Este es el mazo que me dio tan buen rendimiento el año pasado.

Thranduil, Sam y Gordo se van a jugar objetos grandes a la zona de dragones y si tienen oportunidad a las estancias de Thranduil a jugar los elfos del bosque. Haldir o Eomer se va al campamento oriental a robar cartas y si tienen mucha suerte, jugar un noble sabueso. Pallando sale en los puertos grises para jugar a Cirdan y los Elfos. El combo final, Pallando se va al bosque viejo y juega voz de mago, encuentro casual, glorfindel y tom.

# Hazard (29)
1 Adûnaphel (TW)
1 Alone and Unadvised (AS)
3 Assassin (TW)
1 Beorning Skin-changers (BA)
1 Call of Home (TW)
1 Cave Worm (TD)
3 Cave-drake (LE)
1 Corsairs of Umbar (TW)
1 Daelomin at Home (TD)
2 Foolish Words (LE)
1 Mouth of Sauron (TW)
1 Rain-drake (TD)
1 Revealed to all Watchers (DM)
3 River (TW)
3 Sellswords Between Charters (LE)
1 Tookish Blood (TW)
3 Twilight (LE)
1 Ûvatha the Horseman (TW)
# Hero Character (3)
2 Pallando [H] (TW)
1 Radagast [H] (TW)
# Hero Resource (30)
1 A Chance Meeting (TW)
3 Concealment (TW)
1 Elves of Lindon (TW)
1 Emerald of the Mariner (TD)
3 Gates of Morning (TW)
3 Halfling Stealth (TW)
3 Halfling Strength (TW)
3 Many Turns and Doublings (TD)
1 Noble Hound (DM)
1 Orcrist (TW)
1 Scroll of Isildur [H] (TW)
2 The Cock Crows (TW)
1 The Mithril-coat [H] (TW)
1 Thrór’s Map [H] (TD)
1 Tom Bombadil (TW)
1 Withdrawn to Mordor (DM)
1 Wizard’s Voice (TW)
1 Wood-elves (TW)
1 Wormsbane (TD)
# Minion Character (1)
1 Baduila (DM)
# Hero Character (10)
1 Aragorn II (TW)
1 Círdan (TW)
1 Fatty Bolger (PR)
1 Folco Boffin (DM)
1 Glorfindel II (TW)
1 Haldir (TW)
1 Robin Smallburrow (TW)
1 Sam Gamgee (TW)
1 Thranduil (TW)
1 Éomer (TW)
# Hero Resource (2)
2 Cram (TD)