15. "The Hunters"
Quinta colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 194 cartas repartidas de la siguiente manera; 60 raras (R), 60 comunes (C), 60 infrecuentes (U) y 14 Starter Cards (S). Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
15R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Doom
15S2 The One Ring, The Ruling Ring
15U3 Chamber of Records
15U4 The Fortunes of Balin's Folk
15C5 Gimli, Eager Hunter
15R6 Gloin, Son of Groin
15U7 Heavy Axe
15C8 Sturdy Stock
15R9 Well-crafted Armor
15C10 Whatever End
15R11 Arwen, She-Elf
15R12 Dinendal, Mirkwood Archer
15C13 Elven Bow
15C14 Elven Warrior
15C15 Focus
15U16 Gift of the Evenstar, Blessed Light
15U17 Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood
15S18 Legolas, Fleet-footed Hunter
15R19 Legolas, of the Woodland Realm
15U20 Lorien's Blessing
15U21 Mighty Shot
15R22 The Mirror of Galadriel, Dangerous Guide
15C23 Point Blank Range
15R24 Spied From Afar
15C25 Sword of the Fallen
15U26 Uruviel, Woodland Maid
15U27 Be Gone!
15C28 Ent Avenger
15R29 Gandalf, Powerful Guide
15R30 Leaflock, Finglas
15U31 Mellon!
15U32 Momentous Gathering
15R33 One Last Surprise
15R34 Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents
15U35 Shadow of the Wood
15R36 Shepherd of the Trees
15U37 Skinbark, Elder Ent
15R38 Treebeard, Enraged Shepherd
15U39 Called to Mordor
15R40 Connected by Fate
15U41 Controlled by the Ring
15R42 Desperate Move
15R43 Gollum, Hopeless
15U44 Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
15C45 Hurry Hobbitses
15C46 Nice Fish
15R47 Not This Time!
15C48 Release Them
15R49 Smeagol, Wretched and Hungry
15U50 Something Slimy
15U51 Sudden Strike
15U52 Swear By the Precious
15R53 Unseen Foe
15S54 Aragorn, Swift Hunter
15R55 Aragorn, Thorongil
15R56 Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow
15U57 Damrod, Dunadan of Gondor
15R58 Decorated Barricade
15C59 Dunedain of the South
15C60* Forth the Three Hunters! Esta carta se edito para las culturas; Dwarven, Elven y Gondor con la misma imagen
15C60* Forth the Three Hunters! Esta carta se edito para las culturas; Dwarven, Elven y Gondor con la misma imagen
15C60* Forth the Three Hunters! Esta carta se edito para las culturas; Dwarven, Elven y Gondor con la misma imagen
15U61 Gondorian Prowler
15C62 Ithilien Blade
15U63 Mablung, Ranger of Ithilien
15R64 Madril, Defender of Osgiliath
15C65 No Quicker Path
15U66 No Travellers In This Land
15U69 Portico
15C68 Ranger's Cloak
15C69 Silent Traveler
15R70 Tremendous Wall
15C71 Unyielding Ranger
15R72 Bill Ferny, Agent of Saruman
15C73 Bold Easterling
15R74 Chieftain of Dunland
15C75 Courageous Easterling
15R76 Destroyed Homestead
15C77 Easterling Scout
15U78 Engrossed Hillman
15U79 Enraged Herdsman
15C80 Great Axe
15U81 Grieving the Fallen
15C82 Grousing Hillman
15C83 Hunting Herdsman
15R84 Last Gasp
15U85 Lying Counsel
15R86 Mumak Commander, Giant Among the Swertings
15R87 Primitive Savage
15U88 Pursuing Horde
15U89 Rapid Reload
15U90 Rapt Hillman
15C91 Ravaging Wild Man
15U92 Savage Southron
15C93 Swarthy Hillman
15U94 Wandering Hillman
15S95 Battlefield Recruit
15S96 Battlefield Veteran
15C97 Beasts of Burden
15U98 Black Gate Sentry
15R99 Black Land Chieftain
15C100 Black Land Commander
15C101 Black Land Observer
15U102 Black Land Overlord
15C103 Black Land Runner
15R104 Black Land Shrieker
15C105 Black Land Spy
15U106 Coordinated Effort
15C107 Desolation Orc
15C108 Destructive Orc
15R109 Gorbag, Filthy Rebel
15C110 Isengard Marauder
15U111 Moria Menace
15R112 Mountain-troll
15U113 Orkish Camp
15U114 Orkish Hunting Spear
15U115 Pummeling Blow
15C116 Scouting Orc
15R117 Tower Troll
15U118 Unmistakable Omen
15R119 Unreasonable Choice
15C120 Veteran War Chief
15C121 Brilliant Light
15R122 Burial Mounds
15R123 Eomer, Horsemaster
15R124 Eomer's Spear, Trusty Weapon
15C125 Eowyn, Willing Fighter
15S126 Gamling, The Old
15C127 Grim Trophy
15U128 Haleth, Son of Hama
15U129 Horse of Great Stature
15C130 Horseman of the North
15C131 Our Inspiration
15U132 Last Days of My House
15C133 Rider's Mount
15U134 Rohan Stable Master
15R135 Rohan Worker
15C136 Rohirrim Axe
15U137 Rohirrim Doorwarden
15S138 Rohirrim Soldier
15U139 Rohirrim Warrior
15U140 Spear of the Mark
15R141 Sturdy Shield
15U142 Swift Stroke
15C143 Community Living
15C144 Frodo, Weary From the Journey
15C145 Hobbit Sword
15R146 Hobbiton Brewer, Maker of Fine Ales
15C147 Hobbiton Farmer, Lover of Pipeweed
15R148 Little Golden Flower
15C149 Merry, The Tall One
15C150 No Visitors
15C151 Pippin, The Short One
15R152 Relaxation
15U153 Sam, Innocent Traveler
15R154 Second Breakfast
15R155 Advancing Horde
15C156 Charging Uruk
15C157 Chasing Uruk
15C158 Covetous Uruk
15U159 Defensive Rush
15U160 Following Uruk
15C161 Hunting Uruk
15R162 Lurtz, Now Perfected
15R163 Lurtz's Sword, Mighty Longsword
15S164 Mauhur, Relentless Hunter
15R165 Merciless Berserker
15U166 Poised for Assault
15C167 Pursuing Uruk
15U168 Searching Uruk
15C169 Seeking Uruk
15R170 Sentry Uruk
15S171 Tracking Uruk
15R172 Ugluk, Ugly Fellow
15R173 Ugluk's Sword, Weapon of Command
15R174 Uruk Cavern Striker
15U175 Uruk Infantry
15C176 Uruk Village Assassin
15U177 Uruk Village Rager
15C178 Uruk Village Stormer
15C179 Violent Hurl
15R180 With All Possible Speed
15U181 Later Than You Think
15R182 A Shadow Fell Over Them
15U183 They Feel the Precious
15R184 Ulaire Attea, Desirous of Power
15R185 Ulaire Lemenya, Eternally Threatening
15R186 Ulaire Nelya, Fell Rider
15U187 Anduin River
15U188 Breeding Pit of Isengard
15S189 City Gates
15U190 East Wall of Rohan
15U191 Gate of Mordor
15U192 Isengard Ruined
15R193 Mount Doom
15U194 Westfold Village
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
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- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
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16. "The Wraith Collection"
Sexta colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 6 cartas raras (R), todas foils. Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
16R1 •Barrow-wight Stalker
16R2 Candle Corpses
16R3 •Covetous Wisp
16R4 Dead Faces
16R5 •Spirit of Dread
16R6 •Undead of Angmar
Sexta colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 6 cartas raras (R), todas foils. Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
16R1 •Barrow-wight Stalker
16R2 Candle Corpses
16R3 •Covetous Wisp
16R4 Dead Faces
16R5 •Spirit of Dread
16R6 •Undead of Angmar
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
17. "Rise of Saruman"
Septima colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 148 cartas repartidas de la siguiente manera; 60 raras (R), 42 comunes (C), 38 infrecuentes (U) y 8 Starter Cards (S). Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
17U1 Armor of Khazad
17R2 Balin Avenged
17U3 Dwarven Stratagem
17R4 Ring of Artifice
17U5 Axe- Work
17R6 Thorin III, Stonehelm
17S7 Elven Guardian
17U8 Hearth and Hall
17U9 Lothlorien Guides
17U10 Namarie
17S11 Orophin, Silvan Elf
17S12 Rumil, Silvan Elf
17R13 The World Ahead
17U14 Weapons of Lothlorien
17U15 A New Light
17U16 Barliman Butterbur, Red-Faced Landlord
17R17 Gandalf, Returned
17R18 Glamdring, Orc Beater
17U19 Guidance of the Istari
17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
17U21 Long-stemmed Pipe
17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
17R23 Scintillating Bird
17R24 Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
17U25 The Sap is in the Bough
17U26 Woodland Onod
17R27 Anduril, Sword That Was Broken
17R28 Faramir, Bearer of Quality
17R29 Faramir's Bow, Ithilien Longbow
17S30 Madril, Loyal Lieutenant
17R31 Narsil, Forged by Telchar
17U32 Nimble Attack
17S33 Ranger of the White Tree
17U34 Spirit of the White Tree
17R36 Throne of Minas Tirith
17R37 Saruman, Instigator of Insurrection
17R38 Saruman, Servant of Sauron
17R39 Throne of Isengard
17U40 Beast of War
17R41 Ceremonial Armor
17U42 Easterling Dispatcher
17R43 Easterling Sneak
17R44 Grima's Dagger
17R45 In the Wild Men's Wake
17C46 Pandemonium
17U47 Primitive Brand
17S48 Saruman, Coldly Still
17R49 Stampeding Chief
17U50 Stampeding Hillsman
17C51 Stampeding Madman
17R52 Stampeding Ransacker
17C53 Stampeding Savage
17C54 Stampeding Shepherd
17C55 Sunland Guard
17R56 Sunland Scout
17C57 Sunland Skirmisher
17R58 Sunland Sneak
17C59 Sunland Trooper
17C60 Sunland Warrior
17R61 Sunland Weaponmaster
17C62 Vengeful Savage
17C63 Vengeful Wild Man
17C64 Vengeful Pillager
17R65 Vengeful Primitive
17C66 Wildman's Oath
17R67 A Defiled Charge
17C68 Chaotic Clash
17C69 Cry and Panic
17C70 Feral Ride
17R71 Grishnakh, Treacherous Captain
17C72 Orkish Assassin
17R73 Orkish Berserker
17R74 Orkish Cavalry
17C75 Orkish Dreg
17R76 Orkish Fiend
17C77 Orkish Flanker
17C78 Orkish Footman
17R79 Orkish Invader
17C80 Orkish Lackey
17C81 Orkish Maurader
17R82 Orkish Rider
17C83 Orkish Runner
17R84 Orkish Scout
17C85 Orkish Traveler
17R86 Orkish Veteran
17R87 Orkish Warg-master
17U88 Orkish Warrior
17R89 Relentless Warg
17U90 Rider's Gear
17U91 Threatening Warg
17C92 Vicious Warg
17R93 Aragorn, Defender of Rohan
17U94 Dispatched with Haste
17R95 Eomer, Northman
17R96 Eowyn, Northwoman
17U97 For Death and Glory
17R98 Throne of the Golden Hall
17R99 Hama, Northman
17U100 Into the Caves
17U101 Soldier of Rohan
17R102 Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan
17U103 Where Now the Horse
17U104 Warrior of Rohan
17R105 Throne of the Dark Lord
17U106 Halfling Leaf
17U107 Merry, In the Bloom of Health
17U108 Hornblower Leaf
17U109 Pippin, In the Bloom of Health
17U110 Southfarthing Leaf
17U111 Southlinch Leaf
17U112 Blade of the White Hand
17C113 Deathly Roar
17R114 Land Had Changed
17S115 Saruman, Curunir
17R116 Saruman, Master of the White Hand
17U117 Spear of the White Hand
17C118 Vile Pit
17C119 White Hand Aggressor
17C120 White Hand Attacker
17R121 White Hand Berserker
17C122 White Hand Butcher
17R123 White Hand Captain
17R124 White Hand Destroyer
17C125 White Hand Enforcer
17C126 White Hand Guard
17C127 White Hand Intruder
17C128 White Hand Invader
17R129 White Hand Legion
17C130 White Hand Scout
17C131 White Hand Slayer
17R132 White Hand Taskmaster
17C133 White Hand Trooper
17C134 White Hand Vanquisher
17R135 White Hand Veteran
17C136 White Hand Warrior
17R137 You Do Not Know Fear
17U138 You Do Not Know Pain
17R139 Ulaire Cantea, Duplicitous Assassin
17R140 Ulaire Enquea, Duplicitous Lieutenant
17R141 Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Specter
17R142 Ring of Savagery
17R143 Ring of Terror
17R144 The Witch-king, Conqueror of Arthedain
17U145 Dol Guldur
17U146 Falls of Rauros
17U147 Imladris
17U148 Nurn
Septima colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 148 cartas repartidas de la siguiente manera; 60 raras (R), 42 comunes (C), 38 infrecuentes (U) y 8 Starter Cards (S). Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
17U1 Armor of Khazad
17R2 Balin Avenged
17U3 Dwarven Stratagem
17R4 Ring of Artifice
17U5 Axe- Work
17R6 Thorin III, Stonehelm
17S7 Elven Guardian
17U8 Hearth and Hall
17U9 Lothlorien Guides
17U10 Namarie
17S11 Orophin, Silvan Elf
17S12 Rumil, Silvan Elf
17R13 The World Ahead
17U14 Weapons of Lothlorien
17U15 A New Light
17U16 Barliman Butterbur, Red-Faced Landlord
17R17 Gandalf, Returned
17R18 Glamdring, Orc Beater
17U19 Guidance of the Istari
17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
17U21 Long-stemmed Pipe
17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
17R23 Scintillating Bird
17R24 Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
17U25 The Sap is in the Bough
17U26 Woodland Onod
17R27 Anduril, Sword That Was Broken
17R28 Faramir, Bearer of Quality
17R29 Faramir's Bow, Ithilien Longbow
17S30 Madril, Loyal Lieutenant
17R31 Narsil, Forged by Telchar
17U32 Nimble Attack
17S33 Ranger of the White Tree
17U34 Spirit of the White Tree
17R36 Throne of Minas Tirith
17R37 Saruman, Instigator of Insurrection
17R38 Saruman, Servant of Sauron
17R39 Throne of Isengard
17U40 Beast of War
17R41 Ceremonial Armor
17U42 Easterling Dispatcher
17R43 Easterling Sneak
17R44 Grima's Dagger
17R45 In the Wild Men's Wake
17C46 Pandemonium
17U47 Primitive Brand
17S48 Saruman, Coldly Still
17R49 Stampeding Chief
17U50 Stampeding Hillsman
17C51 Stampeding Madman
17R52 Stampeding Ransacker
17C53 Stampeding Savage
17C54 Stampeding Shepherd
17C55 Sunland Guard
17R56 Sunland Scout
17C57 Sunland Skirmisher
17R58 Sunland Sneak
17C59 Sunland Trooper
17C60 Sunland Warrior
17R61 Sunland Weaponmaster
17C62 Vengeful Savage
17C63 Vengeful Wild Man
17C64 Vengeful Pillager
17R65 Vengeful Primitive
17C66 Wildman's Oath
17R67 A Defiled Charge
17C68 Chaotic Clash
17C69 Cry and Panic
17C70 Feral Ride
17R71 Grishnakh, Treacherous Captain
17C72 Orkish Assassin
17R73 Orkish Berserker
17R74 Orkish Cavalry
17C75 Orkish Dreg
17R76 Orkish Fiend
17C77 Orkish Flanker
17C78 Orkish Footman
17R79 Orkish Invader
17C80 Orkish Lackey
17C81 Orkish Maurader
17R82 Orkish Rider
17C83 Orkish Runner
17R84 Orkish Scout
17C85 Orkish Traveler
17R86 Orkish Veteran
17R87 Orkish Warg-master
17U88 Orkish Warrior
17R89 Relentless Warg
17U90 Rider's Gear
17U91 Threatening Warg
17C92 Vicious Warg
17R93 Aragorn, Defender of Rohan
17U94 Dispatched with Haste
17R95 Eomer, Northman
17R96 Eowyn, Northwoman
17U97 For Death and Glory
17R98 Throne of the Golden Hall
17R99 Hama, Northman
17U100 Into the Caves
17U101 Soldier of Rohan
17R102 Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan
17U103 Where Now the Horse
17U104 Warrior of Rohan
17R105 Throne of the Dark Lord
17U106 Halfling Leaf
17U107 Merry, In the Bloom of Health
17U108 Hornblower Leaf
17U109 Pippin, In the Bloom of Health
17U110 Southfarthing Leaf
17U111 Southlinch Leaf
17U112 Blade of the White Hand
17C113 Deathly Roar
17R114 Land Had Changed
17S115 Saruman, Curunir
17R116 Saruman, Master of the White Hand
17U117 Spear of the White Hand
17C118 Vile Pit
17C119 White Hand Aggressor
17C120 White Hand Attacker
17R121 White Hand Berserker
17C122 White Hand Butcher
17R123 White Hand Captain
17R124 White Hand Destroyer
17C125 White Hand Enforcer
17C126 White Hand Guard
17C127 White Hand Intruder
17C128 White Hand Invader
17R129 White Hand Legion
17C130 White Hand Scout
17C131 White Hand Slayer
17R132 White Hand Taskmaster
17C133 White Hand Trooper
17C134 White Hand Vanquisher
17R135 White Hand Veteran
17C136 White Hand Warrior
17R137 You Do Not Know Fear
17U138 You Do Not Know Pain
17R139 Ulaire Cantea, Duplicitous Assassin
17R140 Ulaire Enquea, Duplicitous Lieutenant
17R141 Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Specter
17R142 Ring of Savagery
17R143 Ring of Terror
17R144 The Witch-king, Conqueror of Arthedain
17U145 Dol Guldur
17U146 Falls of Rauros
17U147 Imladris
17U148 Nurn
Última edición por Witch-King el 05 Jun 2014 13:04, editado 3 veces en total.
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
18. "Treachery & Deceit"
Octava colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 140 cartas repartidas de la siguiente manera; 60 raras (R), 40 comunes (C) y 40 infrecuentes (U). Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
18R1 Gimli, Sprinter
18U2 Run Until Found
18C3 Thorin's Harp
18R4 Arwen's Bow
18R5 Arwen's Dagger
18R6 Back to the Light
18R7 Celebring, Elven-smith
18U8 Elven Armaments
18C9 Elven Defender
18U10 Elven Supplies
18R11 Galadriel's Silver Ewer
18R12 Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor
18R13 Glorfindel, Eldarin Lord
18R14 Haldir, Warrior Messenger
18R15 Lembas Bread
18C16 Miruvore
18C17 Woodhall Elf, Exile
18R18 Beorning Axe
18C19 Drawn to Full Height
18C20 Ents Marching
18U21 Last Stand
18C22 Librarian, Keeper of Ancient Texts
18U23 One-Upsmanship
18R24 Our Time
18U25 Perspective
18R26 Radagast's Herb Bag
18U27 Ship of Smoke
18R28 Countless Cords
18R29 Deceit
18U30 Enemy in Your Midst
18R31 It Draws Him
18R32 Not Easily Avoided
18U33 Set Up
18R34 Shelob, Menace
18R35 Sting of Shelob
18C36 Time for Food
18U37 Trusted Promise
18R38 Aragorn, Heir to the Throne of Gondor
18C39 Armor of the White City
18R40 Boromir, Proud and Noble Man
18R41 Crown of Gondor
18R42 Denethor, On the Edge of Madness
18R43 Denethor's Sword
18C44 Defenses Long Held
18U45 Dunadan's Bow
18U46 Disarmed
18R47 Elendil's Army
18R48 Faramir, Captain of Ithilien
18C49 Faramir's Company
18R50 The Faithful Stone
18C51 For Gondor!
18R52 Gondorian Servant, Denethor's Handman
18R53 Horn of Boromir, The Great Horn
18R54 Isildur, Sword-Bearer
18R55 Ranger of the North
18C56 Ranger of the South
18C57 Shield of the White Tree
18R59 Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North
18U60 Corsair Boarding Axe
18U61 Corsair Bow
18U62 Corsair Grappling Hook
18U63 Corsair Halberd
18U64 Corsair Scimitar
18C65 Declined Business
18R66 Fleet of Corsair Ships
18R67 Grima, Witless Worm
18C68 Harry Goatleaf
18R69 Henchman's Dagger
18C70 Ill News Is An Ill Guest
18R71 Mumakil Commander, Bold and Grim
18C72 Ruffian
18C73 Rough Man of the South
18C74 Squint-eyed Southerner
18U75 Ted Sandyman, Chief's Men's Ally
18R76 Treachery
18C77 Whisper in the Dark
18U78 Destroyers and Usurpers
18U79 Frenzy of Arrows
18R80 Gothmog, Morgul Leader
18R81 Gothmog's Warg, Leader's Mount
18R82 Grond, Forged With Black Steel
18R83 Gruesome Meal
18C84 Orkish Ax
18C85 Orkish Aggressor
18U86 Orkish Archer Troop
18C87 Orkish Breeder
18C88 Orkish Defender
18C89 Orkish Headsman
18C90 Orkish Skirmisher
18C91 Orkish Sneak
18U92 War Preparations
18U93 Wary Orc
18C94 Cast From the Hall
18R95 Eomer's Bow
18R96 Erkenbrand's Horn
18R97 Erkenbrand's Shield
18R98 Fall back to Helm's Deep
18R99 Gamling, Dutiful Marshal
18R100 Gamling's Horn
18C101 Precise Attack
18R102 Rohirrim Diadem
18C103 Rohirrim Recruit
18U104 Surrendered Weapons
18R105 Theoden, Ednew
18C106 A Dragon's Tale
18R107 Fredegar Bolger, Fatty
18U108 Golden Perch Ale
18C109 Make a Run For It
18U110 Prized Lagan
18U111 Robin Smallburrow, Shirriff Cock-Robin
18R112 Scouring of the Shire
18R113 Sting, Elven Long Knife
18R114 Cleaved
18R115 Final Triumph
18C116 Fury of the Evil Army
18C117 Ghastly Wound
18R118 Lurtz, Halfling Hunter
18R119 Lurtz's Bow, Black-Fletch Bow
18U120 New Forges Built
18U121 Pikes Upon Pikes
18R122 Shagrat, Tower Captain
18U123 Tracking the Prize
18C124 White Hand Attacker
18C125 White Hand Exorciser
18R126 White Hand Marchers
18R127 White Hand Marshal
18C128 White Hand Mystic
18C129 White Hand Sieger
18U130 White Hand Traveler
18C131 White Hand Uruk
18U132 All Life Flees
18R133 Pull of the Ring
18U134 Doorway to Doom
18U135 Foot of Mount Doom
18U136 Mithlond
18U137 Morannon Plains
18U138 Sirannon Ruins
18U139 Steward's Tomb
18U140 Streets of Bree
Octava colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 140 cartas repartidas de la siguiente manera; 60 raras (R), 40 comunes (C) y 40 infrecuentes (U). Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
18R1 Gimli, Sprinter
18U2 Run Until Found
18C3 Thorin's Harp
18R4 Arwen's Bow
18R5 Arwen's Dagger
18R6 Back to the Light
18R7 Celebring, Elven-smith
18U8 Elven Armaments
18C9 Elven Defender
18U10 Elven Supplies
18R11 Galadriel's Silver Ewer
18R12 Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor
18R13 Glorfindel, Eldarin Lord
18R14 Haldir, Warrior Messenger
18R15 Lembas Bread
18C16 Miruvore
18C17 Woodhall Elf, Exile
18R18 Beorning Axe
18C19 Drawn to Full Height
18C20 Ents Marching
18U21 Last Stand
18C22 Librarian, Keeper of Ancient Texts
18U23 One-Upsmanship
18R24 Our Time
18U25 Perspective
18R26 Radagast's Herb Bag
18U27 Ship of Smoke
18R28 Countless Cords
18R29 Deceit
18U30 Enemy in Your Midst
18R31 It Draws Him
18R32 Not Easily Avoided
18U33 Set Up
18R34 Shelob, Menace
18R35 Sting of Shelob
18C36 Time for Food
18U37 Trusted Promise
18R38 Aragorn, Heir to the Throne of Gondor
18C39 Armor of the White City
18R40 Boromir, Proud and Noble Man
18R41 Crown of Gondor
18R42 Denethor, On the Edge of Madness
18R43 Denethor's Sword
18C44 Defenses Long Held
18U45 Dunadan's Bow
18U46 Disarmed
18R47 Elendil's Army
18R48 Faramir, Captain of Ithilien
18C49 Faramir's Company
18R50 The Faithful Stone
18C51 For Gondor!
18R52 Gondorian Servant, Denethor's Handman
18R53 Horn of Boromir, The Great Horn
18R54 Isildur, Sword-Bearer
18R55 Ranger of the North
18C56 Ranger of the South
18C57 Shield of the White Tree
18R59 Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North
18U60 Corsair Boarding Axe
18U61 Corsair Bow
18U62 Corsair Grappling Hook
18U63 Corsair Halberd
18U64 Corsair Scimitar
18C65 Declined Business
18R66 Fleet of Corsair Ships
18R67 Grima, Witless Worm
18C68 Harry Goatleaf
18R69 Henchman's Dagger
18C70 Ill News Is An Ill Guest
18R71 Mumakil Commander, Bold and Grim
18C72 Ruffian
18C73 Rough Man of the South
18C74 Squint-eyed Southerner
18U75 Ted Sandyman, Chief's Men's Ally
18R76 Treachery
18C77 Whisper in the Dark
18U78 Destroyers and Usurpers
18U79 Frenzy of Arrows
18R80 Gothmog, Morgul Leader
18R81 Gothmog's Warg, Leader's Mount
18R82 Grond, Forged With Black Steel
18R83 Gruesome Meal
18C84 Orkish Ax
18C85 Orkish Aggressor
18U86 Orkish Archer Troop
18C87 Orkish Breeder
18C88 Orkish Defender
18C89 Orkish Headsman
18C90 Orkish Skirmisher
18C91 Orkish Sneak
18U92 War Preparations
18U93 Wary Orc
18C94 Cast From the Hall
18R95 Eomer's Bow
18R96 Erkenbrand's Horn
18R97 Erkenbrand's Shield
18R98 Fall back to Helm's Deep
18R99 Gamling, Dutiful Marshal
18R100 Gamling's Horn
18C101 Precise Attack
18R102 Rohirrim Diadem
18C103 Rohirrim Recruit
18U104 Surrendered Weapons
18R105 Theoden, Ednew
18C106 A Dragon's Tale
18R107 Fredegar Bolger, Fatty
18U108 Golden Perch Ale
18C109 Make a Run For It
18U110 Prized Lagan
18U111 Robin Smallburrow, Shirriff Cock-Robin
18R112 Scouring of the Shire
18R113 Sting, Elven Long Knife
18R114 Cleaved
18R115 Final Triumph
18C116 Fury of the Evil Army
18C117 Ghastly Wound
18R118 Lurtz, Halfling Hunter
18R119 Lurtz's Bow, Black-Fletch Bow
18U120 New Forges Built
18U121 Pikes Upon Pikes
18R122 Shagrat, Tower Captain
18U123 Tracking the Prize
18C124 White Hand Attacker
18C125 White Hand Exorciser
18R126 White Hand Marchers
18R127 White Hand Marshal
18C128 White Hand Mystic
18C129 White Hand Sieger
18U130 White Hand Traveler
18C131 White Hand Uruk
18U132 All Life Flees
18R133 Pull of the Ring
18U134 Doorway to Doom
18U135 Foot of Mount Doom
18U136 Mithlond
18U137 Morannon Plains
18U138 Sirannon Ruins
18U139 Steward's Tomb
18U140 Streets of Bree
Última edición por Witch-King el 05 Jun 2014 13:04, editado 3 veces en total.
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
19. "Ages End"
Novena y ultima colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 40 cartas premium (P) todas foils. Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
19P1 The One Ring, The Great Ring
19P2 Gimli, Opinionated Guide
19P3 Still Twitching
19P4 That's Two!
19P5 Army Long Trained
19P6 Arwen, Royal Maiden
19P7 Legolas, Skeptical Guide
19P8 Gandalf, Wise Guide
19P9 Stern Words
19P10 Gollum, Threatening Guide
19P11 Smeagol, Pitiable Guide
19P12 Aragorn, Well-traveled Guide
19P13 Boromir, Destined Guide
19P14 Not Bound To His Fate
19P15 Strength In My Blood
19P16 Grima, Servant of Another Master
19P17 Urgency
19P18 The Balrog, Demon of Might
19P19 Reaching Tentacle
19P20 Strong Tentacle
19P21 Watcher in the Water, Many-Tentacled Creature
19P22 Pit Troll
19P23 Troll of the Deep, Cave Troll
19P24 Brought Down From Inside
19P25 Eomer, Eored Captain
19P26 Eowyn, Lady of the Mark
19P27 Sauron's Might
19P28 Frodo, Little Master
19P29 Merry, Resolute Friend
19P30 Pippin, Steadfast Friend
19P31 Rabbit Stew
19P32 Sam, Loyal Friend
19P33 Lurtz, Resilient Captain
19P34 In Twilight
19P35 Ulaire Attea, Dark Predator
19P36 Ulaire Enquea, Dark Threat
19P37 Ulaire Lemenya, Dark Enemy
19P38 Ulaire Nertea, Dark Horseman
19P39 Ulaire Toldea, Dark Shadow
19P40 The Witch-king, Dark Lord
Novena y ultima colección del bloque II, La Guerra del Anillo.
Esta compuesta por 40 cartas premium (P) todas foils. Esta colección NO se edito en castellano.
19P1 The One Ring, The Great Ring
19P2 Gimli, Opinionated Guide
19P3 Still Twitching
19P4 That's Two!
19P5 Army Long Trained
19P6 Arwen, Royal Maiden
19P7 Legolas, Skeptical Guide
19P8 Gandalf, Wise Guide
19P9 Stern Words
19P10 Gollum, Threatening Guide
19P11 Smeagol, Pitiable Guide
19P12 Aragorn, Well-traveled Guide
19P13 Boromir, Destined Guide
19P14 Not Bound To His Fate
19P15 Strength In My Blood
19P16 Grima, Servant of Another Master
19P17 Urgency
19P18 The Balrog, Demon of Might
19P19 Reaching Tentacle
19P20 Strong Tentacle
19P21 Watcher in the Water, Many-Tentacled Creature
19P22 Pit Troll
19P23 Troll of the Deep, Cave Troll
19P24 Brought Down From Inside
19P25 Eomer, Eored Captain
19P26 Eowyn, Lady of the Mark
19P27 Sauron's Might
19P28 Frodo, Little Master
19P29 Merry, Resolute Friend
19P30 Pippin, Steadfast Friend
19P31 Rabbit Stew
19P32 Sam, Loyal Friend
19P33 Lurtz, Resilient Captain
19P34 In Twilight
19P35 Ulaire Attea, Dark Predator
19P36 Ulaire Enquea, Dark Threat
19P37 Ulaire Lemenya, Dark Enemy
19P38 Ulaire Nertea, Dark Horseman
19P39 Ulaire Toldea, Dark Shadow
19P40 The Witch-king, Dark Lord
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
"Legends/Legends Masterworks Series"
RF: Legends Series
O: Legends Masterworks Series
Todas son foils
11RF1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (F)
11RF2 Elven Marksmanship (F)
11RF3 •Legolas, Woodland Emissary (F)
11RF4 •Glamdring, Foe-hammer (F)
11RF5 •Gollum, Skulker (F)
11RF6 •Smeagol, Scout and Guide (F)
11RF7 •Aragorn, Strider (F)
11RF8 Bloodthirsty (F)
11RF9 Fletcher of Harad (F)
11RF10 Porter Troll (F)
11RF11 Undisciplined (F)
11RF12 •Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg (F)
11RF13 Sword Rack (F)
11RF14 Salt from the Shire (F)
11RF15 Brawling Uruk (F)
11RF16 •Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard (F)
11RF17 •The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame (F)
11RF18 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (F)
Black Rider
12RF1 •Elrond, Witness to History (F)
12RF2 •Hadafang (F)
12RF3 •Gandalf, The White Rider (F)
12RF4 •Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (F)
12RF5 •Faramir's Sword (F)
12RF6 •Castamir of Umbar, Corsair Vandal (F)
12RF7 •Grima, Betrayer of Rohan (F)
12RF8 •The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum (F)
12RF9 •Cave Troll of Moria, Savage Menace (F)
12RF10 Orc Artisan (F)
12RF11 •The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-dur (F)
12RF12 •Bilbo, Melancholy Hobbit (F)
12RF13 •Uruk Zealot (F)
12RF14 Dark Approach (F)
12RF15 •Ulaire Attea, Black Predator (F)
12RF16 •Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (F)
12RF17 •Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat (F)
12RF18 •The Witch-king, Black Lord (F)
12O1 •Gandalf, The White Rider (O)
12O2 •Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (O)
12O3 •Faramir's Sword (O)
12O4 •The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum (O)
12O5 Dark Approach (O)
12O6 •Ulaire Attea, Black Predator (O)
12O7 •Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (O)
12O8 •Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat (O)
12O9 •The Witch-king, Black Lord (O)
13RF1 •Celeborn, The Wise (F)
13RF2 •Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (F)
13RF3 •Legolas, of the Grey Company (F)
13RF4 •Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (F)
13RF5 •Pallando, Far-travelling One (F)
13RF6 •Deagol, Fateful Finder (F)
13RF7 •Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (F)
13RF8 •Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (F)
13RF9 •Voice of the Desert, Southron Troop (F)
13RF10 •Chamber Patrol (F)
13RF11 •Orc Crusher (F)
13RF12 •Eomer, Heir to Meduseld (F)
13RF13 •Theoden, The Renowned (F)
13RF14 •Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor (F)
13RF15 •Frodo, Frenzied Fighter (F)
13RF16 •Sam, Bearer of Great Need (F)
13RF17 •Uruk Blitz (F)
13RF18 Uruk Rogue (F)
13O1 •Celeborn, The Wise (O)
13O2 •Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (O)
13O3 •Legolas, of the Grey Company (O)
13O4 •Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (O)
13O5 •Pallando, Far-traveling One (O)
13O6 •Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (O)
13O7 •Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (O)
13O8 •Eomer, Heir to Meduseld (O)
13O9 •Theoden, The Renowned (O)
The Hunters
15RF1 •The One Ring, The Ring of Doom (F)
15RF2 Well-crafted Armor (F)
15RF3 •Legolas, of the Woodland Realm (F)
15RF4 •The Mirror of Galadriel, Dangerous Guide (F)
15RF5 •Gandalf, Powerful Guide (F)
15RF6 One Last Surprise (F)
15RF7 •Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents (F)
15RF8 •Smeagol, Wretched and Hungry (F)
15RF9 •Aragorn, Thorongil (F)
15RF10 •Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (F)
15RF11 •Black Land Chieftain (F)
15RF12 •Gorbag, Filthy Rebel (F)
15RF13 •Eomer, Horsemaster (F)
15RF14 •Sentry Uruk (F)
15RF15 •Ulaire Attea, Desirous of Power (F)
15RF16 •Ulaire Lemenya, Eternally Threatening (F)
15RF17 •Ulaire Nelya, Fell Rider (F)
15RF18 Mount Doom (F)
15O1 •Legolas, of the Woodland Realm (O)
15O2 •Gandalf, Powerful Guide (O)
15O3 •Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents (O)
15O4 •Aragorn, Thorongil (O)
15O5 •Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (O)
15O6 •Eomer, Horsemaster (O)
15O7 •Ulaire Attea, Desirous of Power (O)
15O8 •Ulaire Lemenya, Eternally Threatening (O)
15O9 •Ulaire Nelya, Fell Rider (O)
Rise of Saruman
17RF1 •Ring of Artifice (F)
17RF2 •Glamdring, Orc Beater (F)
17RF3 •Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (F)
17RF4 •Gwaihir, The Windlord (F)
17RF5 •Anduril, Sword That Was Broken (F)
17RF6 •Faramir, Bearer of Quality (F)
17RF7 •Narsil, Forged by Telchar (F)
17RF8 •Throne of Minas Tirith (F)
17RF9 •Throne of Isengard (F)
17RF10 •Stampeding Chief (F)
17RF11 Orkish Invader (F)
17RF12 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (F)
17RF13 •Throne of the Golden Hall (F)
17RF14 •Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan (F)
17RF15 •Throne of the Dark Lord (F)
17RF16 •Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Specter (F)
17RF17 •Ring of Savagery (F)
17RF18 •Ring of Terror (F)
17O1 •Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (O)
17O2 •Gwaihir, The Windlord (O)
17O3 •Throne of Minas Tirith (O)
17O4 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (O)
17O5 •Throne of the Golden Hall (O)
17O6 •Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan (O)
17O7 •Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Specter (O)
17O8 •Ring of Savagery (O)
17O9 •Ring of Terror (O)
Treachery & Deceit
18RF1 •Arwen's Bow (F)
18RF2 •Arwen's Dagger (F)
18RF3 •Galadriel's Silver Ewer (F)
18RF4 Beorning Axe (F)
18RF5 •Radagast's Herb Bag (F)
18RF6 •Shelob, Menace (F)
18RF7 •Crown of Gondor (F)
18RF8 •Denethor's Sword (F)
18RF9 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (F)
18RF10 •Gothmog, Morgul Leader (F)
18RF11 •Erkenbrand's Horn (F)
18RF12 •Erkenbrand's Shield (F)
18RF13 Rohirrim Diadem (F)
18RF14 •Theoden, Ednew (F)
18RF15 •Fredegar Bolger, Fatty (F)
18RF16 •Sting, Elven Long Knife (F)
18RF17 •Shagrat, Tower Captain (F)
18RF18 Pull of the Ring (F)
18O1 Beorning Axe (O)
18O2 •Radagast's Herb Bag (O)
18O3 •Crown of Gondor (O)
18O4 •Denethor's Sword (O)
18O5 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (O)
18O6 •Erkenbrand's Horn (O)
18O7 •Erkenbrand's Shield (O)
18O8 Rohirrim Diadem (O)
18O9 Pull of the Ring (O)
RF: Legends Series
O: Legends Masterworks Series
Todas son foils
11RF1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (F)
11RF2 Elven Marksmanship (F)
11RF3 •Legolas, Woodland Emissary (F)
11RF4 •Glamdring, Foe-hammer (F)
11RF5 •Gollum, Skulker (F)
11RF6 •Smeagol, Scout and Guide (F)
11RF7 •Aragorn, Strider (F)
11RF8 Bloodthirsty (F)
11RF9 Fletcher of Harad (F)
11RF10 Porter Troll (F)
11RF11 Undisciplined (F)
11RF12 •Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg (F)
11RF13 Sword Rack (F)
11RF14 Salt from the Shire (F)
11RF15 Brawling Uruk (F)
11RF16 •Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard (F)
11RF17 •The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame (F)
11RF18 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (F)
Black Rider
12RF1 •Elrond, Witness to History (F)
12RF2 •Hadafang (F)
12RF3 •Gandalf, The White Rider (F)
12RF4 •Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (F)
12RF5 •Faramir's Sword (F)
12RF6 •Castamir of Umbar, Corsair Vandal (F)
12RF7 •Grima, Betrayer of Rohan (F)
12RF8 •The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum (F)
12RF9 •Cave Troll of Moria, Savage Menace (F)
12RF10 Orc Artisan (F)
12RF11 •The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-dur (F)
12RF12 •Bilbo, Melancholy Hobbit (F)
12RF13 •Uruk Zealot (F)
12RF14 Dark Approach (F)
12RF15 •Ulaire Attea, Black Predator (F)
12RF16 •Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (F)
12RF17 •Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat (F)
12RF18 •The Witch-king, Black Lord (F)
12O1 •Gandalf, The White Rider (O)
12O2 •Faramir, Dunadan of Gondor (O)
12O3 •Faramir's Sword (O)
12O4 •The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum (O)
12O5 Dark Approach (O)
12O6 •Ulaire Attea, Black Predator (O)
12O7 •Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (O)
12O8 •Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat (O)
12O9 •The Witch-king, Black Lord (O)
13RF1 •Celeborn, The Wise (F)
13RF2 •Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (F)
13RF3 •Legolas, of the Grey Company (F)
13RF4 •Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (F)
13RF5 •Pallando, Far-travelling One (F)
13RF6 •Deagol, Fateful Finder (F)
13RF7 •Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (F)
13RF8 •Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (F)
13RF9 •Voice of the Desert, Southron Troop (F)
13RF10 •Chamber Patrol (F)
13RF11 •Orc Crusher (F)
13RF12 •Eomer, Heir to Meduseld (F)
13RF13 •Theoden, The Renowned (F)
13RF14 •Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor (F)
13RF15 •Frodo, Frenzied Fighter (F)
13RF16 •Sam, Bearer of Great Need (F)
13RF17 •Uruk Blitz (F)
13RF18 Uruk Rogue (F)
13O1 •Celeborn, The Wise (O)
13O2 •Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (O)
13O3 •Legolas, of the Grey Company (O)
13O4 •Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (O)
13O5 •Pallando, Far-traveling One (O)
13O6 •Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (O)
13O7 •Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (O)
13O8 •Eomer, Heir to Meduseld (O)
13O9 •Theoden, The Renowned (O)
The Hunters
15RF1 •The One Ring, The Ring of Doom (F)
15RF2 Well-crafted Armor (F)
15RF3 •Legolas, of the Woodland Realm (F)
15RF4 •The Mirror of Galadriel, Dangerous Guide (F)
15RF5 •Gandalf, Powerful Guide (F)
15RF6 One Last Surprise (F)
15RF7 •Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents (F)
15RF8 •Smeagol, Wretched and Hungry (F)
15RF9 •Aragorn, Thorongil (F)
15RF10 •Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (F)
15RF11 •Black Land Chieftain (F)
15RF12 •Gorbag, Filthy Rebel (F)
15RF13 •Eomer, Horsemaster (F)
15RF14 •Sentry Uruk (F)
15RF15 •Ulaire Attea, Desirous of Power (F)
15RF16 •Ulaire Lemenya, Eternally Threatening (F)
15RF17 •Ulaire Nelya, Fell Rider (F)
15RF18 Mount Doom (F)
15O1 •Legolas, of the Woodland Realm (O)
15O2 •Gandalf, Powerful Guide (O)
15O3 •Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents (O)
15O4 •Aragorn, Thorongil (O)
15O5 •Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (O)
15O6 •Eomer, Horsemaster (O)
15O7 •Ulaire Attea, Desirous of Power (O)
15O8 •Ulaire Lemenya, Eternally Threatening (O)
15O9 •Ulaire Nelya, Fell Rider (O)
Rise of Saruman
17RF1 •Ring of Artifice (F)
17RF2 •Glamdring, Orc Beater (F)
17RF3 •Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (F)
17RF4 •Gwaihir, The Windlord (F)
17RF5 •Anduril, Sword That Was Broken (F)
17RF6 •Faramir, Bearer of Quality (F)
17RF7 •Narsil, Forged by Telchar (F)
17RF8 •Throne of Minas Tirith (F)
17RF9 •Throne of Isengard (F)
17RF10 •Stampeding Chief (F)
17RF11 Orkish Invader (F)
17RF12 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (F)
17RF13 •Throne of the Golden Hall (F)
17RF14 •Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan (F)
17RF15 •Throne of the Dark Lord (F)
17RF16 •Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Specter (F)
17RF17 •Ring of Savagery (F)
17RF18 •Ring of Terror (F)
17O1 •Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (O)
17O2 •Gwaihir, The Windlord (O)
17O3 •Throne of Minas Tirith (O)
17O4 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (O)
17O5 •Throne of the Golden Hall (O)
17O6 •Theoden, Northman, King of Rohan (O)
17O7 •Ulaire Otsea, Duplicitous Specter (O)
17O8 •Ring of Savagery (O)
17O9 •Ring of Terror (O)
Treachery & Deceit
18RF1 •Arwen's Bow (F)
18RF2 •Arwen's Dagger (F)
18RF3 •Galadriel's Silver Ewer (F)
18RF4 Beorning Axe (F)
18RF5 •Radagast's Herb Bag (F)
18RF6 •Shelob, Menace (F)
18RF7 •Crown of Gondor (F)
18RF8 •Denethor's Sword (F)
18RF9 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (F)
18RF10 •Gothmog, Morgul Leader (F)
18RF11 •Erkenbrand's Horn (F)
18RF12 •Erkenbrand's Shield (F)
18RF13 Rohirrim Diadem (F)
18RF14 •Theoden, Ednew (F)
18RF15 •Fredegar Bolger, Fatty (F)
18RF16 •Sting, Elven Long Knife (F)
18RF17 •Shagrat, Tower Captain (F)
18RF18 Pull of the Ring (F)
18O1 Beorning Axe (O)
18O2 •Radagast's Herb Bag (O)
18O3 •Crown of Gondor (O)
18O4 •Denethor's Sword (O)
18O5 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (O)
18O6 •Erkenbrand's Horn (O)
18O7 •Erkenbrand's Shield (O)
18O8 Rohirrim Diadem (O)
18O9 Pull of the Ring (O)
Última edición por Witch-King el 19 Sep 2011 15:02, editado 1 vez en total.
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
"Promotional – Promocionales"
Estas cartas se identifican con el numero 0 antes de las letras P y D.
0P1 The Prancing Pony (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P2 •Bill the Pony (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P3 Fireworks (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P4 Council Courtyard (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P5 •Horn of Boromir (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P6 Balin's Tomb (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P7 •Book of Mazarbul (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P8 Galadriel's Glade (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P9 •Phial of Galadriel (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P10 •The Balrog, Durin's Bane (P)
0P11 •Saruman, Servant of the Eye (P)
0P12 •Gimli, Son of Gloin (P)
0P13 •Legolas, Greenleaf (P)
0P14 •Aragorn, Ranger of the North (P)
0P15 •Legolas, Son of Thranduil (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Realms of the Elf-Lords”
0P16 •Faramir, Son of Denethor (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P17 •Eowyn, Lady of Rohan (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P18 •Smeagol, Old Noser (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P19 •Theoden, King of the Golden Hall (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Battle of Helm´s Deep”
0P20 Black Rider (P) Solo se edito foil
0P21 •Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Ents of Fangorn”
0P22 Fell Beast (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P23 •Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (P) Promocional de lanzamiento del Online TCG
0P24 •Legolas, Elven Stalwart (P) Promocional de lanzamiento del Online TCG
0P25 •Denethor, Wizened Steward (P)
0P26 •Gandalf, Defender of the West (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “The Return of the King”
0P27 •Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (P) Entregada en el DGMA Territorial Open Championship
0P28 •Arwen, Fair Elf Maiden (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0P29 •Eowyn, Dernhelm (P)
0P30 •The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow (P) Countdown Collection
0P31 •The Pale Blade (P) Countdown Collection
0P32 •Gandalf, Mithrandir (P) Countdown Collection
0P33 •Firefoot (P) Countdown Collection
0P34 •Gimli's Helm (P) Countdown Collection
0P35 •Faramir, Captain of Gondor (P) Countdown Collection
0P36 •Whip of Many Thongs (P) Countdown Collection
0P37 •The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (P) Countdown Collection
0P38 •Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (P) Countdown Collection
0P39 •Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden (P) Countdown Collection
0P40 •Axe of Erebor (P) Countdown Collection
0P41 •Aragorn's Bow (P) Countdown Collection
0P42 •The Balrog's Sword (P) Countdown Collection
0P43 •Ulaire Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight (P) Countdown Collection
0P44 •Glamdring, Lightning Brand (P) Countdown Collection
0P45 •Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (P) Countdown Collection
0P46 •Gimli, Skilled Defender (P) Countdown Collection
0P47 •Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (P) Countdown Collection
0P48 •Shelob, Last Child of Ungoliant (P)
0P49 •Eomer, Keeper of Oaths (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Siege of Gondor”
0P50 •Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (P) Countdown Collection
0P51 •Radagast, The Brown (P) Countdown Collection
0P52 •Goldberry, River-daughter (P) Countdown Collection
0P53 •Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) Countdown Collection
0P54 •Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Reflections”
0P55 Gorgoroth Swarm (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Mount Doom”
0P56 •Ghan-buri-Ghan, Chieftain of the Woses (P) Weta Collection
0P57 •Radagast's Staff (P) Weta Collection
0P58 •Anarion, Lord of Anorien (P) Weta Collection
0P59 •Erkenbrand, Master of Westfold (P) Weta Collection
0P60 •Tom Bombadil's Hat (P) Weta Collection
0P61 •The Witch-king, Black Captain (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0P62 •Gimli, Dwarven Delegate (P)
0P63 •Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (P)
0P64 •Gandalf, Stormcrow (P)
0P65 •Boromir, Steward's Heir (P)
0P66 •Eomer, Forthwith Banished (P)
0P67 •Frodo, Mr. Underhill (P)
0P68 •The One Ring, The Binding Ring (P) Entregada en el DecipherCon 2004
0P69 Nocked (P) Solo se edito foil
0P70 •Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) Solo se edito foil
0P71 •Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (P) Solo se edito foil
0P72 Bow of Minas Tirith (P) Solo se edito foil
0P73 Armored Easterling (P) Solo se edito foil
0P74 Poleaxe (P) Solo se edito foil
0P75 Champion Orc (P) Solo se edito foil
0P76 Spurred to Battle (P) Solo se edito foil
0P77 •Riders of the Mark (P) Solo se edito foil
0P78 •Sam, Steadfast Friend (P) Solo se edito foil
0P79 •Arwen, Staunch Defender (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Shadows”. Solo se edito foil
0P80 •Eomer, Eored Leader (P) Solo se edito foil
0P81 •Ulaire Toldea, Black Shadow (P) Solo se edito foil
0P82 •The Witch-king's Beast, Fell Creature (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Black Rider”. Solo se edito foil
0P83 •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders (P) Solo se edito foil
0P84 •Sting, Weapon of Heritage (P) Entregada en el DGMA Territorial Open Championship. Solo se edito foil
0P85 Olog-Hai Bestial (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – France (solo se edito en frances). Solo se edito foil
0P86 •Pippin, Brave Decoy (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Las Vegas. Solo se edito foil
0P87 •Legolas, Companion of the Ring (P) Entregada en el GTS 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P88 •Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (P) Entregada en el Decipher Convention 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P89 •Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary (P) Solo se edito foil
0P90 Vapour and Steam (P) Solo se edito foil
0P91 Massing Strength (P) Solo se edito foil
0P92 Morgul Tormentor (P) Solo se edito foil
0P93 •Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (P) Solo se edito foil
0P94 •Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail (P) Solo se edito foil
0P95 •Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (P) Solo se edito foil
0P96 Keening Wail (P) Solo se edito foil
0P97 •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (P) Solo se edito foil
0P98 •Ulaire Lemenya, Black Enemy (P) Solo se edito foil
0P99 •Ulaire Nelya, Black Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P100 •The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor (P) Solo se edito foil
0P101 •Orophin, Brother of Haldir (P) Solo se edito foil
0P102 •Grima, Footman of Saruman (P) Solo se edito foil
0P103 •Ulaire Otsea, Zwarte Schim (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Netherlands (solo se edito en holandes). Solo se edito foil
0P104 •Saruman, of Many Colours (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Origins. Solo se edito foil
0P105 •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Entregada en el DGMA Continental Championship 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P106 •Hama, Captain of the King's Guard (P) Solo se edito foil
0P107 Guard of the White Tree (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Bloodlines”. Solo se edito foil
0P108 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P109 •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P110 •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P111 •Ulaire Cantea, Fourth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P112 •Ulaire Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P113 •Ulaire Enquea, Sixth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P114 •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P115 •Ulaire Toldea, Eighth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P116 •Ulaire Nertea, Ninth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P117 •Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (P) Entregada en el DecipherCon 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P118 •Eowyn, Restless Warrior (P) Solo se edito foil
0P119 •Isildur, Heir of Elendil (P) Solo se edito foil
0P120 Isengard Marauder (P) Solo se edito foil
0P121 Covetous Uruk (P) Solo se edito foil
0P122 •Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “The Hunters”. Solo se edito foil
0P123 •Gimli, Eager Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P124 •Legolas, Fleet-footed Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P125 •Aragorn, Swift Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P126 •Lurtz, Now Perfected (P) Entregada en el Tournament Director. Solo se edito foil
0P127 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (P) Solo se edito foil
0P128 Primitive Brand (P) Solo se edito foil
0P129 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (P) Solo se edito foil
0D1 Buckland Homestead (D) Solo se edito foil
0D2 Caras Galadhon (D) Solo se edito foil
0D3 Cavern Entrance (D) Solo se edito foil
0D4 Neekerbreekers' Bog (D) Solo se edito foil
0D5 •Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (D) Entregada en el DGMA Online Premier Series. Solo se edito foil
0D6 •Elendil, High-King of Gondor (D) Entregada en el DGMA World Championship 2005. Solo se edito foil
0D7 Ordnance Grunt (D) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier. Solo se edito foil
0D8 •Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (D) Entregada en el DGMA World Cup 2005. Solo se edito foil
0D9 Breeding Pit of Isengard (D) Solo se edito foil
0D10 City of Kings (D) Solo se edito foil
0D11 Pinnacle of Zirakzigil (D) Solo se edito foil
0D12 The Prancing Pony (D) Solo se edito foil
0D13 Falls Of Rauros (D) Solo se edito foil
0D14 Imladris (D) Solo se edito foil
Estas cartas se identifican con el numero 0 antes de las letras P y D.
0P1 The Prancing Pony (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P2 •Bill the Pony (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P3 Fireworks (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P4 Council Courtyard (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P5 •Horn of Boromir (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P6 Balin's Tomb (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P7 •Book of Mazarbul (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P8 Galadriel's Glade (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P9 •Phial of Galadriel (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P10 •The Balrog, Durin's Bane (P)
0P11 •Saruman, Servant of the Eye (P)
0P12 •Gimli, Son of Gloin (P)
0P13 •Legolas, Greenleaf (P)
0P14 •Aragorn, Ranger of the North (P)
0P15 •Legolas, Son of Thranduil (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Realms of the Elf-Lords”
0P16 •Faramir, Son of Denethor (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P17 •Eowyn, Lady of Rohan (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P18 •Smeagol, Old Noser (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P19 •Theoden, King of the Golden Hall (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Battle of Helm´s Deep”
0P20 Black Rider (P) Solo se edito foil
0P21 •Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Ents of Fangorn”
0P22 Fell Beast (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P23 •Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (P) Promocional de lanzamiento del Online TCG
0P24 •Legolas, Elven Stalwart (P) Promocional de lanzamiento del Online TCG
0P25 •Denethor, Wizened Steward (P)
0P26 •Gandalf, Defender of the West (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “The Return of the King”
0P27 •Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (P) Entregada en el DGMA Territorial Open Championship
0P28 •Arwen, Fair Elf Maiden (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0P29 •Eowyn, Dernhelm (P)
0P30 •The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow (P) Countdown Collection
0P31 •The Pale Blade (P) Countdown Collection
0P32 •Gandalf, Mithrandir (P) Countdown Collection
0P33 •Firefoot (P) Countdown Collection
0P34 •Gimli's Helm (P) Countdown Collection
0P35 •Faramir, Captain of Gondor (P) Countdown Collection
0P36 •Whip of Many Thongs (P) Countdown Collection
0P37 •The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (P) Countdown Collection
0P38 •Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (P) Countdown Collection
0P39 •Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden (P) Countdown Collection
0P40 •Axe of Erebor (P) Countdown Collection
0P41 •Aragorn's Bow (P) Countdown Collection
0P42 •The Balrog's Sword (P) Countdown Collection
0P43 •Ulaire Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight (P) Countdown Collection
0P44 •Glamdring, Lightning Brand (P) Countdown Collection
0P45 •Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (P) Countdown Collection
0P46 •Gimli, Skilled Defender (P) Countdown Collection
0P47 •Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (P) Countdown Collection
0P48 •Shelob, Last Child of Ungoliant (P)
0P49 •Eomer, Keeper of Oaths (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Siege of Gondor”
0P50 •Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (P) Countdown Collection
0P51 •Radagast, The Brown (P) Countdown Collection
0P52 •Goldberry, River-daughter (P) Countdown Collection
0P53 •Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) Countdown Collection
0P54 •Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Reflections”
0P55 Gorgoroth Swarm (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Mount Doom”
0P56 •Ghan-buri-Ghan, Chieftain of the Woses (P) Weta Collection
0P57 •Radagast's Staff (P) Weta Collection
0P58 •Anarion, Lord of Anorien (P) Weta Collection
0P59 •Erkenbrand, Master of Westfold (P) Weta Collection
0P60 •Tom Bombadil's Hat (P) Weta Collection
0P61 •The Witch-king, Black Captain (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0P62 •Gimli, Dwarven Delegate (P)
0P63 •Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (P)
0P64 •Gandalf, Stormcrow (P)
0P65 •Boromir, Steward's Heir (P)
0P66 •Eomer, Forthwith Banished (P)
0P67 •Frodo, Mr. Underhill (P)
0P68 •The One Ring, The Binding Ring (P) Entregada en el DecipherCon 2004
0P69 Nocked (P) Solo se edito foil
0P70 •Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) Solo se edito foil
0P71 •Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (P) Solo se edito foil
0P72 Bow of Minas Tirith (P) Solo se edito foil
0P73 Armored Easterling (P) Solo se edito foil
0P74 Poleaxe (P) Solo se edito foil
0P75 Champion Orc (P) Solo se edito foil
0P76 Spurred to Battle (P) Solo se edito foil
0P77 •Riders of the Mark (P) Solo se edito foil
0P78 •Sam, Steadfast Friend (P) Solo se edito foil
0P79 •Arwen, Staunch Defender (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Shadows”. Solo se edito foil
0P80 •Eomer, Eored Leader (P) Solo se edito foil
0P81 •Ulaire Toldea, Black Shadow (P) Solo se edito foil
0P82 •The Witch-king's Beast, Fell Creature (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Black Rider”. Solo se edito foil
0P83 •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders (P) Solo se edito foil
0P84 •Sting, Weapon of Heritage (P) Entregada en el DGMA Territorial Open Championship. Solo se edito foil
0P85 Olog-Hai Bestial (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – France (solo se edito en frances). Solo se edito foil
0P86 •Pippin, Brave Decoy (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Las Vegas. Solo se edito foil
0P87 •Legolas, Companion of the Ring (P) Entregada en el GTS 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P88 •Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (P) Entregada en el Decipher Convention 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P89 •Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary (P) Solo se edito foil
0P90 Vapour and Steam (P) Solo se edito foil
0P91 Massing Strength (P) Solo se edito foil
0P92 Morgul Tormentor (P) Solo se edito foil
0P93 •Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (P) Solo se edito foil
0P94 •Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail (P) Solo se edito foil
0P95 •Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (P) Solo se edito foil
0P96 Keening Wail (P) Solo se edito foil
0P97 •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (P) Solo se edito foil
0P98 •Ulaire Lemenya, Black Enemy (P) Solo se edito foil
0P99 •Ulaire Nelya, Black Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P100 •The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor (P) Solo se edito foil
0P101 •Orophin, Brother of Haldir (P) Solo se edito foil
0P102 •Grima, Footman of Saruman (P) Solo se edito foil
0P103 •Ulaire Otsea, Zwarte Schim (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Netherlands (solo se edito en holandes). Solo se edito foil
0P104 •Saruman, of Many Colours (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Origins. Solo se edito foil
0P105 •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Entregada en el DGMA Continental Championship 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P106 •Hama, Captain of the King's Guard (P) Solo se edito foil
0P107 Guard of the White Tree (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Bloodlines”. Solo se edito foil
0P108 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P109 •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P110 •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P111 •Ulaire Cantea, Fourth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P112 •Ulaire Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P113 •Ulaire Enquea, Sixth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P114 •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P115 •Ulaire Toldea, Eighth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P116 •Ulaire Nertea, Ninth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P117 •Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (P) Entregada en el DecipherCon 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P118 •Eowyn, Restless Warrior (P) Solo se edito foil
0P119 •Isildur, Heir of Elendil (P) Solo se edito foil
0P120 Isengard Marauder (P) Solo se edito foil
0P121 Covetous Uruk (P) Solo se edito foil
0P122 •Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “The Hunters”. Solo se edito foil
0P123 •Gimli, Eager Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P124 •Legolas, Fleet-footed Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P125 •Aragorn, Swift Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P126 •Lurtz, Now Perfected (P) Entregada en el Tournament Director. Solo se edito foil
0P127 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (P) Solo se edito foil
0P128 Primitive Brand (P) Solo se edito foil
0P129 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (P) Solo se edito foil
0D1 Buckland Homestead (D) Solo se edito foil
0D2 Caras Galadhon (D) Solo se edito foil
0D3 Cavern Entrance (D) Solo se edito foil
0D4 Neekerbreekers' Bog (D) Solo se edito foil
0D5 •Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (D) Entregada en el DGMA Online Premier Series. Solo se edito foil
0D6 •Elendil, High-King of Gondor (D) Entregada en el DGMA World Championship 2005. Solo se edito foil
0D7 Ordnance Grunt (D) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier. Solo se edito foil
0D8 •Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (D) Entregada en el DGMA World Cup 2005. Solo se edito foil
0D9 Breeding Pit of Isengard (D) Solo se edito foil
0D10 City of Kings (D) Solo se edito foil
0D11 Pinnacle of Zirakzigil (D) Solo se edito foil
0D12 The Prancing Pony (D) Solo se edito foil
0D13 Falls Of Rauros (D) Solo se edito foil
0D14 Imladris (D) Solo se edito foil
Última edición por Witch-King el 21 May 2023 13:49, editado 5 veces en total.
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
Cartas de tamaño extra grande (18x13).
1M1 y 1M2 son la misma carta. Una imagen esta en un lado y la otra en el otro. El resto son como cartas normales.
1M1 The Lord of the Rings, Trading Card Game (M)
1M2 The Lord of the Rings, Trading Card Game (M)
1M3 •Lurtz, Servant of Isengard (M)
2M1 •The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (M)
2M2 •Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (M)
2M3 •Sam, Proper Poet (M)
2M4 •Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (M)
3M1 •Arwen, Elven Rider (M)
3M2 Hand of Sauron (M)
4M1 •The One Ring (M) Esta carta tambien se edito en tamaño normal
4M2 •Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (M)
5M1 •Gollum, Stinker (M)
5M2 •Grima, Chief Counselor (M)
6M1 •Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (M)
6M2 •Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (M)
6M3 •Merry, Impatient Hobbit (M)
10M1 •Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (Elfico)
Cartas de tamaño extra grande (18x13).
1M1 y 1M2 son la misma carta. Una imagen esta en un lado y la otra en el otro. El resto son como cartas normales.
1M1 The Lord of the Rings, Trading Card Game (M)
1M2 The Lord of the Rings, Trading Card Game (M)
1M3 •Lurtz, Servant of Isengard (M)
2M1 •The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (M)
2M2 •Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (M)
2M3 •Sam, Proper Poet (M)
2M4 •Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (M)
3M1 •Arwen, Elven Rider (M)
3M2 Hand of Sauron (M)
4M1 •The One Ring (M) Esta carta tambien se edito en tamaño normal
4M2 •Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (M)
5M1 •Gollum, Stinker (M)
5M2 •Grima, Chief Counselor (M)
6M1 •Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (M)
6M2 •Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (M)
6M3 •Merry, Impatient Hobbit (M)
10M1 •Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (Elfico)
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
Cada colección esta compuesta por 18 cartas. La (T) significa que esta en elfico.
Fellowship of the Ring Anthology
2R105T •The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (T)
1R13 •Gimli, Son of Gloin (T)
1R14 •Gimli's Battle Axe (T)
1R30 •Arwen, Daughter of Elrond (T)
1R50 •Legolas, Greenleaf (T)
1R72 •Gandalf, Friend of the Shirefolk (T)
1R83 Servant of the Secret Fire (T)
1R89 •Aragorn, Ranger of the North (T)
1R96 •Boromir, Lord of Gondor (T)
1R114 •The Saga of Elendil (T)
1R127 •Lurtz, Servant of Isengard (T)
1R165 •Cave Troll of Moria, Scourge of the Black Pit (T)
1U231 •Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul (T)
1R237 •The Witch-king, Lord of Angmar (T)
1R256 Morgul Hunter (T)
2R52 •The Balrog, Flame of Udun (T)
2C102 •Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (T)
2R105 •Mithril-coat (T)
The Two Towers Anthology
4R1 •The One Ring, The Answer To All Riddles (T)
4R19 Hides (T)
4R73 •Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (T)
4C90 •Gandalf, The White Wizard (T)
4R100 •Shadowfax (T)
4R103 •Treebeard, Earthborn (T)
4R154 •Grima, Wormtongue (T)
4R173 •Saruman, Black Traitor (T)
4R176 •Ugluk, Servant of Saruman (T)
4R219 •Desert Lord (T)
4R225 •Easterling Captain (T)
4R289 Simbelmyne (T)
4R301 •Frodo, Courteous Halfling (T)
4P364 •Aragorn, Wingfoot (T)
5R25 •Gollum, Stinker (T)
5R29 •Smeagol, Slinker (T)
5R100 •Grishnakh, Orc Captain (T)
6R88 •Ulaire Toldea, Winged Sentry (T)
The Returns of the King Anthology
7R2 •The One Ring, Such A Weight To Carry (T)
7R79 •Anduril, Flame of the West (T)
7R211 •Ulaire Cantea, Faster Than Winds (T)
7R221 •The Witch-king, Morgul King (T)
7R227 •Eomer, Skilled Tactician (T)
7R321 •Merry, Swordthain (T)
7R324 •Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver (T)
8R15 •Gandalf, Leader of Men (T)
8R25 •Shelob, Eater of Light (T)
8R38 •King of the Dead, Oathbreaker (T)
8R51 •Castamir of Umbar (T)
8R57 Corsair Marauder (T)
8R103 •Grond, Hammer of the Underworld (T)
10R6 •Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men (T)
10R9 •Elrond, Venerable Lord (T)
10R25 •Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (T)
10R88 •Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul (T)
10P122 •Sam, Great Elf Warrior (T)
War of the Ring Anthology
11R1 •The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (T)
11S33 •Gandalf, Leader of the Company (T)
11R54 •Aragorn, Strider (T)
11R57 •Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (T)
11R123 Goblin Hordes (T)
11R226 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (T)
12R17 •Elrond, Witness to History (T)
12R35 Watch and Wait (T)
12R54 •Saruman, of Many Colours (T)
12S73 •The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor (T)
12U79 •The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum (T)
12R174 •Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (T)
13R5 •Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (T)
13R46 •Deagol, Fateful Finder (T)
13R112 •Orc Crusher (T)
13R137 •Theoden, The Renowned (T)
13R156 •Sam, Bearer of Great Need (T)
13R174 Uruk Rogue (T)
Cada colección esta compuesta por 18 cartas. La (T) significa que esta en elfico.
Fellowship of the Ring Anthology
2R105T •The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (T)
1R13 •Gimli, Son of Gloin (T)
1R14 •Gimli's Battle Axe (T)
1R30 •Arwen, Daughter of Elrond (T)
1R50 •Legolas, Greenleaf (T)
1R72 •Gandalf, Friend of the Shirefolk (T)
1R83 Servant of the Secret Fire (T)
1R89 •Aragorn, Ranger of the North (T)
1R96 •Boromir, Lord of Gondor (T)
1R114 •The Saga of Elendil (T)
1R127 •Lurtz, Servant of Isengard (T)
1R165 •Cave Troll of Moria, Scourge of the Black Pit (T)
1U231 •Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul (T)
1R237 •The Witch-king, Lord of Angmar (T)
1R256 Morgul Hunter (T)
2R52 •The Balrog, Flame of Udun (T)
2C102 •Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (T)
2R105 •Mithril-coat (T)
The Two Towers Anthology
4R1 •The One Ring, The Answer To All Riddles (T)
4R19 Hides (T)
4R73 •Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (T)
4C90 •Gandalf, The White Wizard (T)
4R100 •Shadowfax (T)
4R103 •Treebeard, Earthborn (T)
4R154 •Grima, Wormtongue (T)
4R173 •Saruman, Black Traitor (T)
4R176 •Ugluk, Servant of Saruman (T)
4R219 •Desert Lord (T)
4R225 •Easterling Captain (T)
4R289 Simbelmyne (T)
4R301 •Frodo, Courteous Halfling (T)
4P364 •Aragorn, Wingfoot (T)
5R25 •Gollum, Stinker (T)
5R29 •Smeagol, Slinker (T)
5R100 •Grishnakh, Orc Captain (T)
6R88 •Ulaire Toldea, Winged Sentry (T)
The Returns of the King Anthology
7R2 •The One Ring, Such A Weight To Carry (T)
7R79 •Anduril, Flame of the West (T)
7R211 •Ulaire Cantea, Faster Than Winds (T)
7R221 •The Witch-king, Morgul King (T)
7R227 •Eomer, Skilled Tactician (T)
7R321 •Merry, Swordthain (T)
7R324 •Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver (T)
8R15 •Gandalf, Leader of Men (T)
8R25 •Shelob, Eater of Light (T)
8R38 •King of the Dead, Oathbreaker (T)
8R51 •Castamir of Umbar (T)
8R57 Corsair Marauder (T)
8R103 •Grond, Hammer of the Underworld (T)
10R6 •Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men (T)
10R9 •Elrond, Venerable Lord (T)
10R25 •Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (T)
10R88 •Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul (T)
10P122 •Sam, Great Elf Warrior (T)
War of the Ring Anthology
11R1 •The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (T)
11S33 •Gandalf, Leader of the Company (T)
11R54 •Aragorn, Strider (T)
11R57 •Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (T)
11R123 Goblin Hordes (T)
11R226 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (T)
12R17 •Elrond, Witness to History (T)
12R35 Watch and Wait (T)
12R54 •Saruman, of Many Colours (T)
12S73 •The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor (T)
12U79 •The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum (T)
12R174 •Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin (T)
13R5 •Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (T)
13R46 •Deagol, Fateful Finder (T)
13R112 •Orc Crusher (T)
13R137 •Theoden, The Renowned (T)
13R156 •Sam, Bearer of Great Need (T)
13R174 Uruk Rogue (T)
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
"Otras cartas"
0P79 •Arwen, Staunch Defender (P) "versión KISS". Carta missprint, tiene un defecto de impresión con una figura de color rojo en la zona del texto.
4M1 •The One Ring (M) Tamaño normal, no Oversized
0D8 •Cave Troll of Moria, Menace of the Underdeeps (D) Mal numerada. No existe fisicamente. Carta del LOTR-Online
0D16 •Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D17 •Gandalf, Stormcrow (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D20 •Saruman, Many-coloured Wizard (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D21 Moria Skirmishers (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D23 •Eomer, Forthwith Banished (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D24 Morgul Patrol (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0SPD1 Goblet of the White City (SPD) No existe fisicamente. Carta promocional del dia de San Patricio del LOTR-Online
0SPD2 Green Dragon Mug (SPD) No existe fisicamente. Carta promocional del dia de San Patricio del LOTR-Online
0SPD3 Rohirrim Stein (SPD) No existe fisicamente. Carta promocional del dia de San Patricio del LOTR-Online
0W1 Army of Dunland (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W2 Dwarven Escort (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W3 •Legolas, Nimble Elf (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W4 •Treebeard, Enemy of the Hand (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W5 •Gollum, Worker of Mischief (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W6 •Aragorn, The Dunadan (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W7 Army of Isengard (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W8 Army of Moria (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W9 Army of Harad (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W10 The Nazgul (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W11 •Eowyn, Daughter of Kings (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W12 Army of Sauron (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W13 •Sam, Lover of Trees (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
5R116 •Sting, Baggins Heirloom (T) Elfico
Sample Deckbuilding List “Fireworks”
Sample Deckbuilding List “Horn of Boromir”
Sample Deckbuilding List “Book of Mazarbul”
DGMA Tournament Schedule 2003
DGMA Tournament Schedule 2004 (Existen dos versiones diferentes)
15R29 •Gandalf, Powerful Guide (H) ¿¿¿??? Se desconoce si existe fisicamente
Color Test Print Card
Black Test Print Card
12TF1 Confronting the Eye (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF2 Brutal Easterling (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF3 Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF4 Coif (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF1 Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF2 Banners Blowing (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF3 Assault Commander (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF4 City of Kings (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF5 Grima, Footman of Saruman (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
0P79 •Arwen, Staunch Defender (P) "versión KISS". Carta missprint, tiene un defecto de impresión con una figura de color rojo en la zona del texto.
4M1 •The One Ring (M) Tamaño normal, no Oversized
0D8 •Cave Troll of Moria, Menace of the Underdeeps (D) Mal numerada. No existe fisicamente. Carta del LOTR-Online
0D16 •Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D17 •Gandalf, Stormcrow (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D20 •Saruman, Many-coloured Wizard (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D21 Moria Skirmishers (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D23 •Eomer, Forthwith Banished (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0D24 Morgul Patrol (D) No existe fisicamente. Carta de Liga del LOTR-Online
0SPD1 Goblet of the White City (SPD) No existe fisicamente. Carta promocional del dia de San Patricio del LOTR-Online
0SPD2 Green Dragon Mug (SPD) No existe fisicamente. Carta promocional del dia de San Patricio del LOTR-Online
0SPD3 Rohirrim Stein (SPD) No existe fisicamente. Carta promocional del dia de San Patricio del LOTR-Online
0W1 Army of Dunland (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W2 Dwarven Escort (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W3 •Legolas, Nimble Elf (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W4 •Treebeard, Enemy of the Hand (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W5 •Gollum, Worker of Mischief (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W6 •Aragorn, The Dunadan (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W7 Army of Isengard (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W8 Army of Moria (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W9 Army of Harad (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W10 The Nazgul (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W11 •Eowyn, Daughter of Kings (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W12 Army of Sauron (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
0W13 •Sam, Lover of Trees (W) No existe fisicamente. Carta “Triumph and Menace Series” del LOTR-Online
5R116 •Sting, Baggins Heirloom (T) Elfico
Sample Deckbuilding List “Fireworks”
Sample Deckbuilding List “Horn of Boromir”
Sample Deckbuilding List “Book of Mazarbul”
DGMA Tournament Schedule 2003
DGMA Tournament Schedule 2004 (Existen dos versiones diferentes)
15R29 •Gandalf, Powerful Guide (H) ¿¿¿??? Se desconoce si existe fisicamente
Color Test Print Card
Black Test Print Card
12TF1 Confronting the Eye (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF2 Brutal Easterling (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF3 Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF4 Coif (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF1 Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF2 Banners Blowing (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF3 Assault Commander (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF4 City of Kings (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF5 Grima, Footman of Saruman (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
Última edición por Witch-King el 15 Ene 2014 18:58, editado 19 veces en total.
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
Pues este post es el listado de cartas de LOTR de Decipher que conozco. Si alguno conoce alguna carta que no este en la lista que me lo comunique para ponerla. Debido a problemas de edición en el foro no he podido poner link a las cartas, pero dentro de poco pondré un enlace P2P para que el que quiera se descargue las imágenes de todas las cartas (todavía tengo que escanear alguna). También ira incluido un listado de las colecciones. Espero que os sirva de ayuda, disfrutarlo. Saludos.
- Cienti Bolson
- Usuario
- Mensajes: 51
- Registrado: 05 Ene 2010 21:24
- Ubicación: Vizcaya
Muchas gracias por el esfuerzo. Como ya comente en algun lado, tengo algunas colecciones, unas en castellano y otras en ingles, y no estan escaneadas. No se como decirlo, es como si hubieran saqueado el PC del becario que las diseñaba, recien salidas de una plantilla del Photoshop
Si te interesa comentamelo. Desgraciadamente ha cascado mi placa hace poco (larga vida a mi P4 2400), y no tengo una manera rapida de poder colgar el material de Decipher en descarga directa o P2P

Si te interesa comentamelo. Desgraciadamente ha cascado mi placa hace poco (larga vida a mi P4 2400), y no tengo una manera rapida de poder colgar el material de Decipher en descarga directa o P2P

MIS CARTAS: http://www.meccg.es/foro/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4307
"Vas hacia el Camino, y si no cuidas tus pasos no sabes hacia donde te arrastrarán."
"Vas hacia el Camino, y si no cuidas tus pasos no sabes hacia donde te arrastrarán."
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
[url=ed2k://|file|LOTR%20by%20Witch%20King%20for%20meccg.es.rar|495882072|D2B8E6F326261E5FFB04F65BE1B99B25|h=EACGUXBASUPF5M424OGXXYOBUCKYOCJT|/]DESCARGA POR EMULE[/url]
Última edición por Witch-King el 12 Ene 2014 10:13, editado 1 vez en total.
- Cienti Bolson
- Usuario
- Mensajes: 51
- Registrado: 05 Ene 2010 21:24
- Ubicación: Vizcaya
Muchas gracias por compartirlo
. Comprobare si el material que tengo yo es similar, y si no lo subo y comparto. Bueno, 1º compro 1 pc nuevo 

MIS CARTAS: http://www.meccg.es/foro/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4307
"Vas hacia el Camino, y si no cuidas tus pasos no sabes hacia donde te arrastrarán."
"Vas hacia el Camino, y si no cuidas tus pasos no sabes hacia donde te arrastrarán."
- Witch-King
- Amigo
- Mensajes: 823
- Registrado: 26 Jul 2005 08:57
- Ubicación: En el corazon de Angmar
- Contactar:
ACTUALIZANDO LISTAWitch-King escribió:"Otras cartas"
12TF1 Confronting the Eye (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF2 Brutal Easterling (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF3 Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
12TF4 Coif (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Black Rider. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF1 Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF2 Banners Blowing (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF3 Assault Commander (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF4 City of Kings (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil
13TF5 Grima, Footman of Saruman (TF) Carta extra de la coleccion Bloodlines. Solo se imprimio en frances, aleman e italiano y solo se distribuyo por Europa. Fue entregada como premio excepcional a los mejores jugadores europeos. Solo se edito foil