Beating the living crap out of your opponent is always fun. Especially when you do it with your own characters. This Fallen Radagast deck lets you do that:

1 Orcrist
1 Wormsbane
1 Palantir of Elostirion

1 Skinbark
1 Tom Bombadil
1 Regiment of Black Crows
1 Blackbole
1 The Warg King
2 War-Warg
2 War-Wolf
1 Radagast’s Blackbird

1 Misty Mountain Wargs
1 Wargs of the Forochel
1 Weigh All Things to a Nicety

1 Longbottom Leaf
2 Bold Thrust
2 Dark Tryst
2 I’ll Report you
2 Swift Strokes
2 Threats
2 Voices of Malice

1 Great Patron


The starting company is:
Ugluk, Lagduf, Ulkaur the Tongueless, Mionid, and Dorelas. The stage cards are Bad Company and Master of Shapes. Dorelas sits around at the White Towers telling nasty stories and eventually putting Halbarad and/or Ioreth under his DI. They also grab the Palantir for +1 hand size. Meanwhile, Radagast runs back and forth between Wellinghall and Old Forest, drawing a ton of cards and trying to pick up Tom and Skinbark. At the same time, your uglies are either (preferably both) chasing down your opponent to slay his hobbits or (and) picking up some wolf allies, threatening wolf factions (with the help of the warg-king himself), and stealing the most-often-played hero items (i.e. wormsbane and orcrist). Feel free to have Radagast join in the cvcc fun with Tombo and Skinbark.

Key sideboards stuff includes:

1 A Panoply of Wings (for the Blackbird to influence in case you miss your wolf factions)
2 Marvels Told (Bring ‘em Over with the Longbottom Leaf)
1 Old Friendship (Radagast is his own best friend! Helps vs that nasty Inner Rot)
1 Long Grievous Siege (to kill the Rangers of the North or something)
1 Sack Over the Head (Added CvCC fun)
1 Minion Arkenstone (vs Dwarves — nuff said)
1 A Merrier World (If you kill a nazgul with Radagast on the way out of Rhosgobel, you’ll be glad it’s worth 5 mps… also good for cvcc kills)
1 Girdle of Radagast
1 Legacy of Smiths