Fate EL: Elrond Half-elven may play these cards
Favor of the Valar AL: Atani-lords may play this card
Hour of Need AL: Atani-lords may play this card
Saw Further and Deeper

Stage cards:
A New Ringlord
Bad Company, Great Ruse, Greater Half-Orcs, Half-Orcs
Keys of Orthanc
Keys to the White Towers EL: Elf-lords may play this card
Hidden Haven EL: Elf-lords may play this card
Mischief in a Mean Way AL: Atani-lords may play this card
Wizard’s Myrmidon

Minion Resources:
Awaiting the Call
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
Long Grievous Siege, Skies of Fire
No Better Use
The Iron-crown
World Gnawed by the Nameless

Nb. See ME:WH rules for the list of cards banned for Fallen-wizards (and thus for Lords)

B. The following hazards may not be played on/ do not affect a Lord:
Cast from the Order
Fool’s Bane DL/AL: may be played on a Dwarf-lord or Atáni-lord
Foul Tooth Unsheathed
Longing for the West EL: may be played on an Elf-lord
Mask Torn

C. Lists of clarifications:
- Dwarven descent clarification: the following Dwarves gain a keyword:
- Longbeard: Balin, Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fíli, Kíli, Gimli, Glóin, Óin, Dáin II, Thorin II, Drór, Fori the Beardless
- Ironfist: Gulla, Threlin
- Firebeard: Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Bróin, Náin

- Elven descent clarification: the following Elves gain a keyword:
- Noldo: Arwen, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Galadriel, Gildor, Glorfindel, Anarin, Calendal
- Sinda: Celeborn, Cirdan, Galdor, Legolas, Thranduil, Nimloth
- Nando: Arinmîr, Haldir, Orophin, Elwen
- Silvan: Annalena, Carambor, Hendolen

- Ancient Dwarf-ruins: the following sites gain the keyword ancient Dwarf-ruin:
Carn Dûm, Dol Guldur, Gondmaeglom, Moria, Mount Gram, Mount Gundabad, The Lonely
Mountain, Zarak-dûm

Acknowledgments, credits and disclaimer:
The Elf-lord and Dwarf-lord expansions have been a long time in the making, and ideas and suggestions for these go back as far as the original game developers at Iron Crown Enterprises. We hold all that have contributed over the years in equally high esteem, but we are not able to mention each of you by name. MEFB and MEDF (and other Dream-card expansions) owe much to the ideas of Rodrigo Perez, Steve Hess, Glomeor aka Tobias Stapelfeld William Danchus Ernst Brun are major contributors [others Charles Bouldin? James Kight, Nigel Buckle, Charles E. Bouldin, Andrew Sitte, Julian Wilson, Ilkka Launonen, Ichabod aka Craig O’brian (if I am not mistaken), Anthony Perez-Miller, Miika Karmitsa (and his use to be Old Man Willow Site) Marcos, Karsten Mario, Peter Duda, Daniel “Jesus” Austerfield other minor, If you feel you should be on this list please contact us. Nevertheless the development and realization of these expansions in their current form is 90% attributed to the joint efforts of Eric Dané and Nicolai Willinek (hereafter: the makers).

All copyrights over MECCG (symbols, terms, mechanisms) as well as copyright of names directly derived from the works of J.R.R. Tolkien are currently held by Tolkien Enterprises. The use of any symbols, terms, names and game related mechanisms in MEFB and MEDF does not intend to challenge these copyrights in any way, but is based upon the "fair use" clause.

Rights to the use of artwork as printed on each individual card of MEFB and MEDF belongs to the artist in question (as given on the card), and is only used with kind permission of the artist.

Rights to the use of names and terms derived from the Middle-earth Role Playing series are currently held by Aurigas and are used with kind permission.

MEFB and MEDF have not been and will not be exploited commercially in any way by its makers, and are intended for personal use of its makers and those of the meccg community that kindly solicit permission. All rights on the original content and ideas of MEFB and MEDF are held by its makers; any reproduction of MEFB and MEDF or its pertaining products (rules, player guides and DC Maps) must be solicited with the makers and can only take place after their explicit permission.

We thank the following persons for their cooperation on this project:
rules check-up: Mikko Vihtemäki
graphic support and design: Alexander Köhler
play testing: Holger Fischer, Mario Nau-Theissen, Karsten Gerland, Fernando Reyes, Franck Stassin, Dominique Bergeret
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Mensajes: 141
Registrado: 04 Mar 2014 15:14
Ubicación: Vic (La Comarca)

Si alguien tiene las challenge deck de la guía (con solo dreamcards de Durin's Folk y Firstborn) y las quiere subir aquí o pasármelas por privado... (donepi, se que me las tienes que pasar, pero por si alguien las tiene a mano y se te adelanta todo esto que gano :P)
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Mensajes: 49
Registrado: 06 Abr 2006 18:42
Ubicación: barcelona

Muchisimas gracias!

Me pongo con la lectura ;)))
