I unfortunately have to go away for about a month. Here is my parting shot:

Starting Pool:

Whispers of Rings

Gulla* w/Binding Ring
Balin* w/Wizard’s Myrmidon

Great Patron



2 x Precious Gold Ring
Hero Scroll of Isildur
Minion One Ring (or Hero, your choice)

Other Resources:
2 x Crept Along Cleverly
2 x Dark Tryst
2 x Weigh All Things to a Nicety
2 x Voices of Malice
2 x Trickery
2 x Ringlore
2 x Far-sight
2 x Concealment
2 x Old Friendship
2 x A Friend or Three
2 x A Nice Place to Hide
2 x Smoke Rings
2 x Ruse

Important Sideboard cards:
3 x A New Ringlord
Minion Dwarven Ring of Durin’s Tribe
Minion Dwarven Ring of Barin’s Tribe
Minion Dwarven Ring of Dwalin’s Tribe
2 x Wizard’s Test
2 x Vanishment
2 x First of the Order
Hidden Haven
Guarded Haven
3x Double-dealing
2 x White Light Broken
Many-coloured Robes
Saruman’s Ring
2 x Great Road
2 x Iron Road

The basic idea is to get the Dwarven Rings into the hands of the dwarves and set up a Ring test factory at the Under-Grottos.

The Minion Barin’s and Dwalin’s Tribe Rings can fetch the Precious Gold Rings from your discard pile. Durin’s Tribe can untap a site. Saruman can get a wizard’s test every turn. When you get Saruman out, sideboard to the discard pile the Wizard’s Test, First of the Order, White Light Broken, Vanishment, and whatever else suits your fancy. Depending on where you are in the game, any are useful, and Saruman can fetch most of them. Once you’ve got it, head to the White Towers or Isengard (both can be reached from Goblin Gate), then head to either Weathertop or the Worthy Hills and pray like crazy.

When you’re playing New Ringlords, make sure to use them in conjunction with Great Road. You start at your haven, go to the info Ruins and Lairs, and then go back to your Haven at the end of your turn if things turn out noncomittal.

The Hidden Haven and Saruman-specific cards are there in case things go seriously wrong, but if they do, you’re probably screwed any way.

This does raise up the amusing picture of Saruman with a bunch of dwarves in a dark cave with a pile of rings in front of them:

Balin: «This one?»
Saruman (shaking head): «Nope.»
Balin (throwing ring over shoulder): «Oh, well. Let’s try ring number four hundred fifity-three.»
Saruman (looking at it briefly): «Nope.»

Hope you enjoy!