This deck lays it on thick in the Gondor regions. Elflords are no worry, which is nice. Maia can be a pain though…. Well, what can ya do?
Ulkaur the Tongueless
2 Orders from the Great Demon
In Deck:
3 The Balrog
2 Tempest of Fire
3 Smoke on the Wind
1 Palantir of Minas Tirith
1 High Helm
1 Sable Shield
1 Orcs of Moria
1 Stinker
3 I’ll Report You
3 Bold Thrust
3 Swift Strokes
2 Motionless Among the Slain
3 Dark Tryst
3 Weigh All Things to a Nicety
2 Great Shadow
1 Ancient Secrets
Key Sideboard Cards:
1 Palantir of Orthanc
1 The Warg-King
1 Sudden Call
1 People Diminished
Play Tips:
Edoras, Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Pelargir. That should be about it. Play every prowess booster you can. You’ll be amazed how fast you go through your deck….
MP Breakdown:
Character: 12
Ally: 2-4
Item: 7-10
Faction: 3
Misc: 13-15
Total: 37-42