Similar to the Bounty of Framsburg, this deck relies on squatting at a single hoard-containing site all game to get lots of safe points.  It is, however, a bit more dangerous.  However, the payoff is higher.  So it goes in MECCG usually….


Surion / Thrall / Squire
Faramir / Paste
Threlin / Paste

In Deck:

3 Alatar
1 Fram Framson
1 Beretar
1 Dasakun
1 Raisha


2 We Have Come to Kill
1 A Chance Meeting
2 Dark Tryst
2 Longbottom Leaf
2 Weigh All Things to a Nicety
2 Smoke Rings
2 Voices of Malice
2 Crept Along Cleverly
2 Not at Home

1 Join the Hunt
1 Great Patron
1 Wizard’s Trove
1 Wizard’s Myrmidon
1 Gatherer of Loyalties
3 Double Dealing

1 Sapling of the White Tree
1 Durin’s Axe
1 Glamdring
2 Bounty of the Hoard


1 Mischief
1 Safe From the Shadow
1 The White Tree
1 Tom Bombadil

1 Glamdring

2 Hoard Well Searched

1 Earcaraxe Roused
1 Regiment of Black Crows

Play Tips:

Just go to Isle of the Ulund and squat.  Play a major item every turn starting turn 2.  Get the Regiment and Earcaraxe after you Double Dealing the site.  WHCtK and ACM for some more characters.  Last turn: make a run for Old Forest for Tom/Mischief/White Tree = 10 MPs.

MP Breakdown:

Character: 13
Item: 7-9
Ally: 1-4
Faction: 4
Misc: 0-7
Total: 32-44