Gandalf is all about being safe, right? Wrong. Not this Gandalf, at least. He grabs the big MP items and factions up in the Northeast. Or at least, that’s the plan….
Calendal / Thrall of the Voice / Wizard’s Myrmidon
Erkenbrand / Gandalf’s Friend / Shield of Iron-Bound Ash
Elladan / Foul-Smelling Paste
In Deck:
3 Gandalf
1 Nimloth
1 Fori the Beardless
1 Fram Framson
1 Faramir
1 Gildor Inglorien
2 A Chance Meeting
2 Voices of Malice
2 Dark Tryst
2 Crept Along Cleverly
2 Crept Along Carefully
2 A Nice Place to Hide
2 Dragon’s Hunger
2 Ready to his Will
3 Chambers in the Royal Court
1 Grey Embassy
1 Give Welcome to the Unexpected
1 Emerald of the Mariner
1 Enruned Shield
1 Wormsbane
1 Orcrist
1 The Mithril Coat
1 Thrar’s Map
1 Roac the Raven
1 Wood-Elves
1 Iron Hill Dwarves
Key Sideboard Cards:
2 Marvels Told
1 Legacy of Smiths
1 Mischief in a Mean Way
1 Men of Dorwinion
1 Noble Hound
1 Noble Steed
Play Tips:
Haven up at the elf-hold and the dwarf-hold. Have the starting company pick up some gear in the Heath (hopefully 2 at once at some point — Map!). Gandalf sideboards and influences factions.
MP Breakdown;
Character: ~10
Ally: 2-4
Faction: 6-9
Item: 10-18
Misc: 0-2
Total: 28-43