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Espa?ol para todos

Publicado: 03 Nov 2005 21:44
por nar-loke
Cursito r?pido de espa?ol para guiris
There's always something new to learn and try. For example if you say "pair done", spiks will understand: "perdon" (sorry). Try the next ones:
1. Boy as n r = Voy a cenar = I'm gonna have a dinner
2. N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair
3. Be a hope and son = viejo panzon = fat old man
4. This s poor as stunt air e us = Dices puras tonterias = you're saying
dumb things.
5. S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kinda sad.
6. Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags
7. A key eye poor agree jug = aqui hay pura grilla = there's only
politics arround here.
8. Desk can saw = descanso = (you) rest.
9. As say toon as = aceitunas = olives.
10. Cell eye jug, one a what toe = Celaya Guanajuato = Celaya Guanajuato
(City in central Mexico)
11. Be a has r when there us = viejas arguenderas = arguing bitches
12. Come at a lost ugh wack cat tess = comete los aguacates = eat the
13. The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando =
stop bugging me.
14. Kit at tell loss war at chess = quitate los guaraches = take off
your sandals
15. Ball add the pay jazz sad us = bola de payasadas = silly stuff.
16. See eye = si hay = yes we have
17. T n s free o = tienes frio = are you cold?
18. S taz pen the ho = estas pendejo = you are an asshole.
19. T N S L P P B N T S O = Teienes el pipi bien tieso = you have an

Publicado: 04 Nov 2005 00:15
por Maelstorm