Turn Sequence Rulings
Movement/Hazard Phase – Movement – General
@ Region movement for companies to/from the same site is no longer limited to one company. As many companies as you want can move to or from a site with region movement (provided they have different site paths) [ICE]
Movement/Hazard Phase – Combat – The Strike Sequence
@ Rules Erratum: Dragons Rules, Characters Facing Multiple Strikes:
Change this:
«If a character is eliminated or otherwise removed from play before he has faced all of his assigned strikes, those strikes he has yet to face are then considered to be canceled (i.e. they have no further effect).»
to This:
«If a character is eliminated or otherwise removed from play before he has faced all of his assigned strikes, those strikes he has yet to face are then considered to be successful»
Site Phase – Company vs. Company Combat
@ Retrieved from CRF 15 because it was removed by mistake in CRF 16: Rules Erratum: Hazard effects in play that affect attacks have no effect on company vs. company combat. (This replaces the CRF entry, “Hazards have no effect on company vs. company combat.)
Site Phase – Automatic-attacks
@ Change «The only resources you may play against automatic-attacks are ones that cancel the attack, cancel a strike, or would be otherwise playable during the strike sequence.» to
«When facing an automatic-attack, you may play resources that directly affect the attack or would otherwise be playable during the strike sequence. The same applies for facing attacks created by cards with multiple actions»
Site Phase – Influence Attempts
@ Retrieved from CRF 15 because it was removed by mistake in CRF 16: Change «It is not possible to influence an item away from a Wizard or Ringwraith.» to «It is not possible to influence anything away from a Wizard or Ringwraith character.»
Site Phase – On-Guard Cards
@ Retrieved from CRF 15 because it was removed by mistake in CRF 16: Add «If the site an on-guard card is played upon leaves play before the site phase, the on-guard cards at that site return to their owner’s hand.»
@ When placing an on-guard card, if the hazard limit is reduced to the point where the on-guard card couldn’t be placed, the card is returned to the player’s hand. [ICE]
Rulings by Term
@ Copied from Ruling Monday’s CRF 15 section to Rulings by Term section: «Agents count as both characters and hazards during the game in a Ringwraith deck.»
Beginning of Phase/Turn
@ ABP: Actions that may be taken at (or are triggered by) the beginning of a given phase or turn only.
This period begins at the start of a phase/turn and ends when all players announce that they will not declare any ABP starting a chain of effects and when all triggered ABP are resolved.
The only actions that may be declared in response to ABP are other ABP and actions that target a dice-rolling action and actions that target declared events.
Triggered ABP are declared before ABP that may be taken by players.
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Unless otherwise in MEWH rulesbook («Special Orc & Troll Rules» section, p. 5), Orc and Troll characters in play by a Fallen-wizard player are subject to the rules for Orc and Troll characters in play by a minion player, and companies containing an Orc or Troll are subject to the rules for company composition for a minion player. [CoE IE 2012/Oct]
End of Phase/Turn
@ AEP: Actions that may be taken at (or are triggered by) the end of a given phase or turn only.
This period begins when all players announce that they will not declare any actions other than AEP starting a chain of effects and when all declared actions other than AEP are resolved.
This period ends when all players announce that they will not declare any actions and when all declared actions are resolved.
The only actions that may be declared in response to AEP are other AEP and actions that target a dice-rolling action and actions that target declared events.
Triggered AEP are declared before AEP that may be taken by players.
[CoE IE 2018]
End (at the end of…)
Removed entry: «When an action specifies it must be taken at the end of a phase no actions may be taken after it in that phase that do not also specify that they must be taken at the end of said phase. [CoE 2002]»
@ Copied from Complete Errata Listing CRF 16 to Rulings by Term section: Rules Erratum: White Hand Rules, Playing and Using Resource, Targeting Site and Resource Cards: change both instances of «resource card may not target/affect» to «resource event card may not target/affect.»
@ Copied from Complete Errata Listing CRF 16 to Rulings by Term section: Rules Erratum: Dragon Rules, Hoards – Change «Each site with a Dragon automatic-attack (i.e., each Dragon’s Lair) contains a hoard» to «Each site which had a Dragon automatic-attack at the beginning of the turn contains a hoard.»
Multi-player Games
@ Change this
«Only the moving player, and the hazard player drawing cards based on his movement, may take advantage of drawing cards, including cards drawn for events like The Nazgûl are Abroad and From the Pits of Angband. These two players are also the only one who may discard a card at the end of the turn.»
to This:
«Only the resource player, and the hazard player drawing cards based on his movement, may take advantage of drawing cards, including cards drawn for events like The Nazgûl are Abroad and From the Pits of Angband. These two players are also the only one who may discard a card in the End-of-turn phase.»
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Change «All players reset their hand size when any turn or movement/hazard phase ends.» to «All players reset their hand size in the End-of-turn phase or when any company’s movement/hazard phase ends.» [CoE IE 2018]
Removed from the Game & Removed from Play
@ Cards «removed from play» are placed in an out-of-play pile and are still considered for purposes of uniqueness. Cards «removed from the game» can be placed anywhere outside of the playing environment and no longer have any affect or interaction with the game. [CoE IE 2018]
@ Rules erratum:
Change this:
«If you are a Balrog player, your opponent may not play any of the following cards: The Balrog (Ally), The Black Council, Durin’s Bane, Balrog of Moria, Reluctant Final Parting. However, if at any time your opponent has one of these cards in his hand, he may remove it from play and bring one card from his sideboard into his play deck.»
to This:
«If you are a Balrog player, your opponent may not play any of the following cards: The Balrog (Ally), The Black Council, Durin’s Bane, Balrog of Moria, Reluctant Final Parting. However, if at any time your opponent has one of these cards in his hand, he may remove it from the game and bring one card from his sideboard into his play deck.» [CoE IE 2018]
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Rules erratum:
Change this:
If at any time an attack from a manifestation of a unique Dragon is defeated or if the manifestation is otherwise removed from game:
- All existing manifestations in play of the same Dragon are removed from game.
- No further manifestations of the same Dragon may be played.
- The Dragon’s lair no longer has an automatic-attack.
to This:
If at any time an attack from a manifestation of a unique Dragon is defeated or if the manifestation is otherwise removed from play:
- All existing manifestations in play of the same Dragon are removed from play.
- No further manifestations of the same Dragon may be played.
- The Dragon’s lair no longer has an automatic-attack.
[CoE IE 2018]
Card Errata and Rulings
A Chance Meeting
@ May be played on your turn during any phase the company is at a site. [CoE IE 2018]
@ May be used to bring in an additional character during a turn. [CoE IE 2018]
A Malady Without Healing
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Magic. Shadow‐magic. Playable during the site phase on a non‐Ringwraith, non‐Wizard character at the same site as a shadow‐magic‐using character you control. Target character must make a corruption check modified by ‐1 followed by a body check (modified by +1 if tapped). If target character is a hero and is eliminated by these checks, you receive his kill marshalling points. Unless the shadow-magic-user is a Ringwraith, he makes a corruption check modified by ‐5. May target an opponent’s character.»
[CoE IE 2018]
Akhôrahil the Ringwraith
@ Card Erratum: Change «As your Ringwraith, when he uses a magic card…» to «As your Ringwraith, when a magic card used by him has to be discarded…». [CoE IE 2018]
@ Removed entry: Does not get the bonus for Doors of Night when used in company vs. company combat. [CoE 2023]
Come at Need
@ Card Erratum: Change «Playable if you have an ally in your hand.» to «Playable if you have an ally able to be attacked in your hand.» [CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: Change «…playable on a detainment automatic-attack a minion company is facing. The attack becomes normal…» to «…playable on a detainment automatic-attack. Against a minion company the attack becomes normal…». [CoE IE 2018]
Fever of Unrest
@ Card Erratum: «… with three Wildernesses in her site path.» should be read «… with three Wildernesses in its site path.» [CoE IE 2018]
The Fortress of Isen
@ Card Erratum: «Cards that give marshalling points are not playable at the site by your opponent in all cases.» should be read «Cards that give marshalling points cannot be played at Isengard by your opponent in all cases.» [CoE IE 2018]
Fortress of the Towers
@ Card Erratum: «Cards that give marshalling points are not playable at the site by your opponent in all cases.» should be read «Cards that give marshalling points cannot be played at The White Towers by your opponent in all cases.» [CoE IE 2018]
Freeze the Flesh
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Magic. Shadow-magic. Playable on a character eliminated by a body check, that was eliminated this turn, if you have a shadow‐magic‐using character in play that was in the same company when the character was eliminated. Return the character to the shadow‐magic‐using character’s company and tap him. Target character has -2 mind to a minimum of 1, -1 prowess, and -2 body. The character’s company is now overt. Unless he is a Ringwraith, the shadow-magic-using character makes a corruption check modified by -4.»
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: «Each character wounded by this attack…» should be read «Each character wounded by Galadhrim…». [CoE IE 2018]
Great Bats
@ Card Erratum: «Cannot be duplicated on a given company.» should be read «Cannot be duplicated in a given company.» [CoE IE 2018]
Guarded Haven
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«May not be used as a starting stage card.Playable on one of your Wizardhavens other than Isengard, The White Towers, or Rhosgobel. The site is protected. Cards that give marshalling points may not be played at any version of the site by your opponent in all cases. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.»
[CoE IE 2018]
Healing Herbs
@ Card Erratum: «… the bearer can tap and discard this item to untap a character…» should be read «… the bearer can tap and discard this item to untap a character in his company…». [CoE IE 2018]
Hide in Dark Places
@ Card Erratum: Replace «… whose company is not moving.» to «… whose company has not declared a new site. The scout’s company may not declare a new site this turn.» [CoE IE 2018]
Hidden Ways
@ Card Erratum: Replace «… whose company is moving.» to «… whose company has declared a new site.» [CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: Replace «Redhorn Gap» with «Redhorn Gate». [CoE IE 2018]
Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent
@ Card Erratum: Add «It gives 2 item marshalling points.» [CoE IE 2018]
Old Cache
@ Card Erratum: Replace «Playable on a company…» to «Playable during the site phase on a company…». [CoE IE 2018]
Old Road
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Tap a character at a Haven during the site phase. The character makes an attempt to bring a faction into play (reveal the faction with the card). The length of the site path from this Haven to the site at which the faction can be played must be two or less (this must be verified by an available site card). The influence check for this attempt is modified by -1 and is not modified by the influencing character’s direct influence.»
[CoE IE 2018]
The One Ring
@ (Hero version) Card Erratum: Change «…to cancel a strike» to «…to cancel a strike against himself». [CoE IE 2018]
Open to the Summons
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Playable on a company. One agent character may be played with target company at a Darkhaven or in your starting company—place this card with the agent. -1 to his mind to a minimum of 1. This card may be played with a starting company in lieu of a minor item. When played as such, reveal it when starting companies are determined as if it were a character. Does not allow you to start with a character that says he cannot be in the starting company. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.»
[CoE IE 2018]
Paths of the Dead
@ Card Erratum: Replace «Playable only at the end of the organization phase.» to «Playable only at the end of the organization phase on a company containing Aragorn II at Dunharrow.» [CoE IE 2018]
Ready to his Will
@ Note that effects of cards like Rank Upon Rank are applied as actions caused by a passive condition, declared once an attack of the right type is faced. Therefore you can play and successfully resolve Ready to His Will in response to the declaration of Rank Upon Rank’s effect. [CoE IE 2018]
Returned Beyond All Hope
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
As a short-event bring one hazard creature of the following type from your discard pile to your hand: Maia, Elf, Dwarf, or Dúnedain.
Alternatively, as a short-event bring a Maia permanent-event from active play to your hand.
Alternatively, as a permanent-event make a roll (draw a #)-if the result is greater than 8, bring an eliminated Elf or Maia hazard creature to its owner’s discard pile and place this card in your opponent’s marshalling point pile, otherwise, discard this card.
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Sage only. Playable only during the site phase if a sage is untapped at an untapped site where «Information» is playable, and only if a character in his company has a Gold Ring. Tap the sage and the site. Test the Gold Ring, no roll (or draw) is used, the player may discard the Gold Ring and play any ring to replace it (except for The One Ring).»
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: Replace «… when Doors of Night leaves play.» with «… if Doors of Night is not in play.» [CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: Replace «Redhorn Gap» with «Redhorn Gate». [CoE IE 2018]
Spies Feared
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Scout or Ranger only. Playable on a Shadow-hold if one of your scouts is there or on a Ruins & Lairs if one of your rangers is there. An automatic-attack is created at all versions of the site against minion companies: Orcs—5 strikes with 8 prowess (detainment). Additionally, automatic-attacks at all versions of the site are duplicated (including the new one) against all companies. Discard when site is discarded or returned to your location deck.»
[CoE IE 2018]
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Unique. Manifestation of Aragorn II. You may bring Aragorn II into play with Striderʹs company, removing Strider from the game and automatically transferring all cards on Strider to Aragorn II. +3 direct influence against the Rangers of the North faction. Tap Strider to search your discard pile for any one item, ally, or faction playable at his current site. You may bring it to your hand. The site must be in Arthedain, Cardolan, Rhudaur, or The Shire.»
[CoE IE 2018]
Token of Goodwill
@ Card Erratum: «… and make a roll…» should be read «… to make a roll…». [CoE IE 2018]
The Under-leas (hero version)
@ Card Erratum: : «Gundabad» should be read «Mount Gundabad». [CoE IE 2018]
We Have Come to Kill
@ May be played on your turn during any phase the company is at a site. [CoE IE 2018]
@ May be used to bring in a Ringwraith follower. [CoE IE 2018]
The White Tree
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Unique. Sage only at Minas Tirith. Playable only if you discard a Sapling of The White Tree borne by one of your characters at Minas Tirith, or one from your Marshalling Points pile stored at Minas Tirith. Minas Tirith becomes a Haven for the purposes of healing and playing hazards.»
[CoE IE 2018]
Will of Sauron
@ Card Erratum: Replace «… when Doors of Night leaves play…» with «… if Doors of Night is not in play…» [CoE IE 2018]
The Windlord Found Me
@ Copied from Ruling Monday’s CRF 15 section to Card Errata section: «You must tap a character after facing the attack or The Windlord Found Me is discarded.»
Tournament Rulings
The Character Draft
@ Change this:
«Characters left over from the character pool may be placed either in the play deck, or out of play, but may not be placed in the sideboard.»
to This:
«Characters left over from the character pool may be placed either in the play deck, or removed from the game, but may not be placed in the sideboard.»
[CoE IE 2012/Oct]