Cartas Firmadas

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Mensajes: 47
Registrado: 28 Feb 2017 13:35

Valorar als cartas despues de tantos años es dificil pero seguimos teniendo como referencia paginas como mathon o gwahir. El drama (al menos para mi), es valorar las cartas firmadas.
Hay alguna referencia, algun listado o guia q sirva para valorar las cartas firmadas?


(pd: no sabia muy bien en q parte del foro poner este post, si los administradores quieren q lo mueva, q me avisen, gracias)
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Mensajes: 18
Registrado: 25 May 2022 14:41

Se ha hablado y discutido recientemente en el grupo internacional de Facebook de este tema, no se si de alguna manera te podría orientar, te dejo el resumen (están hablando de un the one ring unlimited):

"like others have said on the other MECCG FB forum. The sum of what others already stated:
A) signed cards usually dont offer a great premium to the value (in case of MtG, it usually is considered bad for the price!).
B) Signing cards (especially ones like this) was very common at tournaments and conventions. Also if you would send the card with a pre-return envelope you could get most cards. This still works with most artists, I guess. Except the dead artists.
C) Even though signed, card quality counts. There is a big white nib bottom left, smallies at the top left, other corners are not really visible. The bottom border is also showing signs of wear (storing standing in a card board box?).
D) Unsleeved in a hand.... (only rubber bands hurt me more)
E) ballpoint signing isnt great as it damages surface of the card.
In all take a NM blue border One Ring and add a small bonus. On eBay there probably will be an idiot to pay 50+$, though I would say ~35-40 for collectors."

Y el enlace al hilo es:

Espero que de algo de luz!!!