This is a minion ring deck with the distinct hope of playing the One itself and bringing it back to the dark lord.  It operates primarily in the Withered Heath, from which it is simple to return to Barad-Dur in a single turn with either Forced March or Leg it Double Quick.


Taladhan / Open to the Summons
Pon Opar
Sly Southerner

Whispers of Rings

Some agents

In Deck:

3 Ren the Ringwraith
1 Lieutenant of Dol Guldur


2 A Little Gold Ring
3 Black Rain
3 Gold Ring that Sauron Fancies
1 Scroll of Isildur
2 Test of Fire
1 The One Ring

1 Regiment of Black Crows

3 Crept Along Cleverly
3 Deeper Shadow
3 Diversion
3 Well-Preserved

1 Bade to Rule
3 Dark Tryst
2 Voices of Malice


Influence destruction is your best bet: Call of Home, Pilfer, Won’t you Come Down.  Force characters back to your opponent’s hand so that you can catch them with Black Rain.

Key Sideboard Cards:

2 Dwarven Rings
2 Magic Ring of Savagery
2 Minor Ring
1 Ice-Orcs
1 Leg it Double Quick
1 Orcs of Dol Guldur
1 Rumor of the One
1 Sudden Call
1 Voices of Malice
1 While the Yellow Face Sleeps

Play Tips:

Once you play Black Rain once or twice, any smart opponent will start discarding or putting on guard his characters.  So that means you gotta get lucky with the first one or two.  Of course, you don’t want too many rings anyway, since you’ll corrupt out.  Diversion/Well-Preserved is a cute trick.  Somewhat akin to the Many Foes Bombur Fought trick for Unexpected Parties.  Ren keeps you from corrupting out (hopefully) and sideboards once or twice.

MP Breakdown:

Character: 8
Item: ~12
Ally: 1
Faction: 0-5
Total: ~20, with dunk possibilities