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reglas first born

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 09:42
por jordisorry

Acabo de actualizarme el gccg y he visto que estan las expansiones first born y la virtual cards.
y mis dudas son:
¿donde puedo conseguir las reglas para poder jugar con ellas?
¿en que mesa se juegan?, ¿en la dream cards?
¿como puedo conseguir que no sean proxies?

gracias por la ayuda

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 10:43
por Cultus_Maleficarum
Sobre las dream cards del GCCG, ¿están a una resolución imprimible? ¿Estan todas? Y si las respuestas son "no", ¿dónde se pueden conseguir?

Re: reglas first born

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 12:20
por marcos
jordisorry escribió:Buenas,

Acabo de actualizarme el gccg y he visto que estan las expansiones first born y la virtual cards.
y mis dudas son:
¿donde puedo conseguir las reglas para poder jugar con ellas?
¿en que mesa se juegan?, ¿en la dream cards?
¿como puedo conseguir que no sean proxies?

gracias por la ayuda
las virtual cards no tienen reglas especiales, excepto unas pocas aclaraciones:

http://www.councilofelrond.org/forum/vi ... .php?t=670
http://www.councilofelrond.org/forum/vi ... .php?t=128

y sobre el firstborn (tienes q ser usuario del foro del CoE para poder bajarlas):

http://www.councilofelrond.org/forum/vi ... .php?t=278


Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 19:03
por jordisorry
Gracias Marcos,

pero resulta que no puedo inscribirme en el concilo de elrond,
lo he intentado varias veces pero me da error y ahora me dice que las direcciones de correo que uso, ya estan inscritas por otro usuario (yo)

Continuaré intentandolo, pero te agradeceria que pegaras las reglas en este foro para echarle una ojeada

Gracias de nuevo

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 19:26
por Cultus_Maleficarum
A mi me ha pasado igual. Y no es la primera vez que intento registrarme sin éxito en ese foro. Si no es demasiado supersecretisímo y todo eso no estaría mal que alguien lo colgara en el foro. A menos que el Ilustre Concilio de Elrond haya pagado la exclusiva, como el Hola. :P

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 19:51
por marcos
ok, ahi van:
Virtual cards escribió:Ground Rules for Using Virtual Cards In Game Play

This document will explain to you how to use Virtual Cards in your Middle-earth decks.

VIRTUAL CARDS ON GCCG: This is easy enough to do, since the Virtual Cards now have their own gold-bordered set on GCCG. If you can't see the Virtual Card images, you'll need to download your image file again. Note: It is considered respectful to ask your opponent if you can use a deck with virtual cards against him (this is called a Virtual Format deck, as opposed to General Opponent Format). You don't need to have a Virtual deck to compete against one--Virtual decks are also meant to be played against non-Virtual decks!

TAPE AND ADHESIVE: When cutting out Virtual Card text boxes and replacing them over your original card, it is not necessary to use adhesive, but the piece of paper must not stick out and be seen in the sleeve or the tournament director may interpret that as cheating. If you prefer adhesive, I would recommend Scotch “Poster” Tape, which is a soft, double-sided cotton-like tape that is very gentle and comes off the card easily. I have put this tape on many of my expensive rares from other games that use Virtual Cards.

GAME TEXT REPLACED: When using Virtual Cards, only text boxes are replaced on the original card. This means a virtual card keeps any of its old skills and event types. An exception to this rule is if the Virtual Card’s text box is the large kind that actually lists a new event type, or skills, or a new prowess/body, such as the Virtual Card boxes for Legolas, Snaga, and Khamul Unleashed.

UNIQUENESS AND NUMBER IN DECK: Of course you are allowed to use the original card titles in your deck even with the Virtual versions. The old versions are not banned at all! However, as always you must obey uniqueness rules. For example, Black Numenoreans (V) is a non-unique faction when using it as a Virtual Card. I can put up to three of it in my deck. However, if I have even one copy of the original Black Numenoreans in my deck, which is unique, I cannot have any copies of the virtual version in my deck. The reason why is because the uniqueness looks for the same card title. This is an important ground rule to understand. If the original version of a cards said “cannot be duplicated,” but the Virtual version does not, such as Nazgul Are Abroad (V), then once I put into play a copy of Nazgul Are Abroad (original) I cannot play the virtual version. Again, the “cannot be duplicated” phrase prohibits the same card title from being played. If I already had a copy or two of Nazgul Are Abroad (V) (virtual) in play, then I could not play Nazgul Are Abroad (original), and neither could my opponent.

REFERRING TO VIRTUAL CARDS: When referring to the virtual version of a card, the preferred and easy way to do so is to put a (V) after the card title, as in “The Nazgul Are Abroad (V).”


This locked thread will contain a list of rulings and clarifications on the Virtual Cards so that you may have a better playing experience with them. Since the Virtual Cards Set is not an official expansion, the Lead Designer (Joe Bisz) is in charge of these rulings (not the NetRep). The thread is divided into RULINGS: GENERAL and RULINGS BY CARD TITLE.

Please do not post messages to this forum. Questions can be posted under threads referring to the individual card titles.


∑ Any card making reference to another card title in its text is considered to be referring to the virtual version as well.
--For example: Many Colored Robes (original edition) can grab First of the Order (V) and First of the Order (original).
--Another example: They Ride Together (V) can grab Black Horse (V) and Black Horse (original edition).

∑ Rulings on cards (such as in the CRF or Digests) include only the original versions of those cards, unless a ruling mentions the virtual version (V).
--For example: The Nazgul Are Abroad (V) is still playable against a Ringwraith opponent.


Black Horse
A play deck/sb cannot have more than 3 of the virtual version, and never more than 9 total (virtual and normal, as per normal BH text). I.e. You may have 3 virtual Black Horses and 6 normal in your deck.

More than one BH in a company traveling through a suitable region increases the hand-size cumulatively for the rest of the turn.

Cup of Farewell
A hero company only "splits off" once. So even multiple females in a company will only let you use its effect once per copy of CoF on table.

However, note that if you had Galadriel or Arwen, you could also get a minor item when you actually “leave” the site, netting you two minor items in one turn.

Horns, Horns, Horns
The resource player cannot receive MP for killing his own Witch-King hazard event because of rulebook rules. If you kill your opponent's Witch-King, of course you would get the MPs.

Bane prevents all searching of the deck, so Bane would prevent HHH's ability.

If the Witch-king of Angmar is used as the nazgul attack, it uses the prowess/body values on the Witch-King’s card, modified by the MP value of HHH.

Pledge of Conduct does NOT work on Morannon’s (V) CC from the One Ring for the same reason that it doesn't work on Cracks of Dooms: the card requires the "bearer" to "make a corruption check." Pledge transfers the One Ring instantly and so fizzles Morannon's targetting of the original One Ring bearer, and Morannon is discarded.

Rebuild the Town
You may bring these Man characters into play under GI regardless if your Wizard is present. Such characters are in addition to the normal one character per organization phase rule.

The Great Goblin
Since allies cannot be targeted to be taken prisoner [CRF], if “the first successful strike” of this card targeted an ally, the prisoner-taking effect would not be applied. Instead, the prisoner-taking effect would wait for the next successful strike (and then take effect provided there was a legal target).

Usriev of Treachery
Treat this attack like a hazard creature attack with one strike. The resource player may choose any untapped character to face the strike. Otherwise, the hazard player may choose a tapped character to face it. A character with an inverted Usriev can never attack himself.
Created by Rodrigo Perez as compiled from the MECCG Mailing List expanded and corrected by Nicolai Willinek aka Vastor Peredhil


What if the Master of the House, the Blond Lady, the Grey Elder or the Lord of the Woods became corrupted?
What if not all elven from Ost-in-Edhil fled or were killed?
Middle-earth: The First-Born is an Expansion Set for electronic playing of the Middle-earth Collectible Card Game.
It is fully compatible with any Middle-earth Collectible Card Game expansion. In fact, this set focuses on a
Elf-Lord player using resources from any expansion.Copyright note: Copyright over MECCG was once, and is no more,
held by Iron Crown Enterprise. Copyright over Tolkien stuff is held by Tolkien's Estate. The use of these material here
doesn't intend to challenge these rights and are based upon the "fair use" clause and all authoral rights on the card below
are bestowed to Council of Elrond. Some ideas below circulated already in METW discussion list, and were modified,
or even created, after feedback given by various people, specially Charles Bouldin. Special thanks, Charles. Some card
ideas below were graciously given permission to be here by Steve Hess and by various netizens. Thanks Steve and
other netizens.

A player may include characters of any alignment on his sideboard, unless including its race is prohibited by some other rule. He can take it to his deck when the rules normally allows a character to be taken, but cannot bring it into play unless it's expressly stated otherwise.

When you play an Elf-Lord, assume that your Elf-Lord is a "Avatar". All of the normal METW rules apply except for the specific exceptions outlined in these rules. The ME:LE rules that concern Wizards also apply to Avatars. You should read the following section to get a general idea of how to play an Elf-Lord. Then read the rest of the rules for specific details.

Avatars - When the rules and cards refer to a Wizard, they apply to your Avatar. A Wizard, a Ringwraith, a Fallen Wizard, the Balrog and an Elf-lord are all considered to be an Avatar. You receive -5 MP, during the end-game process, if your Avatar was eliminated.

Elf-havens - When rules and non-site cards refer to Havens, Darkhavens and Wizardhavens they apply instead to your Elfhavens. The only special effect of METW Havens that apply to your Elf-havens is the healing effect. All other effects (i.e., bringing characters into play, etc.) do not apply to your companies at your Elfhavens.
These same effects do not apply to your companies at MELE Darkhavens and METW Havens.

Stage Points - Certain cards give your Elf-lord "stage points." Stage points reflect how far your Elf-Lord has deviated from his original mission. You must keep track of your accumulated stage points. The number of stage points that a card gives is indicated by a symbol.

Stage Resources - MEFB uses the new type of resource card, introduced by MEWH, called stage resource cards, and Elf-lord players may include them in their decks. Most stage resource cards give stage points.

Characters - You may use both hero and minion characters, except Orcs or Trolls. However, you may only use a character if its mind attribute less then 6, unless for Elf characters for which there is no mind limitation.. All of your characters are considered to be hero characters. You may only use up to two of each non-elf non-unique character.

Hero/Minion Resources - You may use both hero and minion resources, but only minion event resources and non-overt minion allies.. However, you may only include up to a total of two of each non-unique hero or minion resource in your play deck and sideboard.

Sites - There are some Elf-lord site cards, which have a light bluish background. Unless stated otherwise on a card, an Elf-lord player must (may) use these sites instead of the hero version. Elf-lord companies use hero site cards when moving to non-Elf-lord non-Ruins&Lairs sites (see Movement section for exceptions). An Elf-lord player cannot use minion sites, except for Ruins&Lairs, or Fallen-wizard sites, unless a card states otherwise.

Marshalling Points - Marshalling points for stage resource cards, Elven characters and Elven factions are handled normally (i.e., as printed on the card). However, all other marshalling point cards are only worth 1 marshalling point each to an Elf-lord (regardless of their printed value). These marshallin points cannot be modified by a hero or minion resource event (e.g., Rumor of the One, Tribute Garnered, Sentinels of Númenor, etc.). However, Elf-lord abilities, stage resource cards or card text can modify the number of marshalling points certain cards give.

As an Elf-lord you may win in the same way a METW Wizard wins: your opponent is eliminated or you recover The One Ring or you have the most marshalling points at the Free Council. The following exceptions apply:
* In order to win by recovering The One Ring you must play the Specific card that states you win
*The Free Council is handled normally, and victory is determined in the standard way by comparing marshalling points. However, to you (an Elf-lord) it is called your Day of Reckoning and your marshalling points reflect how far you have progressed towards completing your own agenda.
* You do not receive marshalling points for cards stored at non-Elfhaven sites.

An Elf-lord player prepares for play just as a Wizard does, with the following exceptions:
Declaring That You Are an Elf-lord
If you are playing an Elf-lord, you must tell your opponent which Elf-lord you are playing before choosing starting companies. If your opponent has the normal hero Elf character cards in his play deck and/or sideboard that correspond to the Elf-lord you have declared, he may replace those hero character cards with an equal number of other hero character cards that he has available, or he may switch to another deck at all. Your opponent may also add 10 cards to his sideboard (these cards should be pre selected for an Elf-lord opponent).

Note: This rule means that when you declare that you are playing a specific Elf-lord, your opponent may not play the corresponding hero Elf character (i.e., that Elf-lord has already fallen). You and your opponent may still both declare and attempt to play the same Elf-lord, but the game will probably be won by the first player to get his Elf-lord into play.

Clarification: Once a player declares being an Elf-lord, all manifestations of that character, including hazard manifestations, are prevented to be played.

Your Location Deck
Your location deck may include multiple copies of the Elf-lord site cards. However, your location deck may only
include one of every hero site, except for hero Havens.
include one of every minion Ruins&Lairs site,

Your Play Deck
The resource half of your play deck (and your sideboard) may include hero, minion and stage resources. But you are limited to:
* One of each unique card (including cards with the same name);
* Three of each non-unique stage resource card;
* Two of each non-unique character card;
* Three of each non-unique hero resource card;
* Two of each non-unique minion event resource card;
*Two of each non-unique non-overt minion ally card.
*You may not include resource cards, Stage or otherwise, that are "specific" to another Avatar (e.g., if you declare that you are Elrond Elf-lord, you may not include cards that are "Galadriel specific", "Gandalf specific", etc.);
* You may include, but cannot (play) start with these Stage Resource Cards:
Any cards that is specific to another Avatar.

*You may not play the following cards:
Bad Company
Great Ruse
Greater Half-Orcs
Mischief in a Mean Way
Spells Born of Discord
Wizard’s Myrmidon

Non allowed Minion Resources:
Any cards that is specific to a Balrog, Ringwraith or Sauron Avatar.
Awaiting the Call
Bade to Rule
Freeze the Flesh
Ill East Wind
Messenger of Mordor
News Must Get Through
No Better Use
Ready to his Will
The Black Council
The Iron Pit
The Ring Leaves Its Mark
Vermin for Dinner
World Gnawed by the Nameless

Cursive are self-made just listed for completion of the list

Starting Stage Cards
You must attempt to start with one, two, or three (your choice) stage resource permanent-event cards in play. These cards must have a combined total of three (3) stage points. At least one of these cards must be non-unique. You may not start such a card if the conditions required to play the card do not exist. These cards should be revealed as if they were starting characters with duplicate unique cards being discarded.
Starting Characters
Your starting characters (up to 5) may include hero characters and minion characters, except (Orcs, Trolls or) Dwarves, but you may not start a non-Elf character with a mind less then 6 greater than 5.

Starting Site
Your starting company begins play at your specific Lordhaven. You cannot start with a Hidden Haven card.

The player turn proceeds normally with the following exceptions:
You may discard one of your stage resource cards already in play during your organization phase. You may not discard such a card if it would reduce your stage points below 3.
You may only play stage resource permanent-events during your organization phase (unless a specific card states otherwise).
Elf-lord companies may attack Ringwraith, Balrog or overt Fallen-wizard companies (see MELE rules, p. 80) and vice versa.

All of your characters are considered to be hero characters. You may not play overt characters or Half-orcs. Thus, your companies are treated as hero companies. Such a company is covert for the purposes of playing minion resources. Your Elf-lord may only start at his home site. You may not start or bring into play any non-Elf character with a mind greater than 5.

Elf-lord companies must use region or Under-deeps movement. When one of your Elf-lord companies moves to a site, you and your opponent draw cards based on the site being moved to. This applies even if moving to or from your Lordhaven. The METW Havens (i.e., Grey Havens, Rivendell, Lórien, Edhellond) are not considered to be Havens for an Elf-lord player. Hazards and stage resources which forces a Fallen-wizard to use minion sites (e.g., Plotting Ruin???, Heart Grown Cold, etc.).have no effects on an Elf-lord's companies.

Corruption checks are handled normally with these exceptions:
Corruption checks for an Elf-lord are handled as if he were a minion character. That is, if the roll for a corruption check is equal to an Elf-lords's corruption point total or one less, he is tapped instead of being discarded. He is not considered to fail the corruption check in this case. Corruption checks for an Elf-lord's characters are handled as if the player were a hero character. Wizard. Corruption points given on all non-item stage resource cards apply to your Elf-Lord.

Clarification: Whenever an Elf-lord player tests a hero gold ring item, the roll is done as by a hero player. Wizard player.

If your Elf-lord leaves play, discard all of your stage resource permanent-events in play that are specific for your Elf-lord.
As is normally the case, all hazard permanent-events on such a character are discarded.
no encontre la manera de adjuntar los archivos asi q directamente los copie en este post... Espero q les sea de ayuda


Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 21:16
por Cultus_Maleficarum
Gracias Marcos. Lo cierto es que yo imaginaba que sería un archivo con las cartas completas, con su ilustración y todo. No se si las cartas de First born, o Durins folk, o las demás ampliaciones "inventadas" están ya disponibles en algún foro o colgadas en alguna parte. Eso es lo que yo ando buscando.

Por ejemplo, las planchas que tuvimos de premios en el Nacional español este año. Si se pueden conseguir o alguien las tiene, pues mola compartirlas y eso, no?

Muchas gracias por colgar los textos.

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 21:48
por marcos
de aca:


user: NicolaiW
pass: Nico$3

Publicado: 11 Nov 2008 22:15
por Cultus_Maleficarum
Ahora si que si :o

MUchas gracias!

Publicado: 06 May 2009 01:50
por pesadilla_
Que recuerdos al ver esto.

Publicado: 19 Sep 2009 02:29
por Aenril
Estas cartas firstborn y la de los enanos y demas cosas, existen en cartones de verdad o son solo virtuales?

Publicado: 19 Sep 2009 02:42
por marcos
Aenril escribió:Estas cartas firstborn y la de los enanos y demas cosas, existen en cartones de verdad o son solo virtuales?
no, solo virtuales, nada oficial

Publicado: 19 Sep 2009 16:46
por Aenril
Vale, leido cocina!!!!

Re: reglas first born

Publicado: 19 Jun 2011 02:01
por david
puedes volver a ponerlas otra vez?