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Publicado: 21 Feb 2019 20:53
por KapitanKonK
Hola buenas.
Pongo mi lista de cartas MTG para vender o cambiar por MTG o SATM.
- Abeyance x4
- Berserk -From the Vault-
- Bloodstained Miner
- Cabal Therapy x4
- Cadaveous Bloom x4
- Centauro de Jolrael x3
- Chain Lightning x2 -From the Vault and Legends Ita-
- Chalice of the Void
- Chrome Mox
- COP Red -Beta-
- Coercion x4
- Counterbalance
- Counterspell x2
- Dark Confidant
- Disenchant -Unlimited and others-
- Doom Blade x4
- Duress x4
- Elefante Enloquecido x4
- Engineered Plague x5
- Enlightened Tutor
- Faro del Mañana
- Figure of Destiny FOIL DCI x4 -
- Fireblast x3
- Flamebreak x3
- Fling x4
- Forest -Unlimited-
- Gate to Phirexia x3 -Antiquities-
- Gatekeeper of Malakir x4
- Gemstone Mine x3
- Giant Growth -diferent editions-
- Goblin Guide
- Grim Lavamancer FOIL DCI
- Hellsoark Elemental x5
. Hidden Horror x2
. Impulse x4
- Ingivorate x4
- Isochron Scepter
- Jaqueca x4
- Keldon Morauder FOIL DCI x4
- Kird Ape -Arabian Niths-
- Kight of the Reliquary
- Krosan Grip x4
- Lava Spike x4
- Lightning Helix x2Lobotomy
. Lim Dul's Vault x4
- Loam Lion x4
- Magma Jet x4
- Magma Jet Foil
- Mana Leak x4
- Mangosta Agil x4 -Nimble Magousse-
- Marsh Flats
- Meddling Mage el x4
- Might of Old Krosa x4
- Nantuko Shade x2
- Natural Order
- Orim's Chant
- Path to exile FOIL DC!
- Plain -Unlimited.
- Price of Progress x4
- Pulso del Remolino -Maelstorm Pulse
- Pyroclasm x2
- Qasali Pridemage x4
- Rencor x4
- Rift Bolt x4
- Rishadan Port
- Skinshifter x4
- Smallpox x4
- Smother x4
- Spark Elemental x8
- Steppe Lynx x4
- Stupor x4
. Suq Ata Lancer x4
- Sword of Fire and Ice
- Terravore
- Terror -diferent editions-
- Thrinisphere
- Thoughseize Signed
- Titani'as Song x2
- Tombstalker x2
- Umazawa Jitte
- Viashino Sandstalker x4
- Vindicate x2
- Wasteland
- Windswept Hearth x2
- Wodeed Fothills
- Lotes de varias ediciones -Rev, 4th, 5th, 11th, Leg Ita e Ing, The Dark Ita e Ing, Fallen Empires, Aliances, Ice Age...
