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Publicado: 24 Nov 2005 03:06
por tharis/siqmo
Pues como no lo encuentro empezare a poner en este post lo q vaya necontrando por la red q pueda ser de utilidad para alguien(como para mi q teniendolo aki no okupo mi disco duro muhahahhahaha :twisted: )

empiezo con la lista de cartas por dibujantes,y aki tengo q realtar q COMPRO TODAS LAS CARTAS DE QUINTOON HOOVER EN ESTADO MINT,BIEN SEAN SATM,COMO OTRAS.(si estan firmadas pos muxo mejor)

ale aki van:

Angelo Montanini
Athelas U
Awaken the Earth's Fire U
Balin U
Bard Bowman F
Beornings F
Beretar U
Bifur C
Blue Mountain Dwarves U
Bofur C
Bombur U
Boromir II F
Corsairs of Umbar U
Dori U
Drowning Seas U
Dunlendings F
Dwalin C
Eomer U
Eowyn U
Faramir F
Fili U
Fog U
Foul Fumes C
Gloin U
Hillmen U
Horn of Anor C
Iron Hill Dwarves F
Kili F
Knights of Dol Amroth U
Men of Anfalas U
Men of Northern Rhovanion U
Merry U
Mumak (Oliphant) R
Nenya R
Nori C
Oin U
Olog-hai (Trolls) U
Ori C
Pippin U
Radagast F
Rangers of Ithilien F
Rangers of the North F
Robin Smallburrow F
Sam Gamgee U
Snowstorm R
Storms of Osse R
The One Ring R
Thorin II R
Tower Guard of Minas Tirith F
Traitor R
Woodmen U

Angus McBride
Alatar F
Ambusher C
Annalena F
Aragorn II F
Arinmir U
Arouse Denizens C
Arouse Minions C
Arwen R
Assassin R
Awaken Denizens C
Awaken Minions C
Barrow-downs F
Bilbo R
Block C
Brigands C
Celeborn F
Dain II R
Denethor II R
Despair of the Heart C
Erkenbrand F
Fellowship C
Frodo R
Galadriel R
Gamling the Old U
Ghouls C
Goldberry U
Gollum U
Lucky Strike C
Minas Morgul R
Minions Stir U
Mirror of Galadriel U
Mount Gundabad U
Old Man Willow U
Pallando F
Ringlore U
Risky Blow C
Rogrog R
Saruman F
Shadowfax R
Siege R
The Nazgul are Abroad R
The Ring's Betrayal U
The Will of Sauron R
Theoden F
Tom Bombadil R
Treebeard U
Vanishment C
Wellinghall F
Wizard's Test C

April Lee
Barliman Butterbur U
Elladan F
Elrohir F
Ghan-buri-Ghan U
Giant Spiders C
Huorn C
Lossoth U
The Cock Crows U
Tookish Blood C

Audrey Corman
Dw. Ring of Thrar's Tribe U
Glamdring U
Great Ship R
Great-shield of Rohan U
Hauberk of Bright Mail C
Magic Ring of Lore U
Narsil U
Orcrist U
The White Towers U

Brian Snoddy
Orc-patrol C
Orc-warriors C
Southrons R

Christina Wald
Dol Guldur R
Edhellond C
Stone-circle R
Thief R

Dameon Willich
Abductor C
Ford C
Giant C
Lure of Power R
Orc-guard C
Orc-watch C

Dan Frazier
Dw. Ring of Bavor's Tribe R
Dw. Ring of Durin's Tribe R

Daniel Gelon
Dw. Ring of Druin's Tribe R
Dw. Ring of Dwalin's Tribe R

Darryl Elliott
Bandit Lair F
Gloom C
Miruvor C
Moon U
Potion of Prowess C
Red Arrow U
Rescue Prisoners C
Sun U
Test of Form C
The Evenstar U
Use Palantir U
Vilya R

David Cherry
True Fana R

David Deitrick
Adrazar F
Anborn U
Cave-drake C
Favor of the Valar R
Haldalam R
Lapse of Will U
Men of Anorien F
Men of Lamedon U
Muster C
Slayer C
Smaug R
Tempering Friendship C

David Martin
Amon Hen C
Cameth Brin C
Daelomin R
Glittering Caves U
Morannon R
White Mountains C

Donato Giancola
Halfling Strength C
Imrahil U
Lordly Presence C
Mouth of Sauron R
New Friendship C
Old Friendship C
Persuasive Words C
Praise to Elbereth U
Riders of Rohan F
Test of Lore C
The Balance of Things R
The Burden of Time U
The Will of the Ring R
Thorough Search C

Douglas Chaffee
Quiet Lands U
Stars U
Tolfalas R

Edward Beard Jr.
Beregond F
Dragon's Desolation U
Druadan Forest C
Earth of Galadriel's Orchard U
Eye of Sauron R
Fell Beast R
Kindling of the Spirit C
Magic Ring of Courage U
Palantir of Osgiliath R
Paths of the Dead R
Wizard's Fire R
Wizard's Laughter U
Woses of the Druadan Forest U

Eric David Anderson
Align Palantir U
Beorn's House F
Dimrill Dale U
Escape C
Isengard F
Lake-town C
Minas Tirith F

Gail McIntosh
Bill the Pony U
Choking Shadows C
Fell Winter C
Gwaihir R
Leaflock U
New Moon U
Night C
Quickbeam U
Skinbark R
The Great Goblin R

Heather Hudson
Easterlings R
Half-trolls of Far Harad C
Orc-raiders C
Orc-warband C
Variags of Khand R

J. Wallace Jones
Carn Dum R
Himring U
Lond Galen C
Lossadan Cairn C
Mount Doom U
Pelargir C
Sarn Goriwing C
Shrel-Kain C
Stone of Erech R
Vale of Erech R
Woodmen-town C
Wose Passage-hold C

Jeffrey Reitz
Bane of the Ithil-stone R
Narya R
Palantir of Minas Tirith U
Precious Gold Ring C
Red Book of Westmarch U

Jo Hartwig
Andrast C
Andrast Coast C
Anduin Vales C
Anfalas C
Angmar C
Anorien C
Arthedain C
Bay of Belfalas C
Belfalas C
Brown Lands C
Cardolan C
Dagorlad C
Dorwinion C
Dunland C
Elven Shores C
Enedhwaith C
Eriadoran Coast C
Fangorn C
Forochel C
Gap of Isen C
Gorgoroth C
Grey Mountain Narrows C
Gundabad C
Harondor C
Heart of Mirkwood C
High Pass C
Hollin C
Horse Plains C
Imlad Morgul C
Iron Hills C
Ithilien C
Khand C
Lamedon C
Lebennin C
Lindon C
Mouths of the Anduin C
Northern Rhovanion C
Numeriador C
Nurn C
Old Pukel Gap C
Old Pukel-land C
Orc-lieutenant U
Redhorn Gate C
Rhudaur C
Rohan C
Southern Mirkwood C
Southern Rhovanion C
The Great Eagles U
The Shire C
Udun C
Vygavril R
Western Mirkwood C
Withered Heath C
Wold & Foothills C
Woodland Realm C

Kaja Foglio
Corpse-candle C
Pukel-men R

Ken Meyer Jr.
Long Winter C
Lost in Shadow-lands C

Kevin Ward
Ash Mountains C
Barad-dur R
Clear Skies R
Cracks of Doom U
Dreams of Lore C
Elrond R
Fair Travels in Dark-domains R
Far-sight C
Lost in Border-lands C
Lost in Free-domains C
Lure of Expedience C
Moria F
Old Forest C
Old Road C
Secret Passage C
Shelob's Lair R
The White Tree R
Watcher in the Water U

Larry Forcella
Beautiful Gold Ring C
Lesser Ring U

Liz Danforth
Adunaphel R
Akhorahil R
Bert (Burat) U
Dwar of Waw R
Elves of Lindon R
Hoarmurath of Dir R
Indur Dawndeath R
Khamul the Easterling R
Morgul-knife R
Ren the Unclean R
Tom (Tuma) U
Uvatha the Horseman R
William (Wuluag) U
Witch-king of Angmar R
Wood-elves F

Lori Deitrick
Barrow-wight U
Ents of Fangorn F
Gildor Inglorion F
Gimli F
Haldir U
Hama C
Lossadan Camp C
Men of Dorwinion U
Men of Lebennin U
Orophin C
Sapling of the White Tree U
Twilight C
Weariness of the Heart C
Wizard's Flame U

Army of the Dead R

Margaret Organ-Keane
Edoras F
Horses C
Mablung U
Palantir of Annuminas R

Mark Forrer
Thranduil's Halls F

Mark Poole
Anduin River C
Call of the Sea U
Cirith Ungol R
Damrod U
Dol Amroth C
Elf-stone C
Fair Sailing R
Fair Travels in Free-domains R
Fair Travels in Shadow-lands C
Fair Travels in Wilderness C
Grey Havens C
Lost in Dark-domains R
Morgul-horse R
Ost-in-Edhil U
Roac the Raven R
Ruined Signal Tower F
Silent Watcher R
Sword of Gondolin C
The Mithril-coat R
The Old Thrush U

Melissa Benson
Doors of Night F
Dw. Ring of Thelor's Tribe U
Gates of Morning F
Magic Ring of Stealth U

N. Taylor Blanchard
Anduril R
Book of Mazarbul U
Dunharrow R
Fair Gold Ring C

Olivier Frot
Gandalf F

Pat Morrissey
Dancing Spire U
Dead Marshes U
Great-road C
Irerock U
Leucaruth R
The Stones R
The Wind Throne F

A Friend or Three C
Agburanar R
Cirdan R
Concealment C
Fell Turtle R
Forlong C
Galva R
Gladden Fields C
Halbarad U
Halfling Stealth C
Healing Herbs C
Hiding R
Hobbits R
Legolas U
Lure of Nature C
Magic Ring of Nature U
Neeker-breekers P
River C
Stealth C
Torque of Hues U

Randy Asplund-Faith
Bag End F
Caves of Ulund U
Lost at Sea R
Lost in the Wilderness C
Plague of Wights U
Secret Entrance R
Star-glass U
Sting U
The Arkenstone R
The Pale Sword R

Randy Gallegos
A Chance Meeting C
Bree F
Call of Home C
Dark Quarrels C
Ent-draughts U
Glorfindel II F
Goblin-gate F
Gollum's Fate R
Shelob R
The Precious R
Wake of War U

Rob Alexander
Balrog of Moria R
Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold C
Clouds R
Eagles' Eyrie C
Elven Cloak C
Ettenmoors C
Fair Travels in Border-lands C
Henneth Annun F
Isles of the Dead that Live R
Misty Mountains C
Morgul Night R
Mountains of Shadow C
Return of the King R
Sacrifice of Form R
The Lonely Mountain F
Thranduil F
Wizard's River-horses U

Ron Rousselle II
Dodge C
Durin's Axe U
Eagle-mounts R
Iron Hill Dwarf-hold F
Lucky Search R
Lure of Creation U
Lure of the Senses C
Scroll of Isildur U
Wizard's Ring R

Ron Spencer
Ghosts C
Reforging C
Wizard's Voice R

Ronald Chironna
Black Arrow P
Magic Ring of Words U
Palantir of Orthanc U
Words of Power and Terror R

Ronald Shuey
Pick-pocket U
Shield of Iron-bound Ash C

Stefano Baldo
Beorn F
Bergil U
Bridge U
Crebain C
Dagger of Westernesse C
Elf-song R
Greed C
Lorien C
Muster Disperses C
Palantir of Elostirion U
Peath F
Rivendell C
Voteli C
Wacho U
Woses of Old Pukel-land R

Storn Cook
Dunnish Clan-hold F
Dw. Ring of Barin's Tribe R
Easterling Camp R
Variag Camp R

Susan Van Camp
Mount Gram F
Wargs C
Wolves C

Taylor Blanchard
Palantir of Amon Sul R

Tom Dow
Rhosgobel F
Southron Oasis R
Weathertop F