A dwarven-ring/KUTM deck, this has been very pleasant and rewarding to play with, albeit a bit risky if your opponent slams you with any serious corruption scheme.
How to play:
1st turn
Go get a ring from Ost-In-Edhil and maybe some ally with Here There or Yonder if you get lucky. Get Radagast to join with others when he arrives. Send him alone to meet someone by a Chance if you feel adventurous or feel you need more speed. Don’t stack allies on Raddy (see turn 4).
2nd turn
Either get more gold rings or go for the Ring Lore. Use Chance Meeting to bring more big guys under Radagast/Thrain/Dwarwen Ring. Use Secret Passage for protection against Corsairs (Cardolan) Cave Worms (Gap of Isen, Redhorn Gate) and other possible various huge monstosities (Angmar/Gray Mountain Narrows).
3rd turn
Petty Dwarves or more rings and more guys under DI. Use Dw. Ring to untap site if needed.
4th turn
With Raddys drawing ability, you should be exhausting around now. Go slay the dragon with Old Trush/Sac of Form. Don’t forget to pick up the Magical Harp (protection from minion Arkenstone or help in council CC).
5th turn
Still playing? The White Wizard arrives. Don’t stay at the ex-dragon lair if you have played KUTM there (assassin threat).
Thrain II
Thorin II
Rumours of Rings
The White Wizard
Returned Exiles
King under the Mountain
The Old Thrush
And Forth He Hastened
Wizard’s River-horses
Withdrawn to Mordor
Power Against the Shadow
Dwarven Ring of Durin’s Tribe
Magical Harp
Promptings of Wisdom
Promptings of Wisdom
Wizard Uncloaked
Sacrifice of Form
Wizard’s Test
Magic Ring of Words
Dwarven Ring of Dwalin’s Tribe
Rolled down to the Sea
Stench of Mordor
Redoubled Force
Veils Flung Away
The Way is Shut
The Way is Shut
Lost in Free-domains*
Alone and Unadvised
A Friend or Three
True Fana
Dain II
Glorfindel II
A Chance Meeting
A Chance Meeting
A Chance Meeting
Here, There, or Yonder
Here, There, or Yonder
Here, There, or Yonder
Fair Gold Ring
Fair Gold Ring
Fair Gold Ring
Marvels Told
Marvels Told
Secret Passage
Secret Passage
Secret Passage
Longbottom Leaf
Longbottom Leaf
Longbottom Leaf
Smoke Rings
Precious Gold Ring
Precious Gold Ring
Precious Gold Ring
The Dwarves Are upon You!
The Dwarves Are upon You!
The Dwarves Are upon You!
Mouth of Sauron
Old Man Willow
Old Man Willow
Old Man Willow
Uvatha the Horseman
Daelomin At Home
Itangast Ahunt
An Unexpected Outpost
An Unexpected Outpost
Seized by Terror
Seized by Terror
Seized by Terror
Ent in Search of the Entwives
Ent in Search of the Entwives
Ent in Search of the Entwives
Foolish Words*
Foolish Words*
Heedless Revelry
Heedless Revelry
Unabated in Malice
Unabated in Malice
Power Built by Waiting
Gandalf the White Rider
Bairanax at Home
Scorba at Home
Nameless Thing
Nameless Thing
Lady of the Golden Wood