# # GCCG v0.9.6.3 Middle-earth deck # # COPA IMLADRIS [Fallen Pallando vs Hero/FW] Frozen Pallando # #### Deck #### # Fallen-wizard Character (3) 3 Pallando [F] (WH) # Hazard (30) 1 Adûnaphel (TW) 2 Alone and Unadvised (AS) 3 An Unexpected Outpost (DM) 3 Assassin (TW) 1 Bairanax Ahunt (TD) 1 Beorning Skin-changers (BA) 1 Inner Cunning (DM) 1 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (DM) 2 Lure of Nature (TW) 1 Mouth of Sauron (TW) 1 My Precious (DM) 2 Power Built by Waiting (AS) 1 Revealed to all Watchers (DM) 2 River (LE) 1 Rolled down to the Sea (WH) 2 Sellswords Between Charters (LE) 3 Wild Trolls (LE) 1 Witch-king of Angmar (TW) 1 Ûvatha the Horseman (TW) # Hero Character (2) 1 Beretar (TW) 1 Faramir (TW) # Hero Resource (9) 2 A Friend or Three (TW) 1 Crept Along Carefully (BA) 1 Durin's Axe (TW) 1 Glamdring (TW) 1 Hall of Fire (DM) 2 Longbottom Leaf (BA) 1 Orcrist (TW) # Minion Character (4) 1 Baduila (DM) 1 Drór (DM) 1 Elerína (DM) 1 Layos (LE) # Minion Resource (15) 2 Crept Along Cleverly (WH) 2 Dark Tryst (AS) 1 Going Ever Under Dark (BA) 1 Misty Mountain Wargs (LE) 1 Palantír of Elostirion [M] (LE) 2 Ruse (LE) 1 The Warg-king (LE) 2 Voices of Malice (LE) 1 Wargs of the Forochel (LE) 2 We Have Come to Kill (LE) # Stage Resource (6) 1 A Strident Spawn (WH) 1 Fortress of the Towers (WH) 1 Gatherer of Loyalties (WH) 1 Great Patron (WH) 1 Keys to the White Towers (WH) 1 Truths of Doom (WH) #### Pool #### # Hero Character (4) 1 Balin (TW) 1 Glóin (TW) 1 Vôteli (TW) 1 Óin (TW) # Hero Resource (2) 2 Black Arrow (PR) # Minion Character (6) 1 Asternak (LE) 1 Gulla (LE) 1 Herion (DM) 1 Náin (LE) 1 Odoacer (LE) 1 Threlin (LE) # Stage Resource (3) 1 Pallando's Hood (WH) 1 Thrall of the Voice (WH) 1 Wizard's Myrmidon (WH) ######### Sideboard ######### # Hazard (11) 1 Call of Home (TW) 1 Incite Denizens (TD) 1 Lost in Free-domains (TW) 1 Muster Disperses (TW) 1 Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent (DM) 1 Pilfer Anything Unwatched (AS) 2 Seized by Terror (DM) 1 The Roving Eye (LE) 1 Tidings of Bold Spies (LE) 1 Unabated in Malice (BA) # Hero Resource (11) 1 Eyes of Mandos (DM) 2 Marvels Told (TD) 1 Pledge of Conduct (TD) 2 Promptings of Wisdom (WH) 1 Smoke Rings (DM) 2 Withdrawn to Mordor (DM) 1 Wizard's Laughter (TW) 1 Wormsbane (TD) # Minion Character (2) 1 Euog (Ulzog) (WH) 1 Ill-favoured Fellow (WH) # Minion Resource (3) 1 Gifts as Given of Old (LE) 1 Long Grievous Siege (BA) 1 War-wolf (LE) # Stage Resource (3) 2 Half-orcs (WH) 1 Legacy of Smiths (WH) ################ Sideboard vs. fw ################ # Hazard (10) 2 Blind to the West (WH) 1 Cruel Claw Perceived (WH) 1 Fool's Bane (WH) 2 Heart Grown Cold (WH) 1 Heedless Revelry (LE) 1 Inner Rot (WH) 2 Ire of the East (WH) ##### Sites ##### # Fallen-wizard Site (16) 4 Deep Mines (WH) 4 Isengard [F] (WH) 4 Rhosgobel [F] (WH) 4 The White Towers [F] (WH) # Hero Site (97) 1 Amon Hen [H] (TW) 1 Bag End [H] (TW) 1 Bandit Lair [H] (TW) 1 Barad-dûr [H] (TW) 1 Barrow-downs [H] (TW) 1 Beorn's House [H] (TW) 1 Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold [H] (TW) 1 Bree [H] (TW) 1 Buhr Widu [H] (TD) 1 Cameth Brin [H] (TW) 1 Carn Dûm [H] (TW) 1 Caves of Ûlund [H] (TW) 1 Cirith Gorgor [H] (AS) 1 Cirith Ungol [H] (TW) 1 Dale [H] (TD) 1 Dancing Spire [H] (TW) 1 Dead Marshes [H] (TW) 1 Dimrill Dale [H] (TW) 1 Dol Amroth [H] (TW) 1 Dol Guldur [H] (TW) 1 Drúadan Forest [H] (TW) 1 Dunharrow [H] (TW) 1 Dunnish Clan-hold [H] (TW) 1 Eagles' Eyrie [H] (TW) 1 Easterling Camp [H] (TW) 1 Edhellond [H] (TW) 1 Edoras [H] (TW) 1 Ettenmoors [H] (TW) 1 Framsburg [H] (TD) 1 Geann a-Lisch [H] (AS) 1 Gladden Fields [H] (TW) 1 Glittering Caves [H] (TW) 1 Gobel Mírlond [H] (AS) 1 Goblin-gate [H] (TW) 1 Gold Hill [H] (TD) 1 Gondmaeglom [H] (TD) 1 Grey Havens [H] (TW) 1 Haudh-in-Gwanûr [H] (DM) 1 Henneth Annûn [H] (TW) 1 Hermit's Hill [H] (DM) 1 Himring [H] (TW) 1 Irerock [H] (TW) 1 Iron Hill Dwarf-hold [H] (TW) 1 Isengard [H] (TW) 1 Isle of the Ulond [H] (TD) 1 Isles of the Dead that Live [H] (TW) 1 Lake-town [H] (TW) 1 Lond Galen [H] (TW) 1 Lossadan Cairn [H] (TW) 1 Lossadan Camp [H] (TW) 1 Lórien [H] (TW) 1 Minas Morgul [H] (TW) 1 Minas Tirith [H] (TW) 1 Moria [H] (TW) 1 Mount Doom [H] (TW) 1 Mount Gram [H] (TW) 1 Mount Gundabad [H] (TW) 1 Nûrniag Camp [H] (AS) 1 Old Forest [H] (TW) 1 Ost-in-Edhil [H] (TW) 1 Ovir Hollow [H] (TD) 1 Pelargir [H] (TW) 1 Raider-hold [H] (AS) 1 Rhosgobel [H] (TW) 1 Rivendell [H] (TW) 1 Ruined Signal Tower [H] (TW) 1 Sarn Goriwing [H] (TW) 1 Shelob's Lair [H] (TW) 1 Shrel-Kain [H] (TW) 1 Southron Oasis [H] (TW) 1 Stone-circle [H] (TW) 1 Tharbad [H] (TD) 1 The Gem-deeps [H] (DM) 1 The Iron-deeps [H] (DM) 1 The Lonely Mountain [H] (TW) 1 The Pûkel-deeps [H] (DM) 1 The Stones [H] (TW) 1 The Sulfur-deeps [H] (DM) 1 The Under-courts [H] (DM) 1 The Under-galleries [H] (DM) 1 The Under-gates [H] (DM) 1 The Under-grottos [H] (DM) 1 The Under-leas [H] (DM) 1 The Under-vaults [H] (DM) 1 The White Towers [H] (TW) 1 The Wind Throne [H] (TW) 1 The Worthy Hills [H] (AS) 1 Thranduil's Halls [H] (TW) 1 Tolfalas [H] (TW) 1 Urlurtsu Nurn [H] (DM) 1 Vale of Erech [H] (TW) 1 Variag Camp [H] (TW) 1 Weathertop [H] (TW) 1 Wellinghall [H] (TW) 1 Woodmen-town [H] (TW) 1 Wose Passage-hold [H] (TW) 1 Zarak Dûm [H] (TD) # Minion Site (97) 1 Amon Hen [M] (LE) 1 Bag End [M] (LE) 1 Bandit Lair [M] (LE) 1 Barad-dûr [M] (LE) 1 Barrow-downs [M] (LE) 1 Beorn's House [M] (LE) 1 Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold [M] (LE) 1 Bree [M] (LE) 1 Buhr Widu [M] (LE) 1 Cameth Brin [M] (LE) 1 Carn Dûm [M] (LE) 1 Caves of Ûlund [M] (LE) 1 Cirith Gorgor [M] (LE) 1 Cirith Ungol [M] (LE) 1 Dale [M] (LE) 1 Dancing Spire [M] (AS) 1 Dead Marshes [M] (LE) 1 Dimrill Dale [M] (LE) 1 Dol Amroth [M] (LE) 1 Dol Guldur [M] (LE) 1 Drúadan Forest [M] (LE) 1 Dunharrow [M] (LE) 1 Dunnish Clan-hold [M] (LE) 1 Eagles' Eyrie [M] (AS) 1 Easterling Camp [M] (LE) 1 Edhellond [M] (AS) 1 Edoras [M] (LE) 1 Ettenmoors [M] (LE) 1 Framsburg [M] (AS) 1 Geann a-Lisch [M] (LE) 1 Gladden Fields [M] (LE) 1 Glittering Caves [M] (LE) 1 Gobel Mírlond [M] (LE) 1 Goblin-gate [M] (LE) 1 Gold Hill [M] (AS) 1 Gondmaeglom [M] (LE) 1 Grey Havens [M] (AS) 1 Haudh-in-Gwanûr [M] (LE) 1 Henneth Annûn [M] (LE) 1 Hermit's Hill [M] (LE) 1 Himring [M] (AS) 1 Irerock [M] (AS) 1 Iron Hill Dwarf-hold [M] (LE) 1 Isengard [M] (LE) 1 Isle of the Ulond [M] (AS) 1 Isles of the Dead that Live [M] (AS) 1 Lake-town [M] (LE) 1 Lond Galen [M] (LE) 1 Lossadan Cairn [M] (LE) 1 Lossadan Camp [M] (LE) 1 Lórien [M] (AS) 1 Minas Morgul [M] (LE) 1 Minas Tirith [M] (LE) 1 Moria [M] (LE) 1 Mount Doom [M] (LE) 1 Mount Gram [M] (LE) 1 Mount Gundabad [M] (LE) 1 Nûrniag Camp [M] (LE) 1 Old Forest [M] (AS) 1 Ost-in-Edhil [M] (LE) 1 Ovir Hollow [M] (AS) 1 Pelargir [M] (LE) 1 Raider-hold [M] (LE) 1 Rhosgobel [M] (AS) 1 Rivendell [M] (AS) 1 Ruined Signal Tower [M] (LE) 1 Sarn Goriwing [M] (LE) 1 Shelob's Lair [M] (LE) 1 Shrel-Kain [M] (LE) 1 Southron Oasis [M] (LE) 1 Stone-circle [M] (LE) 1 Tharbad [M] (LE) 1 The Gem-deeps [M] (AS) 1 The Iron-deeps [M] (AS) 1 The Lonely Mountain [M] (LE) 1 The Pûkel-deeps [M] (AS) 1 The Stones [M] (LE) 1 The Sulfur-deeps [M] (AS) 1 The Under-courts [M] (AS) 1 The Under-galleries [M] (AS) 1 The Under-gates [M] (AS) 1 The Under-grottos [M] (AS) 1 The Under-leas [M] (AS) 1 The Under-vaults [M] (AS) 1 The White Towers [M] (LE) 1 The Wind Throne [M] (LE) 1 The Worthy Hills [M] (LE) 1 Thranduil's Halls [M] (LE) 1 Tolfalas [M] (AS) 1 Urlurtsu Nurn [M] (LE) 1 Vale of Erech [M] (LE) 1 Variag Camp [M] (LE) 1 Weathertop [M] (AS) 1 Wellinghall [M] (AS) 1 Woodmen-town [M] (LE) 1 Wose Passage-hold [M] (LE) 1 Zarak Dûm [M] (LE)