This one was originally created as a pure fun deck though it can be quite competitive.  It has some similarities with Bandobras Tooks´ Black Numenoreans Deck but my company of pirates uses Magic, burns down (like pirates usally do) and tries for the Water-dragon. If you want to feel even more like a pirate there is Seize Prisoners in the sideboard :wink:

starting characters
Tarcil «The Black» +Thrall Ring
Hador «Mad Dog»
«Cpt. Longbeard» Grimburgoth  +Open to the Summons
(Baduila, Golodhros, Elerina, Pon Opar,
Hendolen, Jerrek)

characters in deck
3x Ren
Pon Opar
Tros Hesnef

3x Dark Tryst
3x The Tormented Earth
2x We have Come to Kill
2x Veils of Shadow
Some Secret Art of Flame
Earcaraxe Roused
Umbarean Corsairs
Smoke on the Wind
Secret Book
Black Mace
Broad-headed Spear
High Helm
Sable Shield
3x Weigh All Things to a Nicety
2x Voices of Malice
Black Rider
2x Threats
Crooked Promptings

some sideboard cards
Sudden Call
Creature of an Older World
Last Child of Ungoliant
Sojourn in Shadows
Black Númenóreans
Govern the Storms
Not Slay Needlessly
2x Tribute Garnered
Seize Prisoners

important hazards
Gandalf the White Rider
Radagast the Tamer
Saruman the Wise
Pallando the Soul-keeper

You usally want to sail in the area between Harondor and the The Stones. If you have Tros Hesnef or Dôgrib in your hand play one of them with WHCTK with the Grimurgoth and split your company. Hador and Tracil should then go for factions and maybe one or two major items. Pelargir and Dol Amroth are good sites to burn down after playing a major item. You could even use Edhellond and play a greater item before but be sure to have Veils of Shadow in your hand to make the auto attacks less dangerous. Ren helps all your companies with corruption. As soon as Ren is in Black Rider mode get Last Child and Sojourn in Shadows from the sideboard and use the Sojurn trick to play your only ally (it´s a bit unsafe, though, if you want a safer ally use Creature of an Older World instead – it´s even playable at Ren´s home site). The Tormented Earth (both Hador and the Grimburgoth can cast this one) is your canceler versus all kind of creatures without tapping a character and it even works against Maia. If you face a heavy elf/dwarf/maia deck you want to recycle this card or get Not Slay Needlessly from the sideboard, because you visit lots of free-holds and border-holds (maybe also ruins/lairs). Play the four maia hazards as permanent events to prevent your opponent from playing them (don´t use Alatar the Hunter because he will just strengthen your opponents maia creatures).