Turn Sequence Rulings

Beginning of the Game
@ If different manifestations of the same character are revealed in the character draft, all copies will bounce. [Van]
@ Change «# If a character is put in the deck due to duplication in the starting company, then it does not count against the 10 character limit.» to «# If a character from the starting pool is put in the deck after the character draft it always counts against the 10 character limit.»
@ Change «# You should either draw numbers for the whole game or roll dice for the whole game.» to «# You roll dice for the whole game»

Organization Phase – Followers
@ A character’s direct influence must be greater than or equal to the mind attribute of another character to allow him to take control of that other character, even if the characters mind stat would be lowered once he /she became a follower. [CoE]

Movement/Hazard Phase – Movement – Returning to Site of Origin
@ A company that gets sent back to its site of origin is not considered to have moved to that site this turn. [CoE]

Movement/Hazard Phase – Combat – Attack
@ Any card that has the potential to immediately create an attack is considered an attack for purposes of interpreting Annotation 15. [CoE]
@ You must play card(s) that allow your character to face multiple strikes before strikes are assigned. [CoE]
@ Between an attacks declaration and the assigning of the strikes there is time for multiple chains of effect. Thus you could for example make two attempts to cancel the attack or your opponent could use Hoarmurath for an extra strike, recycle him and add another strike. [CoE]

Movement/Hazard Phase – Combat – The Strike Sequence
@ Interpret «may play resource cards that affect the strike» in annotation 18 as «may initiate resource / character effects that affect the strike». [CoE]
@ Getting rid of an event that boosts the strike’s prowess is affecting the strike, as per annotation 18. [CoE]
@ Using alternative stats in place of a character’s prowess does not cancel the tapping/not-tapping prowess modifiers. [CoE]

Site Phase – General
@ ‘Does not tap the site’ is not equal to ‘playable at a tapped site.’ [Van]%
@ Unless explicitly stated otherwise you need an untapped site to play an item, ally or faction and successful play taps the company’s site. [CoE]

Site Phase – Company vs. Company Combat
@ Restored old entry by error: «Hazards have no effect on company vs. company combat.» CRF 15 lost change: «Rules Erratum: Hazards effects in play that affect attacks have no effect on company vs. company combat.»
@ If you can initiate company vs. company combat you can obtain kill points from it. [CoE]

Site Phase – On-Guard Cards
@ CRF 15 entry removed by error: «If the site an on-guard card is played on leaves play before the site phase, the on-guard cards are returned to their owner’s hand.»

Rulings by Term

@ Agents, when played as hazards (i.e. not as characters), are hazards and effects caused by them are hazard effects. [CoE]
@ Agents may influence a faction with more than one playable site at any site where the faction could have been played. [Van]

@ If the text on the ally says, «Discard if he/she moves to», like most of the allies with restricted movement, then it is discarded at the beginning of the movement/hazard phase. If the text on the ally says, «Discard if he/she is at», then it is discarded at the beginning of the site phase. [CoE]

@ When in a match with two (or more) Balrog players a player gets the Balrog card out, that does not stop his opponents from playing Balrog specific cards. [CoE]

Burglary Attempts
@ For all other purposes a burgling character is still part of his company. [CoE]

@ Discarding a card is not playing it, thus cards that allow you to play other cards as if they are in your hand do not allow you to discard such card as if they are in your hand. (This means for example that a ring on Rumours of Rings cannot be discarded for Rolled Down to the Sea, nor can a dragon be discarded from Summons from Long Sleep to satisfy Dragon Feuds). [CoE]

End (at the end of…)
@ When an action specifies it must be taken at the end of a phase no actions may be taken after it in that phase that do not also specify that they must be taken at the end of said phase. [CoE]

@ You must select a specific Fallen-wizard and thus have at least one copy of him in your deck, because you must declare yourself as a specific one. [CoE]

General Influence
@ You cannot have negative free general influence: it will halt at zero. If you’re playing by the tournament rules, and are a minion player, you will add your +5 bonus at all times, effectively leaving you at a minimum +5 against any hazards. [CoE]

@ These two extra MP’s are faction points [CoE]

@ A manifestation of a card is not the same as the named card [Van]
@ A manifestation of <foo> cannot play <foo> specific cards [Van]

@ Change «# If you are playing against a deck with three Wizards in it, you may play any combination of three Ringwraiths, except one each of three different Ringwraiths.» to «# You may have any combination of three Ringwraiths in your deck, except one each of three different Ringwraiths. You may only do so if you are playing against a deck with three Wizards in it, otherwise you may have just two Ringwraiths.»

Minor items
@ The option to play a ‘free’ minor item directly after playing a resource that taps the site is available in the site phase only. [Van]

@ You cannot take prisoners from a company stationary at an Under-deeps site (using that same Under-deeps site as the Rescue Site). [CoE]

Ringwraith Follower
@ Discarding an item for an effect written on it is considered using it. Thus it cannot be done by a Ringwraith. [CoE]

@ Untapping effects are not healing effects [CoE]

@ Change «# You may put two of the same Wizard in your deck, or you may put one copy each of two different Wizards in your deck.» to «# • You may have any combination of three Wizards in your deck, except one each of three different Wizards. You may put two of the same Wizard in your deck, or you may put one copy each of two different Wizards in your deck.»

Card Rulings

A Chance Meeting
@ Cannot be used to bring in Wizards [Van]

Deleted entry «Does not get the bonus for Doors of Night when used in company vs. company combat.»

Angmar Arises
@ This card allows you to key creatures to the mentioned regions by name. It does not change the region type used to judge whether an attack is detainment or not. [CoE]

@ Card Erratum: Read ‘Elven Coast’ as ‘Elven Shores’. [CoE]

Call of Home
@ Nothing is stopping you from transferring the one transferable item to a wounded character [CoE]

Crept Along Carefully
@ When duplicated the three movement restriction stays at the stated three regions and the hazard limit is once more reduced by one. [CoE]

Deep Mines
@ The stage point requirement is checked when Deep Mines is revealed as the new site. If it is not met the company does not move at all, much like missing the roll for moving to an Under-deeps site. [CoE]

The Evenstar
@ Change «# You should either draw numbers for the whole game or roll dice for the whole game.» to «# You roll dice for the whole game»
@ Change «Does not affect attacks.» to «Does not affect hazards.»

Exile of Solitude
@ Followers are discarded as well, along with whatever they carry. [CoE]

Flatter a Foe
@ A direct influence bonus against the race of the hazard does apply (for example: Dáin II does get to use his +1 against Men when flattering a Men creature) [CoE]

Freeze the Flesh
@ Change «Cannot be used on your Ringwraith to keep you from losing the game.» to «Cannot be used on your Ringwraith to prevent it from being placed out of play.»

Gangways over the Fire
@ A movement/hazard phase in which the Under-deeps movement failed is still a complete movement/hazard phase. [CoE]

Great Ruse
@ Cannot be played on sites without a minion counterpart, such as Morannon. [CoE]

Hail of Darts
@ The effect of Hail of Darts lasts until the end of the turn. [CoE]

Hour of Need
@ If successful Hour of Need taps the site it is played at (not the site associated with the faction) [Van]
@ Cannot be played at a tapped site [Van]
@ Will not allow the play of a ‘free’ minor item when played in the organization phase [Van]

The Hunt
@ A Noble Hound does not shield Alatar from the creatures, he is still alone against them. [Van]

Icy Touch
@ Must target an Undead attack. [CoE]

In Darkness Bind Them
@ This card allows you to key creatures to the mentioned regions by name. It does not change the region type used to judge whether an attack is detainment or not. [CoE]

Lucky Search
@ Successful play does not tap the site.[CoE] Thus you are not allowed a minor item after the Lucky Search item.

@ Companies at two different copies of Morannon cannot combine [CoE].

@ Must target a Nazgûl attack. [CoE]

Old Road
@ If successful taps the character’s site, not the site of the faction being played. [Van]

Open to the Summons
@ Allows minions / Fallen-wizards to play an Agent as a starting character. [CoE]
@ Does not allow a Fallen-wizard to play a 6-mind character. [CoE]

A Panalopy of Wings
@ The effect of discarding this card lasts till the end of the turn. [CoE]

Parsimony of Seclusion
@ May be used to fetch a Dragon faction. [CoE]

Radagast’s Black Bird
@ Can cancel strikes against himself as often as you want. [Van]

Reaching Shadow
@ This card allows you to key creatures to the mentioned regions by name. It does not change the region type used to judge whether an attack is detainment or not. [CoE]

Revealed to All Watchers
@ Is not stopped by Bane of the Ithil-stone, as drawing cards is different from searching / looking. [CoE]

Rumours of Rings
@ Rings played on this card cannot be discarded to satisfy Rolled Down to the Sea; discarding is not playing. [Van]

Sable Shield
@ Other strikes without wounding effects will not discard the Sable Shield either. [CoE]

Seek without Success
@ Cannot be countered by Withdrawn to Mordor as the agent is already discarded upon declaration of Seek without Success. [CoE]

Spying Out the Land
@ Your opponent can play as many copies of revealed hazards as he is able. [CoE]

Star of High Hope
@ Change «Does not affect attacks.» to «Does not affect hazards.»

Summons from Long Sleep
@ A creature on Summons from Long Sleep cannot be discarded to satify Dragon-feuds; discarding is not playing. [CoE]

Thrall of the Voice
@ Can be duplicated on the play of a given character, but that does not lift the maximum of 6 mind. [CoE]

We Have Come to Kill
@ We Have Come to Kill may be used to bring in agents, but not Ringwraiths. [Van] [CoE]

Whispers of Rings
@ Rings played on this card cannot be discarded to satisfy Rolled Down to the Sea; discarding is not playing. [Van]

Tournament Rulings

The Weakest Link Method
@ Using the weakest link method is no longer recommended. Use ties instead: 3 TP’s for each player. [CoE]